Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 606 Queen Xiaoqing

"I can't kill them all!"

"Ouch!" The lion roared and rushed out of the sea of ​​corpses, followed by three embarrassed figures.

"What are the origins of these monsters!"

The Dapeng spirits were frightened for a while. Thousands of zombie attacks could not break their protective power, but only a few of tens of thousands could tear off the corners of their clothes.

A few hundred thousand can leave a small wound on their body, a few million can tear their flesh... tens of millions can kill them, quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes.

The heavenly soldiers and generals who were killing all around had two thousand dead and wounded, and the fifty golden-armored generals on the hill in the distance had not moved. If they took the opportunity to take action, the consequences would be disastrous!

To the three demons' relief, the fifty golden-armored generals didn't seem to care about them.

"Go! Go!"

Dapeng Jing whispered: "Their target should be the heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals."

"When we hurriedly found Tianxiu, we might still be able to leave!"

The lion spirit and the elephant spirit nodded quickly when they heard the words. In the situation in front of them, they could only save their lives, and they could only save their lives. The sea of ​​tens of millions of corpses had frightened them out of their wits.

Not long after the three demons left, Qing'er spread her wings and came back.


She opened her mouth and shouted loudly, the sound was so loud that the wind hammers fell like rain, hitting thousands of surging zombies, and instantly cleared an open space.

"It's the Grand Marshal of Divine Power!"

One day soldier saw Qing'er above his head and said in surprise, "Everyone, hold on, we are saved!"


Qing'er drank again, and the five or six hundred zombies closest to him were directly turned into flesh and blood by the violent waves.

The heavenly soldiers and generals who stood back to back against the outer wall finally revealed their figures.

"All the heavenly soldiers and generals obey the order!"


"The corpse demon has been eliminated. Return to heaven with me!"

"As you command!"

Hearing that he could run and no need to fight to the death, the heavenly soldiers and generals smiled broadly, their morale soared, and they actually killed 40,000 to 50,000 zombies in an instant!

Suddenly a black crack opened in the sky, Qing'er dived in, and the heavenly soldiers and generals also rushed in without hesitation.

"Hattori, are you afraid of death? Why don't you chase me?"

The flying zombies stayed in the air, motionless.

Hattori Qianjun has great power, and when He Cheng is away, he is the most powerful.

"fear death?"

Hattori Qianjun looked at the seams above his head and then asked:

"Do you think the Supreme Being is powerless to kill that female fairy?"

"That female fairy supreme can be easily captured and killed!"

"If that's the case, why was she able to leave intact, and why did you forget?"

Hattori Qianjun pointed at the sky where there was only a black line left in the end, "The Heavenly Gate can only be opened by the Supreme Being. If the Supreme Being doesn't agree, who can leave?"

"It turns out this is the Supreme's plan!"

"No wonder, I just saw that the head held by the female marshal looked very much like the Supreme. It must be a part of the Supreme's plan."

"Let's go, let's meet our new companions first"

Hattori's thousands of troops flew in the air, and millions of zombies receded like an ebbing tide, revealing the figures of more than two thousand heavenly soldiers and generals lying among the piles of corpses.

Each of the heavenly soldiers and generals was chewed to a bloody pulp. The earthly immortal's body was as hard as gold steel, and his frozen teeth might not be able to bite, so each of them looked bloody and bloody, but they were not bitten to bits.

A ray of red light struck and stopped above the heads of the crowd.


"Well, that's all?"

He Cheng looked at the corpses of heavenly soldiers and generals lying on the ground. The zombies bred from the corpses of earthly immortals would at least be flying zombies at first, and they might also become immortal bones.

Evolving Drought Demons is difficult. After all, cross-species evolution is not a matter of strength. It is very possible that some flying zombies are close to the top level of immortals, but they will only be flying zombies for the rest of their lives.

"It's a pity that there are not so many people in the world to feed them blood."


He Cheng looked up to the sky and roared, and his body quickly grew in size, soaring to more than 160 feet. He looked a bit like the Invincible Orangutan King, with red hair like scalding flames.

There is a bloody eye between the eyebrows, turning restlessly in the eye socket.

It has six ears at the same time, and its right arm is covered with dragon scales. The roaring sounds of six dragons can be vaguely heard.

The left arm is slightly out of alignment with the body.

Wow! !

The body like a hill suddenly burst into a continuous rain of blood, like the sky pouring a flood, and the heavenly soldiers and generals were drenched in the rain of blood. The immortal corpse that had expired slowly opened its eyes again.




He Cheng shook his body and returned to his human form. He said to the crowd, "Teach them the truth and how to be obedient. Those who don't obey will be eaten directly."

"I still have something to do"


The golden-armored flying zombies looked at the more than two thousand flying zombies who were about to wake up, as if they were seeing more than two thousand naked girls.

Buzz! !

A thin crack opened in the sky, and He Cheng jumped in and disappeared without a trace.

Heavenly Court, Lingxiao Palace,

"Wei Zheng, although you are a human being, you are still a minister, and the human emperor is the one you should assist."

"Reporting to the Jade Emperor, I have something to ask."

"But your red-robed Imperial Master of the Tang Dynasty?"


Wei Zheng nodded vigorously, looking at the ground, not daring to look around, and not daring to raise his head to face the Jade Emperor: "Although the Imperial Master destroyed the Invincible Orangutan King and kept the country safe, I always felt that he was too dangerous, so I wanted to Go to Tianmen and ask about his origins."

"I have sent the Grand Marshal of Mystical Powers to capture him. When he comes, you can ask him yourself."

"Ah?" Wei Zheng didn't expect that the Jade Emperor turned out to be a resolute master.

Just as he was talking, Bai Min'er, who had just arrived in heaven and had not yet changed her clothes, was dressed in plain clothes and had already experienced two battles.

She walked up and held a human head in both hands: "Reporting to the Jade Emperor, the evil demon has been killed. Of the 10,000 heavenly soldiers and generals, 2,032 have died and 811 have been injured."

"Okay! General Shen Tong, Guozhen is worthy of being a General Shen Tong!"

The Jade Emperor stroked his beard and asked Wei Zheng with a smile: "Wei Zheng, do you have anything else to ask?"

"Heaven's magical powers are vast, I'm worrying too much... Farewell!"

Wei Zheng opened his eyes and woke up on a garden chair at his home.

He raised his sleeves and wiped away the sweat on his forehead: "Who said that Heavenly Court is just empty skin, strong on the outside but dry on the inside? In my opinion, it is even stronger than it was all those years ago."

He Cheng returns to Journey to the West again,

Like a bird flying low across the sky, heading west.

Relying on his memory, he arrived at the territory of Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom before dark.

"Sure enough, the Ten Thousand Monsters Kingdom is not as good as it was five hundred years ago."

He Cheng remembered that the Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom when the Ten Thousand Years Python Spirit was in power was not very powerful, but at least it was much stronger than the current Ten Thousand Miles Demon Kingdom.

"Where did you come from, you bastard, how dare you insult my country of demons!"

Someone yelled angrily from behind He Cheng.

He turned around and saw a 28-year-old woman wearing white clothes with a beautiful face.

"You're quite good-looking. If you hadn't said such arrogant words, I could have spared your life and taken you in as my face!" the woman said with regret.

He Cheng's eyebrows suddenly cracked, and his eyes swept up and down.

"It turns out to be a white-bone spirit"

He looked at the White Bone Demon and asked, "With your frame and the width of your pelvis, you must be a man!"

"The skeleton is directly put on a woman's skin. This is the cross-dressing boss." He Cheng smacked his lips. The cross-dressing boss revealed his original shape after taking off his clothes. The person in front of him probably wouldn't be able to feel it even if they slept together.


The Bone Demon snorted coldly, and with one move with both hands, two more long swords came out and stabbed He Cheng straight in the face.

Zheng! !

A golden light flashed between his brows and his heavenly eyes.

When the White Bone Demon rushed in front of He Cheng and wanted to stab him, he found that the sword had been turned into powder by the golden light at the hilt!

He Cheng raised his hand to stop the Bone Demon's shoulder, but his gentle arm was so heavy that the Bone Demon could not move.

"Take me to see your Queen of Demons."


Waves of demonic energy flickered, surrounding him.

There are spider spirits, white-bone spirits, dream monsters, snow monsters, and all kinds of monsters, but they are all low-level little monsters. Generally speaking, they are immortals, and the higher ones can be gods.

Although there were forty or fifty in number, they did not attract any attention.

There were two acquaintances standing in front of He Chengzheng.

The green snake with the face of Maggie Cheung and the elf with the look of Yang Christine.

"Queen of Ten Thousand Demons, Snake Demon..."

Yan Hong has followed He Cheng for the longest time, like a personal maid, but she doesn't understand He Cheng and just obeys. The demon in her heart is the opposite of Yan Hong. Qinghu respects and fears him, and E Yao worships him. If we call him a confidant, He Cheng I think there are only green snakes.

He Cheng pushed the white-bone demon away and grinned happily, "So it's you, Xiaoqing."

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