Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 596: Gaining the Tao of Zhongnan Mountain

In the original plot,

The six-eared macaque has a very naughty nature, just like Sun Wukong in his early years. He is lawless, but he has no ability and a temper that is difficult to tame.

But the six-eared macaque has a greater chance than Sun Wukong. He was taken in by Taishang Laojun and became his disciple. If he practices well, it will be easy to become a master in the heaven in twenty or thirty years. Unfortunately, the four monkeys in this world, except for the red horse The monkey "understands yin and yang, understands people, is good at going in and out, avoids death and prolongs life." Except for the early realization of Taoism and Buddhahood, the other three are bound to cause trouble if none of them is good.

Taishang Laojun made a miscalculation. Placing the monkey in the Tushita Palace was like throwing the tiger into the sheepfold.

Later, the young six-eared macaque caused trouble and was taken to the Lingxiao Palace for interrogation. When the Jade Emperor saw the disobedient six-eared macaque, he naturally dealt with it, but he did not expect that the six-eared macaque would dare to eavesdrop on what the Jade Emperor was thinking. Think about it and offend the Jade Emperor.

He was directly deprived of his limited mana and was knocked down to the mortal world.

After the six-eared macaque came to earth, he lost his memory and lived with the monkey group. He was originally happy until the monkey group met Sun Wukong.

The monkeys heard the story of the Monkey King Sun Wukong every day. The six-eared macaques worshiped Sun Wukong and begged Sun Wukong to learn his skills. Finally, Sun Wukong sent him to Sanxingguan Bodhi Patriarch to continue his cultivation.

Not many days later, the Tianting Sect issued an order to let Patriarch Bodhi serve as the Dragon King of Jinghe. The entire school's little gods had no teachers and all went home obediently.

The six-eared macaque had nowhere to go. He followed the Xiaopeng girl who was also studying at Sanxingguan and returned to Gaochang Kingdom. He fell into the hands of the lion, the elephant, and the roc. The three demons had just suffered from Sun Wukong and came when they saw the monkey. He found that the six-eared macaque looked exactly like the young Sun Wukong, so he used a tonic elixir to induce the six-eared macaque, hoping that he would turn into an adult Sun Wukong.

But unexpectedly, the six-eared macaque was inspired by the properties of Nuwa's sacred stone, and became an invincible red-haired orangutan king. He was one foot taller by day and one foot taller by night, and there was no end. He even ran to the border of the Tang Dynasty, wreaking havoc. .

Tang Monk, who was traveling westward, dreamed that the six-eared macaque would turn into a gorilla and trample him to death, causing a massacre and a river of blood.

Sun Wukong didn't use the Xuanguang Mirror to draw circles and discovered that Tang Monk's dream had become a reality!

The four masters and disciples prepared to go back for rescue, but they were blocked by Erlang Shen. They had a great mission to obtain the scriptures. Once they traveled westward and did not obtain the scriptures, they could not turn back. Of course, if they wanted to turn back, the Heavenly Court would not want to.

But in this world, Erlang Shen has been killed by He Cheng, and it is difficult to find a second master in heaven who is comparable to Erlang Shen.

The waiter watched He Cheng thinking longingly, not daring to move, just like the fifty motionless wooden pillars, for fear of disturbing He Cheng.

"It's okay, you can go down first."

"Okay, sir!" The waiter in the store was overjoyed. He threw the rag on his shoulder, reached forward with his toes, followed with his heels, and trotted downstairs.

Soon the shopkeeper exclaimed from downstairs, "What, you quit?"

When people get unexpected wealth, they find it hard to stay contentedly.

If you can get that piece of gold ingot, the waiter in the shop can open a restaurant by himself, why bother to become a grandson for a few coins? People like to go to higher places.

He Cheng shook his head, swept away his long hair on the table, picked up the chopsticks, picked up the food and put it into his mouth.

"Supreme! I am willing to capture the invincible orangutan king for you!" Hattori Qianjun, who was the first to follow He Cheng, asked to go into battle.

Not just him, every flying zombie has a warlike heart, and when they heard about the Invincible Orangutan King, they were all eager to try.

They also wanted to see monsters that were one foot taller by day and ten feet taller by night.

"The Invincible Orangutan King, you can't defeat him."

He Cheng touched his face. The handsome and frail Lin Pingzhi was completely different from General Drought and Plague He Cheng. The most obvious thing about the demon mirror was that he was a Drought Demon, a different Drought Demon from General Drought Plague.

In the Tang Dynasty, in the Jinluan Hall,

Li Shimin sat on the dragon chair, frowning as he listened to the memorial below.

Within a few days, nearly a thousand people had died, and the two cities were destroyed.

"The Invincible Orangutan King hasn't been caught yet? You really want to piss me off!"

"My emperor, those four are gods descended from heaven. It should not be difficult to capture them..." Prime Minister Wei Zhengzheng said something that he did not believe. He had also heard about Zhu Bajie's abilities among his immortal friends. As a minister, at this time But he could only tell lies to comfort the emperor.

Suddenly, a loud roar was heard outside Jinluan Hall.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty! A group of flying golden-armored heavenly soldiers and generals have appeared in the sky!"


When Li Shimin heard this, he immediately rushed out of the Jinluan Palace and saw forty or fifty golden-armored generals in the sky, with a handsome young man in red robes standing at the head.

"I have attained Taoism in Zhongnan Mountain. I heard that the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty is in trouble, so I came here to help... I don't ask for an official position, just to understand and save the world!"

The person who came was none other than He Cheng. He was in a stalemate with his fifty strongest golden armored men. The three demons of tiger, deer and sheep who had gained access to Zhongnan Mountain were dead at this time without evidence.

"I am naturally happy to have help from the Immortal Family, but... I have sent several other experts to surrender the Invincible Orangutan King..." Li Shimin was embarrassed.

"Them? Your Majesty is talking about the Three Demons of the Lion, Camel and Zhu Bajie. They are all idiots and cannot defeat that evil beast. If Emperor Tang agrees, I can capture the evil beast tonight!"

"Okay, as long as the Xian family can really capture the invincible orangutan king, I am willing to appoint the Xian family as the national master, and all the gods and generals behind me will have positions!"

"Your Majesty's words are serious..., but I still need a name to start a military training..."

"Now I will appoint the Immortal Family as the Demon-Capturing Grand Marshal, and all of you behind me will be generals. You can go to the Tang Dynasty to take charge of the troops! There are also military talismans here!" It's not that Li Shimin easily trusts people, but the oppressive Taipei of He Cheng and others. powerful.

Moreover, there was Wei Zheng beside him who came up with an idea. The skills of the person coming were definitely better than those of Zhu Bajie and the other four, but his character could not be guaranteed.

Li Shimin is in urgent need of an expert and doesn't care about character at all.

He Cheng looked at the top of the palace. The giant dragon with its imperial energy squeaked back into the palace with a cry. Then it landed on the ground and raised both hands: "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

On the border of the Tang Dynasty, Zhu Bajie, the demon-slayer general, was walking back and forth near the camp.

The three brothers split up and Zhu Bajie took the sea route, thinking that Sun Wukong would fight him thousands of miles away. When he arrived, he could just follow Sun Wukong and receive the reward.

Who would have thought that he would be the first to arrive, rushing to put the products on the shelves.

Moreover, the three demons of the lion and camel came with him. In order not to lose face, Zhu Bajie must of course take the lead and block all power.

The result was that he had splitting headaches every day, and his teeth ached and he got angry while listening to the disability information reported by the soldiers below.

Tap tap tap, footsteps running quickly.

"Marshal Demon Slayer, why don't you search for the whereabouts of the Invincible Orangutan King? Do you know that hundreds of people will die every day you delay?" The person who scolded Zhu Bajie was a delicate woman.

"Princess Wencheng, this Marshal naturally has a sense of discretion, so please don't worry."

"You stupid pig, are you afraid to go?" The three lion and camel demons followed and immediately mocked.

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