Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 391 Knowing the Autumn Leaves Down the Mountain


The sleeping man sat up suddenly and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Having a nightmare again?"

The old man sat on the futon and turned to ask.

The man nodded, "I dreamed of her again, and..." He raised his hand, and he actually held half of the red bracelet in his hand.

"When I caught her in my dream, I actually took out half of the bracelet."

"This is not an ordinary dream. The woman you often dream about may have a lot to do with you. Yilong, this time you have to go down the mountain to find the answer at Gujian Villa. This half of the bracelet is related to the one from Gujian Villa. The Chasing the Sun mural is very similar.”

"Master, you mean I can still see her?"

"She is related to your insight into the secret of heaven. Of course you will meet again."

"Okay, I'll go right away!"

Jia Yilong put his sword on his back and was about to go down the mountain when he felt a vibration in the soles of his feet. Jia Yilong suddenly jumped off the ground, and a Taoist priest Tu Xingsun wearing armor emerged from the ground. "Hey, Senior Brother Jia, where are you going?"

"Gujian Villa"

"That's far away. With your legs, even if you add a horse, it will take a month or two, right?" The swordsman patted his chest, "Why don't you tell your uncle and let me accompany you? I Those who escape can travel thousands of miles in a day, much faster than you."

"No, although you can escape quickly, you will be exhausted within a hundred miles." Jia Yilong shook his head, swept away the weeds, pushed aside the rocks, and went down the mountain.

"Tch, saving the world is amazing, isn't it? It seems quite amazing." The Taoist priest shook his head.

He suddenly fell forward and yelled "Escape!"


Like diving, the whole person plunged into the ground, got in, and disappeared without a trace.

At this time, a sword "swish" pierced the place where he was standing just now, and the sword penetrated into the soil.

"Come back!" A clear voice shouted, and the sword buzzed, pulled out from the ground, and flew into the hands of the woman in white.

"Senior Sister Xiaoyi, this can kill people."

"You can't die!"

It seems that there is a rope, one end is tied to the tip of the sword, and the other end is tied to the Taoist priest's head. As long as the Taoist priest moves, the sword will turn accordingly.

After going around four or five times, the Taoist priest climbed out of the ground and said, "I give up, I give up~"

"What did Senior Brother Jia do?" Xiao Yi put the sword in the scabbard behind his back with satisfaction.

"It is said that the ghost king appeared in the world and wanted to cholera the three realms. Uncle Master asked him to go to Gujian Villa to find the answer and save all living beings."

"Gujian Villa?" Senior Sister Xiaoyi's bright eyes turned slightly, "Shanxi?"

"Didn't you follow your uncle to practice in Huangshan? Why did you go to Shanxi?"

"I told you, you don't understand. We've been in the mountains for so long. Do you want to go out together?"

"...It's not good if there is no order." The Taoist priest hesitated, but his little eyes were filled with emotion.

"If you don't want to go, I'll go by myself! I also know some big... monsters with famous names..." She closed her teeth tightly and locked the words "big monster".

"What's so loud?"

"It's nothing. Judging from the earth-escape technique you learned, I know you don't have the guts."

"Who doesn't want to learn flying swords? The problem is that my master has to be good at it. He died earlier than your master. He didn't teach me anything." The Taoist shook his hair. "Go down the mountain? Let's go. You can't beat me but you can still run away." Ah! When shall we set off?”

"It won't be too late!" She raised her hand, and the flying sword got under her feet, lifting her up to fly lightly.

The Taoist priest glanced enviously at the woman holding the sword in the sky, whispered "Escape to the Earth", and got into the earth with a pop.

"Rong Xiaoyi! Zhiqiu Yiye!"

When the uncle chased them out, it was already too late, and the two of them left without a trace.

After they went down the mountain, they bought two horses.

It wasn't long after Rong Xiaoyi went up the mountain, but when he came down again, he felt like he was in another world.

"This is the human world." Zhiqiu Yiye put his legs under the horse's belly and looked at the two-foot-high city wall in front of him. "It's so majestic."

"Promising!" Rong Xiaoyi suppressed his lips and suddenly smiled with dimples. "I have seen someone taller, ten feet!"

"What's the use of cultivating so high? Those who can fly can fly over with one step, and those who can't fly can't fly even one foot away." Zhiqiu Yiye shook his head, and happened to see two officials in front of him, walking over with drawing paper. .

The official with drooped cheeks on the left looked at the portrait on the drawing paper, glanced at Zhiqiu Yiye again, and nodded.

"Stop nodding." Zhiqiu Yiye looked over and said, "This man has a beard, and he has a Chinese character face. He has big copper bell eyes. I have an oval face and a single eyelid, which is nothing like me."

"It doesn't look like it?"

The official folded the drawing paper and put it in his arms.

He pulled out his sword with a bang and said, "I'll cut you twice and you'll be like me!"


A long sword suddenly came out of its sheath, blocking it in front of Zhiqiu Yiye, and with a slight pick, the official sword in the officer's hand was instantly released, and it spun quickly and was stuck on the ground.

"This is the female thief Xin Shiniang, call me brother! Call me brother quickly!" The two officials turned around and ran away.

"The murderous witch?"


Before the two of them entered the city, the people were frightened to death when they heard the reputation of the murderous female devil, and everyone at the city gate disappeared instantly.

Only a few strands of yellow sand are left, dancing in the wind.


A piece of drawing paper flew into Rong Xiaoyi's hand.

"I really want to kill them!!" Rong Xiaoyi gritted her silver teeth.

On the drawing paper, Xin Shiniang has a straight face, high cheekbones, a flat nose, and a long scar from her left eyebrow bone to the corner of her right lip.

A fierce and extremely ugly woman.

"The people in the world are indeed scarier than monsters." Seeing a group of officials carrying knives rushing out of the city gate, Rong Xiaoyi tugged on the horse's reins, "Let's go to the next place."

Zhiqiu Yiye nodded blankly "Okay"

They rode away on horseback, and the officials who rushed out with a fierce look only ate a mouthful of the horse's hooves digging into the dirt.

The two of them rode horses for forty or fifty miles, descended from the Penglai Fairy Mountain in the East China Sea, and arrived in Jiangsu.

"Senior sister, aren't we going to Shanxi to chase Brother Jia? Why are you going south? If you go further south, you will reach Zhejiang."

"Have you forgotten the Tiebei Centipede?" Rong Xiaoyi glanced at Zhiqiu Yiye from his horseback. "I heard that he was working in Jiangsu Province in the East China Sea. He loved to eat the brains of monks and monsters with high cultivation levels. There is only a dead end for him and us, so it is best to take a detour to Zhejiang and then go to Shanxi."

"Oh" Zhiqiu Yiye nodded as if he didn't understand.

The two of them rode horses and walked around, really wandering around like an outing.

They couldn't figure out the name of the place or county. They only saw the boundary marker that said "Ishikawa Prefecture". They rode on horseback and walked along the deserted road.

"Ouch~" Zhiqiu Yiye covered his stomach, "Senior sister, I can't do it anymore, I want it convenient~"

Rong Xiaoyi frowned and waved her little hands, "Go, go, go."

"Okay, help me look after the horse."

Even so, Zhiqiu Yiye carefully tied the horse's reins and ran into the grass.



There are two exhausts up and down.

Rong Xiaoyi frowned, covered her nose and rode half a mile away to avoid being smoked.

Suddenly she raised her brows and said happily, "Xiao Qing?"

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