Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 591 Create Ten Thousand Eastern Invincibles

The Fujian branch of the Sun Moon God Sect is now one of the zombie army’s bases.

It was usually heavily guarded and the patrolling congregants disappeared.

There were only coffins one after another, densely packed with tens of thousands of them, covering the entire mountain that was easy to defend but difficult to attack.

The sun hangs high above your head, but when you walk among the coffins, your back will be soaked with cold sweat in an instant, and the soles of your feet will feel cold.

If you are a timid person here, it is normal for your legs to become weak from fear and your pants to turn yellow.


Two sneaky figures jumped down from the tree, two women with graceful figures.

"Altar Master, if he finds out about this, I'm afraid we won't be able to survive."

"Lan Phoenix, he is no longer a human being. Do you still think about him?"

"That's not the case... Altar Master, what are you going to do?"

"Did you forget that he has a treasure on him?"

"Ah! You mean the Sunflower Book?"

"Shh! Keep your voice down! These monsters like to sleep during the day, so don't wake them up."

"I understand, but it seems that Lin Pingzhi has always carried the Sunflower Book with him. Isn't it too risky for us to steal it without permission?"

"If you don't take risks, do you want to see everyone in the world become like this?"

"No, I don't want to!"

The two were Ren Yingying and Lan Fenghuang who followed He Cheng after the surrender.

They had been planning for a long time, and after roughly grasping the routine of the zombie swarm, they were finally ready to take action.

Lowering her body and standing on tiptoes, fearing to disturb the sleeping zombie in the coffin, Ren Yingying finally touched the main hall where He Cheng was.

This was once the meeting hall of the Undefeated East, and now there was a person lying on the bed, sleeping soundly.


The door opened quietly with an inconspicuous sound.

Although Ren Yingying's martial arts skills are not too high, she is not bad at flying over eaves and walking over walls. She moves around, hangs upside down, hooks the instep of her feet on the beam, and hangs over the head of the sleeping person on the bed.

He is very handsome and delicate, with a domineering attitude that dominates the world, and he also has the ability to dominate the world with a wave of his hand. No matter in which era, an outstanding man can attract enough women to love and follow him.

Ren Yingying looked at it for a long time and finally gave up on the silver hairpin she had prepared.

It's not that I can't bear it, but the poisoned silver hairpin may not be able to penetrate his body.

"Altar Master, why are you in a daze? If you don't hurry up, he will wake up!"

Lan Fenghuang urged anxiously at the door.

Ren Yingying came back to her senses and groped around He Cheng's body for a while. The Sunflower Book was placed on her waist, which was easy to find.

"got it!"

Teng Teng Teng! ! !

Ren Yingying turned over and jumped out of the meeting hall.


The door is closed.

"Quick, take a look, Altar Master!" Lan Fenghuang urged excitedly.


Ren Yingying opened the secret book.

"Sunflower Manual, if you want to practice this skill, you must first go to the palace..."

The two looked at each other, the amount of information in this martial arts secret was a bit large.

The sun had just set in Xishan, and the coffin lid was lifted.

Zombies stood up straight from the coffin.

The mountain seemed to be full of zombie flowers, and it was completely dark.


A black shadow flew in the sky and landed in front of the meeting hall like an iron pillar.

He Chenggang stretched and sat up, "It's Hattori..."

"How about it?"

"All sects in the world have been successfully wiped out. A total of 1,546 jumping zombies have appeared after transformation. Except for a few who are martial arts masters from various sects, most of them evolved themselves."

"What else?" He Cheng asked nonchalantly.

"I heard that the imperial court has sent a hundred thousand elite soldiers to prepare to annihilate us in one fell swoop."

"One hundred thousand? Ha, this is looking down on me too much."

Although He Cheng was just napping and sleeping in the Sun and Moon God Sect during this period, his zombie forces were getting stronger and stronger. He fought with a thousand people, and after victory, another thousand people would be added.

When there are 100,000 people, add another 100,000 people.

Nowadays, most of the southeastern coastal areas of the Ming Dynasty have been swept away by the zombie army. The number of zombies has reached nearly one million, and white zombies and black zombies account for the majority. The number of purple zombies is no less than 30,000. With such a large number of troops directed at the capital, it is also Can easily change dynasties.

The Ming Dynasty is said to have 600,000 powerful soldiers. Regardless of whether there are false reports from below and defrauding people of their money, they are vulnerable to millions of zombies.

One hundred thousand elite soldiers are not even worth mentioning.

He Cheng's thoughts were not focused on Daming at all. According to his plan, Feizheng should be the basic combat unit.

Millions of zombies, but not one flying zombie was born. The efficiency was too low.

In his mind, millions of zombies are not worth as much as one flying zombie. Only when you reach the flying zombie level can you not be afraid of the sun, fly into the sky and escape from the earth, and you can be called a god.

"Hattori, where are Ren Yingying and the others?"

"There is no scent of them in the mountains."

"That's right. I didn't waste the Sunflower Book I gave them. I hope they can cultivate ten thousand Dongfang Bubai for me..."

"Let's accept all the 100,000 elite soldiers sent by the Ming Dynasty. By the way..." He Cheng ordered: "Find all those jumping zombies."


Hattori's army left.

Ren Yingying and Lan Fenghuang stole the Sunflower Book and escaped from the Sun Moon God Sect. They were terrified, fearing that He Cheng would send someone to chase them.

The two of them would feel panic whenever they thought about jumping like flying.

"Altar Master, what should we do now? It's getting dark soon?" Lan Fenghuang looked at the sun setting over the western mountains, feeling his numb legs and losing the strength to run.

"Keep running."

"What's the use of running? We don't have that thing under our crotches, and we can't practice the Sunflower Book. Besides, even if we practice, we can't defeat those monsters!"

"Who said we can't beat him?" Ren Yingying looked at the Sunflower Book in her hand with burning eyes. "We don't practice, but people in the world can practice. My father almost killed Hattori Qianjun, who was Lin Pingzhi's number one general. .

My father also said personally that Dongfang Bubai's martial arts skills were much better than his.

Dongfang Bubai's power increased dramatically after practicing the Sunflower Manual. If he had been Dongfang Bubai that night, he would have killed Hattori's entire army!

If there were a hundred... no, if there were ten thousand Dongfang Bubai in the world, these monsters would definitely be wiped out! "

"Altar Master, you are right! Let's keep running!"

Lan Fenghuang also gained confidence, "There is one thing we need to discuss beforehand. Please don't let handsome men practice, okay?"

That night, Ren Yingying and Lan Fenghuang, who were terrified, ran and broke their legs, but found that there were no pursuers.

For four consecutive days, the two of them fled day and night, but no pursuers came, and they seemed to have been forgotten.

Although the two of them were angry that He Cheng looked down on them, they were thankful that they were at least safe.

So they began to spread the news about the Sunflower Book.

Another day, dawn.

North of the Huaihe River, in some northern areas that have not yet been touched by the zombie scourge, people still maintain a life pattern of sunrise and sunset, which is completely different from the habit of lying in bed during the day and rising at night in the areas south of the Huaihe River that are ruled by zombies.

A teahouse.

"Did you hear that?"


Two individual knights met unexpectedly and started chatting casually, here.

"Dongfang Bubai is actually a eunuch"

"Isn't it?"

"That's nothing. After Dongfang Bubai's death, his Sunflower Book was stolen. I heard that as long as you have the heart to cut off your crotch root, you will definitely be able to practice martial arts to dominate the world."

"Without that crotch root, isn't it useless?"

"You don't understand, those eunuchs in the palace, if they don't have crotch roots, they still have to get the wind and rain? It's worth it to change one of them to the supreme position of martial arts!"

"That's what I say, but you have to be ruthless...Do you know where I can get the Sunflower Book?"

"Hehe, I know that no one is not interested in the Sunflower Book."

"Even if you don't want to practice, it's still good to observe and learn." He rubbed his hands.

"Now the streets are full of these things~, well, I have three books here, and I will give you one." The man really took out three Sunflower Books from his arms and let the other party choose.

"How can this be so embarrassing... However, magical skills are spread all over the world, no one cares, no one fakes them? If you are the best in the world, it is better to do it yourself." The other party was puzzled.

"It's strange to say that some people who wanted to engage in small tricks seemed to have died quietly, and their bodies could not be found. For half a month, there were only real secrets and no fake martial arts in the world."

"'s really strange."

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