Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 602 Moving reinforcements

"It turned out to be him!" Sun Wukong gritted his teeth and slammed the golden cudgel in his palm against his feet.


The mountain shook and the cliffs cracked.

"Elder brother, don't get too excited!" Zhu Bajie was frightened.

"He was the one who trapped us in a dream for three months. He also killed Erlang Shen, destroyed King Li Tian's pagoda, and ate fifty Arhats. It is said that he also set fire to the purple bamboo forest. I thought he was wiped out by the Buddha's palm. I didn’t expect that he would change his appearance and claim to be a Taoist priest from Mount Zhongnan!”

Although Sun Wukong didn't want to see Erlang Shen, he heard that Erlang Shen was torn in half by his hands. When he died in battle, he couldn't help but feel a little bit sad. There is not much difference in ability between him and Erlang Shen, and Erlang Shen died fighting, so he didn't live up to the name of the heavenly war god. .

"Elder brother, what should we do? It seems that the three of us can't defeat him." Sha Monk asked anxiously.

"Moving reinforcements from heaven?" Zhu Bajie suggested.

"It's useless! Erlang Shen is the only one in Heaven who has some ability. It is said that He Cheng died in three moves. If the red-robed master of Zhongnan Mountain you mentioned is really He Cheng, no one in Heaven should be able to deal with him, and he dared to burn the purple bamboo forest. It is obvious that Guanshiyin Bodhisattva is not taken seriously."

Sun Wukong shook his head, put away the golden cudgel and sat down, "However, that female immortal official is quite capable."

Recalling the battle just now, Sun Wukong also admitted that the opponent's magical power was not weaker than his own, but his magic power and realm were still far behind.

"It is estimated that only Buddha can deal with him in the world today."

"Then let's go to the West to invite the Buddha!" ​​Sha Monk didn't change his mind and just followed what others said.

"Yes! Find the Buddha!" ​​Sun Wukong jumped up excitedly, scratching his head and head. "Back then, He Cheng was beaten by the Buddha and fled. I believe that if we attack him again, we will definitely be able to deal with him! Counting all the evil things he has done, at least he should be imprisoned for a while. Thousands of years!"

In five hundred years, Sun Wukong's edges have been worn away. If he were imprisoned for ten thousand years, he would probably never become a sage.

"Have you ever thought that this might be one of our ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties?" Zhu Bajie turned his head and suddenly said: "If it were one of the difficulties, Buddha would definitely not help."

"Old Zhu, you finally said something useful!" Sun Wukong patted Zhu Bajie on the shoulder, "So, it's quite possible."

"That goes without saying!" Zhu Bajie said proudly, raising his orchid fingers and gently licking his bangs.

"Senior Brother! Second Senior Brother! You are still happy. If he is really one of the eighty-one difficulties, wouldn't the master be in danger now?"

"Oops! Lao Sha, you are right! Let's go back and take care of the master first!"

With Sun Wukong taking them, the three of them flew very fast in the sky, and returned to the cave where Tang Sanzang was in the blink of an eye.

Seeing that Tang Sanzang was still sitting in the demon-subduing circle drawn by the golden hoop, the three of them breathed a sigh of relief.

"Wukong, Bajie, Wujing, you are back!"

Tang Monk heard the noise and opened his eyes, "How is the six-eared macaque?"


The three brothers looked at each other, not knowing how to speak.

"The Tang Dynasty has been rescued," Sun Wukong said.

"That's good! Amitabha, Buddha bless you!" Tang Monk bowed to the west.

"That's good, but Buddha didn't bless him..." Zhu Bajie muttered softly.

"Why, you three don't look right, but do you have any other questions?"

"Master, the six-eared macaque was swallowed by someone. That person is probably He Cheng, and he is now appointed as the national teacher by the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty!"

"He Cheng, is that General Drought and Plague?"


When Tang Sanzang heard this, his body swayed and his ankles became weak and he almost fell to the ground.

Sun Wukong quickly helped.

The demons that could only be dealt with by the Buddha, if he became the national preceptor of the Tang Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty would not be far from being destroyed!

"Wukong, Bajie, and Wujing, when you return to the Tang Dynasty again, you must stop him from harming the emperor!" Tang Monk said urgently.

"Master, I'm afraid it's difficult." Sun Wukong frowned.

Zhu Bajie knew that Sun Wukong was good at saving face, so he directly told the truth: "Master, although the three of us brothers were famous in the Three Realms back then, our combined strength was not enough to defeat He Cheng alone. Moreover, He Cheng also missed his old friendship and let go in the Tang Dynasty. I guess his target is just the six-eared macaque, not the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty."

"The six-eared macaque, he is just a little monkey. When he gets bigger, he will turn into a big monkey at most. What's so good about it?" Sha Monk scratched his bald head and couldn't figure it out.

"You don't understand this!"

Zhu Bajie's mind was spinning, and he couldn't figure out the reason, but it didn't stop him from making up random things. In short, it would be better if he didn't return to the Tang Dynasty and die.

"The six-eared macaque was born from the five-colored stone that patched the sky with Empress Nuwa. It is one of the most precious treasures in heaven and earth! Back then, He Cheng also ate up all the elixirs in Tushita Palace in heaven, but ignored the heavenly soldiers and generals. I guess he I just like to eat some genius treasures and the like.”

"Then, isn't the senior brother also born from colorful stones?"

Sha Seng was shocked, "What if he wants to eat Senior Brother?"

"This..." Zhu Bajie scratched his cheek. What he just said was all nonsense.

But at this moment, it seems to be a little smoother, maybe He Cheng really wants to eat Sun Wukong.

"Want to eat my grandson?"

Sun Wukong plucked his ears, and the golden needle flew out, spinning in his palm and turning into a golden hoop.


It hit the ground, and in the cave, the earth and rocks fell.

It almost knocked down the other three people.

"If you don't come, it's okay. If you dare to come, Lao Sun will hit him to death with a stick!"

"Stop trying to be brave, Senior Brother, I think it would be better for you to hide in Xitianling Mountain." Zhu Bajie said.

"How will you learn the scriptures when I leave? Just rely on the two of you?" Sun Wukong asked.

"That's right. Lao Sha and I will definitely not be able to protect the master from going to the West to obtain Buddhist scriptures... Then why not, let's stop studying for Buddhist scriptures, separate our families, and go our own way." Zhu Bajie suggested hesitantly, "In the past, all the monsters had to The master is eating, and the senior brother is protecting him. Now let’s get one that even the senior brother can eat. We are just the vegetables in his bowl, there is no way to survive..."

"Say depressing words all day long, I'm looking for a beating!"

Sun Wukong picked up the golden cudgel and was about to hit him. Zhu Bajie retorted, "What I said is right" and hid behind Tang Monk.

"Master, look, senior brother hits me again!"

Tang Monk raised his hand and stopped Sun Wukong.

"Wukong, you are also in danger. There will definitely be danger if you continue to go west. Why don't you go to Heaven to find some helpers, and then go to Lingshan to find some helpers?"

"Master! That demon is so powerful that it cannot be defeated without the help of Buddha. I dare not say that I can completely defeat the three-eyed monster within a hundred moves. He only used three moves to kill the three-eyed monster. Come from Heaven and Lingshan No matter how many people there are, they will die!"

"Buddha is sitting in Lingshan. How can he just leave? What's more, if that person hadn't been He Cheng, wouldn't he have made a big mistake?"

"Yes, we have to go through hardships when we learn Western scriptures. If we go to Buddha whenever something happens, Buddha will be unhappy." Sha Monk concluded, they are Buddhist scriptures, and they have to go through hardships, so how can they have a smooth journey?

The four masters and disciples reached a deadlock.

"That's right! I can go to the sky to find the female immortal official. I competed with He Cheng back then, and I was one step ahead of him. If the female immortal official helps me, I can definitely capture him!"

Sun Wukong thought of the female immortal official who had been fighting with him for a long time and was also familiar with the seventy-two transformations.

"Old Zhu, Lao Sha, you guys protect the master, I'll go by myself!"

Zhu Bajie naturally wished he didn't have to die. He held his hands in front of him and shouted through a loudspeaker: "Senior brother, be careful. Don't worry, master, leave it to me~"

Sun Wukong jumped into the clouds and went to heaven to fetch reinforcements.

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