Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 41 Fish meat is poisonous

As soon as Ahao walked in carrying two fish, he saw Taoist Yimei practicing Tai Chi and exercising.

He stepped on his feet, fearing that Taoist Yimei would find out that he was back late. Just as he was about to sneak into the kitchen, Taoist Yimei turned his back to him and asked, "Ahao, what time is it now?"

"Master" Ahao lowered his head and watched Taoist Yimei close his fists and adjust his breath. His heart beat like the sound of fast horse hooves, thump, thump, thump.

"Where's the fish I asked you to buy?"

"Well, the master is here!"

Ah Hao quickly handed over the fish.

These two fish weighed at least half a tael more than the ones Ah Hao bought in the morning, and the meat looked fatter and tenderer. You need good water upstream to raise such good fish.

The quality is also in line with the standards of large restaurants in provincial towns.

Taoist Yimei caught the fish and took a quick look.

"The fins don't move, the tail doesn't move, and if the mouth doesn't move, I'd think it's a dead fish."

"Master, I bought this fish for an hour. It's good to be alive now."

"You still have the nerve to say it!"

Taoist Yimei held the straw rope, weighed it up and down, and handed the fish to Ahao, "What are you doing standing there in a daze? Go quickly!"

"Huh? Oh! Okay!"

Ah Hao nodded repeatedly, feeling secretly happy that he had escaped disaster. He took the fish, lowered his waist, and ran into the kitchen with small steps.


Taoist Yimei's expression froze, he looked around for no one, gently pressed his belly through his clothes, coughed dryly and went into the room to drink tea.

Ah Hao had just entered the kitchen. The fish was placed in a wooden basin on the stove, smelling a slight smell of corpse.

"You brat, you're gloating!"

When you open the firewood, the little zombie is hiding behind the firewood and laughing.

"Hurry and help me light the fire, I have to make fish soup for the master!"

"Humph!" The little zombie turned his head and held his hands in front of his chest.

"Hey, hey, okay, okay, you little boy, let me beg you."

Ahao bowed and said, "Master treats you like his own son. You don't want to see him hungry, right?"

"Jiji?" The little zombie hesitated for a moment with a livid face.

"Okay, okay, don't hesitate!"

Ahao picked up the little zombie and joined his cooking team.


Thirteen miles south of Fugui Town, there is a locust forest.

The locust trees are lush with branches and leaves, but there is no sunlight during the day, and the atmosphere is gloomy.

The river, called the "river in the river" in Fugui Town, runs through the locust trees.

The stream is clear, and there is a tombstone lying on the bank. Green moss has climbed up on the tombstone of "Ma Linxiang". The grave has been filled up, and it is an empty grave.

Crows, wild cats and dogs like to hang out in the locust forest.

He Cheng, a zombie holding an umbrella, hurried on the road in the middle of the night and finally found a shady spot. The sun above his head was blocked by the locust tree, so that no sunlight could come in.

He Cheng lost his umbrella, took off his black shirt and robe and jumped into the river.

A big handful of water splashes exploded.

Zombies are afraid of water and cannot get into water.

It can be said that there are very few people in the world who jump into water like him.

He Cheng happens to be no ordinary zombie. The nature of zombies is entangled with rationality, and rationality often prevails.

The river water soaked the white hair on his body, dirty blood, charred black hair, and hanging dead insect corpses were all thrown off.

It's not like he loves to be clean. With blood on his face and body, it would be difficult for him to pretend to be alive during the day.

Dirty blood and dirt drifted downstream.

A small fry ate dirty blood and soon turned white.

There was another big fish that ate the small fry, its tail stiffened and flicked, and the frozen fish caught in the winter by breaking through the ice.

More and more things in the water were eating each other and touching the stolen goods washed off He Cheng's body.

When corpse poison touches water, its toxicity weakens and few fish will die.

However, more and more "zombie fish" are flowing downstream along the river.

"Master, the fish soup is here~"

"Where's Master Alfang?"

Ah Hao entered the main room with breakfast, and the round dining table with the words "Chu River and Han Jie" painted on it was placed in the middle of the main room.

"He has a stomachache. It seems his aunt caught some fish last night and asked him to eat it. He has been having a stomachache since he came back this morning."

"He deserves it. Who told him not to bring some for the master?"

"I'm not that picky!" Taoist Yimei glared, as if there was a sharp knife hidden under his droopy eyelids, which made Ahao shrink his head in fear.

There was a chair with a backrest on the north side. Taoist Yimei sat on it and just grabbed the cigarette bag. The little zombie quickly grabbed the match and went over to light the cigarette.

"Well, if my apprentice were half as clever as you, I would have no regrets even if he dies in the earth."

Taoist Yimei grabbed a red persimmon and brought it to the little zombie's mouth.

"Chi Chi, Chi Chi"

The white corpse teeth punctured the tomato, and the juice was instantly sucked clean.

"If you were as kind to us as you are to this guy, and gave us your salary every month, we would also honor you..." Ah Hao muttered in a low voice, serving soup and rice.

"You two idle boys will definitely go out and act like monsters when you have money. I help you manage your money for your own good."

Taoist Yimei put down his pipe, grabbed his chopsticks and said, "Eat, eat."

Taoist Yimei naturally does not covet his disciples' wages. He helps his disciples save money. When the disciples no longer want to do this business and want to start a family and start a business, these wages will be their family foundation.

It is enough to build a new house and do some small business.

“The fish was cooked well today”

Taoist Yimei nodded, scooped a spoon and put it into his mouth.

"Hey, master, if you want to eat, I will continue to cook for you tomorrow."

"Isn't it your biggest headache to run errands and buy fish?"

The Taoist Priest raised his eyebrows on the left, secretly doubting his apprentice's sexual transformation.

"No, master. It is necessary to show respect to the master. If you want to eat fish, I will buy it for you."

Ah Hao took two bites of rice without even looking at the fish soup, concentrating on fighting with the white radish.

I really feel like giving some good things to the master.

"I feel relieved if you think so." Taoist priest Yimei nodded happily: "Let's eat fish soup."

"Thank you, Master!" Ah Hao knew that Master had a soft mouth and a soft heart, so he picked up a good piece of fish.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch"

A Fang crossed the threshold of the main room, clutching his stomach, and sat down on the round stool.

There was still a stench coming from his body.


After saying hello, Al Fang picked up his rice bowl.

The chopsticks were snatched away by Ah Fang. He proudly picked up the fish and shook it in front of Ah Fang's eyes. "You're still eating when you're like this?"

"Of course you have to make up for the shortfall!"


The melodious stench spread to the dining table, and Ah Hao suddenly retched, not daring to eat the fish, and the Taoist frowned.

"Afang, otherwise you should stop eating."

"Master~" A Fang put down his chopsticks with a sad face, his brows suddenly knitted, and he held his stomach and said, "I'll go to the latrine first."

"Isn't it disgusting to eat while farting smelly?" Ah Hao made a cattail leaf fan with his right hand and fanned the tip of his nose.

He suddenly sniffed: "Why does it smell so bad? It smells worse than before!"

Taoist Yimei's face froze, he put down his chopsticks and stood up pretending to be nonchalant, saying: "Ah Hao, I've finished eating, you eat slowly."

"Ah? Isn't this fish and meat cheap for me? Thank you, master!" As soon as Ahao picked up a small bowl of fish soup and put it in front of him, he heard a melodious fart coming from behind the buttocks of the Taoist priest who walked to the door of the main room. Sound "Puff, porphyrin -!"

"Afang, I need to go to the latrine, come out quickly!"

More than half an hour later, Taoist Yimei was exhausted. His disciple A Fang sat down with support on the table. He did not dare to take a step without tightening his belt, for fear that his pants would fall down when walking.

"Master, Ah Fang, are you okay?" Ah Hao asked worriedly.

"Taoist priest with one eyebrow! Taoist priest with one eyebrow!"

"In this village, most of the people in the neighboring villages have stomach upsets. You are the only one who knows some medical skills around here, so hurry up and save people!"

It was the village chief who came in holding his belt and almost trampling the chicken to death.

"Feeling sick? Did you eat fish?"

"Yes," the village chief nodded and admitted, "In the past two days, stupid fish have been falling upstream, and everyone in the village has caught them."

"Free fish?"

The Taoist with an eyebrow turned to look at Ah Hao. Now he finally understood what Ah Hao, who was so attentive to others, wanted to do.

Ahao imitated the rooster and shrank his head in his croaking nest.


Taoist Yimei said: "In my opinion, fish meat is poisonous! There is something wrong with the water source."


"Crash!!" He Cheng burst out of the water.

He held up his umbrella and continued on his way. It had only been ten miles. If Uncle Jiu or the witch suddenly took action and made up their minds to hunt him down, it would be difficult for him to escape.

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