Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 600 Bai Miner fights Sun Wukong

With the recommendation of Patriarch Bodhi, one's character and ability should be guaranteed at the most basic level.

It's just that there are too many gods who have problems under the Jade Emperor, including Sun Wukong, He Cheng, Marshal Tianpeng, General Rolling Shutter, etc. There are a lot of big and small problems, so he still dare not give the important task to a newcomer who has just ascended the Lingxiao Palace. The little fairy.

In the end, he was only given the title of a general with no real power. This scene is very similar to Sun Wukong's Monkey King and He Cheng's General Drought and Plague.

"Thank you Jade Emperor"

Bai Min'er's expression was still cold, but like the cool moon in the sky, neither happy nor sad.


Suddenly, a heavenly soldier rushed to the hall, buried his knees in the red carpet of Lingxiao Hall, and announced the bombshell news: "Jade Emperor! The four masters and disciples of Tang Monk suddenly gave up their journey to the west to obtain scriptures and have returned to the east!"


The swarm of flies immediately turned into a hornet's nest, and the Lingxiao Palace was buzzing and noisy.

All the immortals know how important it is to obtain the Western Scriptures. When Heaven was still severely weakened by He Cheng's attack, the acquisition of the Western Scriptures was just a friendly exchange between Heaven and Lingshan.

Nowadays, Heavenly Court is seriously injured, and taking the Western Scripture has become Heavenly Court's show of goodwill to Lingshan, asking Lingshan Big Brother not to do anything, and everyone can make money by being harmonious.

Not only He Cheng didn't believe those monks who spent all day chanting sutras and praising the afterlife, but even the Jade Emperor didn't believe their faces.

The Six Paths of Reincarnation is consistent with the afterlife theory of Lingshan. The one-third acre of Lingshan in the underworld has been admired for a long time. If the acquisition of the Western Sutra cannot be carried out normally, it is estimated that the underworld will have to be completely renamed "Amitabha", and it is impossible to say half of the gods in heaven. , all have to be extradited by the monks to chant sutras.

Naturally, there can be no mistakes in learning from the scriptures.

The Jade Emperor was furious and slapped the jade case with his hand. The pen and ink on the table shook, and the noisy Lingxiao Palace was silenced.

"The great cause of learning the scriptures concerns the East and the West, how dare they slack off!"

"This..." Tianbing thought, how do I know.

"Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, and Sha Wujing have left Tang Sanzang behind and headed east..." Tianbing could only say what he knew, and then kept silent.

"Report to the Jade Emperor!" The meritorious officer on duty came out.

It was his job to travel around three mountains and five mountains during the day, and to observe all events. On weekdays, he was responsible for secretly protecting Tang Seng. Apart from the mortal Kitchen King, he knew the reason best.

"It is said that the holy monk had a dream, in which a giant monkey destroyed the Tang Dynasty and trampled Li Shimin to death. He was also trampled to death. He gave up his great cause of seeking scriptures due to worry and headed east to stop him."

"Absurd! Their mission is to go west to obtain Buddhist scriptures and then return to the east. This is simply going against the will of heaven!"

"All the immortals listened to the order and immediately went to stop the three of them from traveling eastward!"

Immortals, you look at me and I look at you. I know that this is hard work. If you do it well, there will be no reward. If you do it poorly, you will be punished.

The leader of the Eight Immortals, Lu Dongbin, stepped forward: "The Seven Immortals are willing to stop Sha Wujing."

The four heavenly kings immediately reacted: "Brothers Xiaoxian are willing to stop Zhu Bajie"

The two groups of people acted quickly, and the other gods secretly thought that they were unlucky. Why didn't they stand up quickly? If they wanted to stop Sun Wukong, wouldn't they be seeking death?

The Lingxiao Palace fell into a rare silence in a hundred years.

Bai Miner took the initiative to stand up and said: "Xiaoxian is willing to stop Sun Wukong!"

"Oh?" The Jade Emperor's eyes lit up, "Yes, you have also practiced the seventy-two transformations, and you are born with extraordinary powers. You should not be weaker than Sun Wukong!"

The Jade Emperor immediately agreed, "Okay! The Eight Immortals will lead four thousand heavenly soldiers and generals to stop Sha Wujing from traveling eastward! The four heavenly kings will lead ten thousand heavenly soldiers and generals to stop Zhu Bajie."

"There is also the supernatural general Bai Min'er, leading 30,000 heavenly soldiers and generals to stop Sun Wukong. The giant spirit god and the third prince Nezha will help from the side!"

"Yes!" The immortals accepted the order and left in a mighty manner.

Julingshen and Nezha followed Bai Min'er and saw that her hands were empty. They couldn't help but wonder: "What kind of weapons does General Bai know how to use?"

"It's a sword I've used for some time, but the blade is too light. Now I'll use my bare hands."

"Sun Wukong has the Ruyi Golden Cudgel in his hand, which is very powerful. General Bai will probably suffer a loss with his bare hands."

“Out of the way”

Seeing her cold expression, the Giant Spirit God shook his head and stopped talking.

No matter how impatient Sun Wukong is, he can't kill him, which can be used to dampen Bai Min'er's spirit.

The troops were divided into three groups, and Bai Min'er and his party arrived at Nantianmen.

Nezha jumped up and stepped on the hot wheel. All the heavenly soldiers and generals cast spells and flew up into the clouds and mist.

When he arrived at Bai Min'er, he saw her shoulders trembling, and a pair of snow-white wings stretched out from her back. The wings were folded in to cover her body.


Just like a swan spreading its wings and stirring up the gust of wind, the feathers of its wings are soft, and when looking at the beauty, it feels even more stunning and charming.

"Sun Wukong is three hundred miles away, everyone, please act quickly." Bai Min'er said, spreading his wings, one wing at a time, and turned into a black shadow, gradually disappearing from the sight of the immortals.

"What a flying man, with clairvoyance and ears for the wind!" Nezha's fighting spirit had cooled down because of his fierce fighting power, but now it was ignited by Bai Min'er.

"I must find time to show off with you!" The Hot Wheels rubbed Nezha's soles and whirled wildly.

Hearing a "swish" sound, Nezha disappeared.

"What kind of general can you do alone?" The giant spirit god shook his head and yelled with his giant axe, "Commanders, listen to the order and chase!"

The war drums were beating, and the clouds here began to move slowly.

Sun Wukong is separated from his two junior brothers.

He flies fast, Zhu Bajie once controlled the Tianhe River and traveled by water, Sha Monk flew the clouds slowly, but he endured hardships and walked by land.

"The troops are divided into three groups. Even if Heaven wants to stop us, it must disperse its forces. Three Eyes is dead. There is no character in Heaven that I am afraid of!"

With a somersault, Yunxiashanhai quickly pulled back and flew tens of thousands of miles away.

After nearly ten years of tutorials, he returned to the starting point in a single step.


Suddenly a white shadow rushed towards him. Sun Wukong raised his hand to resist and was hit by a punch. He never thought that this punch seemed soft and fluttering, but it had the power to collapse a mountain. It hit Sun Wukong's cheek, not only stopping him. The somersault cloud also sent him flying more than a mile away!


Sun Wukong stepped firmly on the clouds and looked at the person coming.


"Sun Wukong, by the order of the Jade Emperor, I ask you to go west to obtain Buddhist scriptures, not east!"

"When did a person like you appear in heaven?" Sun Wukong was surprised. Seeing that she was a woman, the guard he just raised in his heart dissipated: "I have something urgent, please get out of the way quickly, or I will hit the woman too!"

Bai Min'er looked at Sun Wukong quietly, with no intention of giving in.

"Okay! Give me a stick!" Sun Wukong took out his ear, pulled out the golden cudgel, and hit him on the head.

He was so anxious that he just wanted to hit the gods blocking his way with a stick and quickly return to the east to stop the six-eared macaques from harming people.

Bai Min'er's whole body shimmered with copper light, and her slender palms were raised upward to meet the golden cudgel.


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