Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 370 Yan Chixia comes out of the mountain

The ink sky covers the stars, but the moon above the head is bright.

"Xia Shaoxia, what should we do?"

There were still two or three people who were uneasy. They saw the big snake alive, and the immortal grass-clothed man communicated with the snake demon. Instead of breathing a sigh of relief, people became even more afraid.

"Wait for my master to come"

Shi'er was even more uneasy at this time.

The snake demon said he was a human demon. What is a human demon?

He still smelled of flat-haired animals, which was a derogatory term for poultry, and an unpleasant suspicion came to mind.

"Young Master Shi, it's getting dark, come to our house for a quick meal."

Li Shusheng's sister-in-law came over and saw Shi'er standing in front of the extinguished fire, stunned, and whispered.

Shi'er nodded and stood up.

Beside the extinguished fire, a woman wiped away her tears and gathered away the dust.

"Second aunt, second uncle has turned into a zombie. If we don't burn him, we will all suffer. You have to understand," the sister-in-law knelt down to persuade.

"I know that it would be really bad if he turned into a zombie and went around harming people. But your second uncle is not over seven years old, and he did this kind of thing while painting a portrait, and it cost the painter his life."

Although the painter has some skills, he is a bachelor.

"I'll bury their ashes together. After all, they died together, so they have company on the road to hell."

"Hey!" My sister-in-law knelt down to help pull out the ashes.

It doesn't matter if it's firewood or ashes. Fill the large jar enough to hold seven taels of wine.

"Young Master Shi, I really forgot about you!" My sister-in-law raised her hand and wiped the dust on her trouser legs. "Hurry up and have something to eat at my house. It's just a simple meal, so please don't mind."

Shi'er nodded.

On the way, he learned that the man who took Xin'er to Yan Chixia with Li Shusheng was Li Shusheng's cousin, that is, the man from this family.

Pushing open the door with the painting of Jingde Door God, the fire on the stove at the door is still glowing red, and the yellowed New Year painting of Stove God is pasted on the stove, with the word "Fu" written upside down on it.

Cross the threshold and enter the main room.

There is a young man having dinner at home.

The young man shook his head and muttered something while eating, his little eyes sparkling with intelligence.

"He is the seventh eldest in the family, just call him Wang Qi," Sister-in-law Li introduced.

"Qi'er, are you studying well?"

"I've memorized seven chapters of the Book of Songs. Mom, why don't you give me a test?"

"I'm illiterate. Wait until your uncle comes back and let him test you!" Wang said and went out to serve Shi'er a meal.

Wang Qi stuck out his tongue, very proud.

"Young Master Shi, are you a martial arts master?" The boy noticed his title.

"Know some skills" Shi'er nodded.

"Like the martial arts master in the unofficial history? Hey!" Wang Qi gestured with his fists and feet. He was weak and weak. After shaking his arms twice, he lost strength. He lay on the table and gasped for air. "It's better to be a god. Just chant a spell and you can soar into the clouds." , you can turn stone into gold with just a touch of your finger, and you can spend endless amounts of flowers.”

"Immortal?" Shi'er thought about the immortal just now. The snake demon harmed people and did not take action to stop it. Instead, he discussed matters with her.

"Yes, riding a crane up to the sky, with the clouds softly cushioning under the crane's wings, what a happy life the gods live!"

Wang Qi winked and took out a book from his arms. It had almost torn yellow pages and "The Legend of Immortals" written on the cover. He handed it to Shi'er and said, "It's all written on it!".

"Qi'er, what are you doing? Don't disturb Young Master Shi while he's eating!"

"No, I have a question."

Wang Qi quickly put away the book.

"Shi Shaoxia, a simple meal~"


Shi'er took the porridge bowl.

Seeing Wang walking away, Wang Qi came over again and asked, "Young Master Shi, have you ever seen an immortal?"

"You want to worship the gods?"

"Yes, I want to learn the magic of gods"

"Being a god is very tiring. You have to meditate every day."

"I meditate every day in class. I don't feel tired." Wang Qichui asked, "Do you know where there are gods?"

"I heard that there are Taoist priests in Mount Laoshan who know some magic." Shi'er remembered what his master once said about the Taoist priests in Mount Laoshan, "Maybe you can go and see it when you grow up."


"Ouch!" "Ah~ Ouch!"

Two screams of pain suddenly came from the yard.

"When did you come back?" Wang, who was in the yard, was startled.

"Sister-in-law, it was the gods who brought us back!" Li Shusheng pointed to the sky excitedly, "We have really met the gods. With the help of the gods this time, we will definitely be able to deal with that mountain lady."

"Alas!" Wang suddenly sighed.

"What's wrong?" Cousin Wang asked hurriedly.

"I'm afraid even the gods can't deal with the Mountain Lady..." Wang suddenly closed her mouth and didn't dare to say any more.

A sword light flashed across the sky, and a man wearing tattered robes, leopard eyes and an iron beard, with a face as ugly as Zhong Kui jumped down.

"Ah!" Wang was startled by his terrifying face.

"This is my master" Shi'er took two steps forward and said "Master"

"You bastard, I asked you to go out and get me a drink, but you didn't come back even after it got dark, yet you caused trouble so far away by yourself!" Yan Chixia opened her mouth to scold, and Shi'er didn't dare to explain back, Keep your head down and let the scolding pass.


Yan Chixia raised her hand, and the sword hovering in the sky flew into his hand in circles.


Cut into the sword case behind you.

"what happened?"

Shi'er raised his head and calmly recounted everything he had experienced before.

"The Immortal Grass-clothed Man, the Green Snake Demon, the Black Mountain Old Demon and the Golden Sword Ghost General from the City of Waste, all just to kill a zombie?"

Yan Chixia frowned and asked, "Do you have any wine?"

"Yes! Yes!"

Wang Qi trotted out and took out the small half bottle of wine that his father had hidden.

"Hahaha! If you have wine and a brain, you will live!"

Under the heartbroken gaze of Cousin Wang, Yan Chixia drained the wine flask in one breath and patted the sword box on her back. "The city has done so many evil things in vain, and I can't ignore them anymore... Since so many monsters and monsters are gathered here." , tonight it’s my turn to unsheath the Xuanyuan Divine Sword and slay demons!!”

"Master, I'll go with you!"

"Your skills are not enough. If you go, you will die... In this battle, I not only want to kill, but I also want to ask clearly. Back then, I was used as a swordsman, and it felt uncomfortable in my heart."

It was precisely because Xuanyuan Divine Sword helped He Cheng capture the City of Fushou that Yan Chixia believed that she was aiding Zhou in his evil deeds and closed herself off from worldly affairs.

"What a strong ghost spirit and demonic wind. It would be great if there was still wine~"

The skill of the Sword Immortal, the belly of the Wine Immortal.

"When the gods drink wine, their stomachs become as big as the sea," Wang Qi marveled.

"Master, be careful..."

"Hahaha, don't worry. After ten years, I will improve my realm. When I kill them with one sword, there will be peace in the world!"

The Xuanyuan Divine Sword flew to his feet and lifted him up to the sky.

Before taking off and flying more than ten miles, I saw a burst of fire in front of me.

"Let me see who the old demon of Montenegro wants to destroy!"

Yan Chixia, who came today with the determination to fight to the death with the Black Mountain old demon, did not slow down.

He rushed to the vicinity of the burst of fire. In front of him was a female sword fairy fighting fiercely with a snake demon. Below him was He Cheng who was entangled in a fly whisk.

"Old Black Mountain demon, it's time to settle the matter!"

The hand pinch technique leads to the sky.


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