Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 365 The Master and his Disciple Shi'er

Zhejiang, near Jinhua.

"Shi'er, bring me a bottle of wine!"

A rough voice came from the thatched hut.

The young man with an honest and honest face nodded, grabbed the small hatchet on the wooden stake, and replied dully "Oh".

In the thatched hut, a middle-aged man with a sword, an iron beard, and leopard eyes slapped the table, "This is getting more and more excessive for killing the city lord in vain. If this continues, I can't just sit idly by and ignore it..."

The sword painted with flowers, birds, fish and insects flashed a bright light in the dark room.

And quickly disappeared.

"It's been more than ten years, it's time to settle the accounts..."


It was already dark outside. Shi'er put the hatchet on his belt and carried a cloth bag on his shoulder.

He walked past mass graves, stepping on skulls and bones without changing his expression.

Sometimes when the wind stops and the insects don't scream, they will shout "I'm coming, you should get out of the way!"

Immediately you will hear the light "roaring" of bees in the wind, the sound of the flapping wings of insects comes out again, and the wind starts to blow again.

The dirty people around him all knew the skills of Shi'er and his master, and no one dared to touch him.

It took Shi'er less than half an hour to walk from the wilderness to the county town and into a three-story restaurant on the edge of the town.

He stamped the mud off his feet, raised his hand and pushed the door open.

The shop owner who was dozing off suddenly opened his eyes, stopped dozing, nodded, and yawned, "Shi'er, are you going to get your master a drink?"


The shop owner also knew that the young man didn't like to talk, so Ma Liu took the money, opened a wine jar that was as tall as a person, and filled a jar of wine.

The aroma of the wine is overflowing, and it is a good wine that has been aged for decades.

"You don't want to bring half a roast chicken with you?" The small wine jar was sealed, tied with a straw rope and handed over.


Shi'er shook his head and turned to leave.

However, they heard a scream like a dog biting their ass. A scholar opened the door and rushed in. When he saw Shi'er and the shop owner, he closed his eyes and rushed forward, but Shi'er helped him.

"What's going on? Let me take a look!"

The shop owner hurriedly came over to help him and touched his nose and breathed a sigh of relief. "He just fainted, Shi'er, please help and keep an eye on me. I'll make a bowl of ginger soup for him to drink."

The two of them placed the scholar on the table like he was carrying a dead pig.

Shi'er wiped the axe, glanced at the scholar, and then at the axe, "it smelled like corpse"

He was the only one awake in the hall, and no one responded to his sudden words.

After a while, the shop owner brought ginger soup, held the scholar's head and drank it for him.


The scholar opened his eyes and was overjoyed to see the two of them.

"Why are you running in such a hurry? Did you meet a wolf?" the shop owner asked the scholar.

"No, no, it's not..." The scholar only shook his head.

"What's not?"

"He encountered a zombie"

"Yes!" The scholar nodded vigorously.

"Tell me more about it." The store owner raised his hand and became curious.

"Xiaosheng's surname is Li, from Shimen County, Zhejiang Province... I went to the countryside today to collect rent, but I walked seven or eight miles without seeing any hotel. I happened to see a hut with a candle light, so I went up and asked them to open the door and let me stay temporarily. One night, but the people inside didn’t pay attention to me, they just moaned and groaned.”

Li Shusheng swallowed, "I shouted for a while and there was no response, so I looked into the room through the crack in the door. The room was full of straw, and there was a person among the straw piles. His face was as thin as paper gray, and his face was as gray as paper. It was about five inches long and three inches wide. It was dying. The man moved a little in the grass and then said: Please push the door and come in by yourself."

"I pushed the door open and walked in. The man told me that he was infected with the plague and everyone in his family had died..."

The words stopped here.

"How did you meet the zombies?" the shop owner asked.

It's not a good thing to have a plague of zombies around.

Li Shusheng was vague.


Shi'er's hatchet slammed on the table, frightening Shusheng Li to jump a little.

He swallowed his saliva and said, "I relied on my status as a country squire to ask him to bring me a jug of wine, and I offered him two hundred pence to induce him to stand up despite his serious illness."

The shop owner clicked his tongue. He was a little country squire who liked to speak in an official tone, and he was like a biting dog. He felt a little pity for his ginger soup.

Li Shusheng, however, poured out the beans and told everything: "The candlelight was quickly extinguished, and I couldn't help but feel sleepy and fell asleep. Suddenly I heard a thin sound of strings in the haystack, as if someone was coming from the haystack." Climbing out of the pile, I took out the flint from my arms..."

He must have reached the most terrifying point. The frequency of swallowing saliva in his throat increased significantly, making it sound like drinking water.

"In the light of the fire struck by the flint, I saw a man standing motionless in the grass. His unkempt face was even thinner than that of the man just now, and his face was about three inches wide. His eyes were closed, bleeding and tearing. He looked like a zombie, standing upright. He was motionless in the haystack. I talked to him, but he had no response."

"You are so brave," the shop owner interjected.

He didn't run away when he saw the weirdo, and the patient said before that his whole family was dead. Will the ones who can crawl out now be alive?

Li Shusheng smiled bitterly, "I continued to rub with the flint. Every time I rubbed, the zombie's face would light up. If I took a step back, he would definitely take a step with me. I broke through the door and escaped. I didn't dare to look back. The zombies behind me But he chased after him."

"How do you know the zombie is chasing you without looking back?" the shop owner asked him.

"The zombies had straw hanging on their feet. They made rustling noises when they moved. It was very loud at night. They ran for a mile or two. When I saw the light here, I rushed in..."

After listening to what he said, the store owner nodded and said, "Let's report to the official tomorrow."

"Reporting to the official doesn't work." Shi'er stood up with the wine jar and hung the ax on the table at his waist. He turned to Shusheng Li and said, "Take me there. If the zombies are not eliminated as soon as possible, the nearby residents will be destroyed." There is danger.”

"I, I don't want to go" Li Shusheng refused.


The short ax cut into the wooden table and shaved off a palm-sized corner of the Eight Immortals Table.

"Shi'er, this is an old thing that I have owned for decades!" The shop owner looked at the missing corner with pity, but did not ask Shi'er to compensate.

"I'm going, right away!"

Li Shusheng nodded and led the way.

Only then did Shi'er put away the ax with satisfaction.

The two turned around and left the restaurant.

"Shi'er, your wine!"

"Get it later"

"It's okay. With Shi'er out, there shouldn't be any big problems." The shop owner has seen Shi'er's martial arts and knows that his master is also an expert, so it shouldn't be difficult to kill zombies.

A quarter of an hour later, the two came back.

Shi'er still looked calm, but Shusheng Li changed his attitude and called him a master.

"I must be impressed by Shi'er's martial arts." The shop owner smiled and handed the wine jar over, and said to Li Shusheng, "Stay here for one night and go to collect the rent tomorrow."

"Okay! Okay!" Li Shusheng asked for it. "By the way, where is this young hero... going?"

"He? He should be going to the mass graves. You should stay here with peace of mind. You will die if you follow him."

Upon hearing about the mass graves, Li Shusheng became honest.

"Hey, how did he deal with the zombies?" the shop owner asked.

Li Shusheng recalled, "I just went to the village with Shaoxia Shi. He yelled that there were zombies and rushed out. He raised his ax and fell. More than a dozen zombies, old and young, male and female, were all chopped down by him. It's as easy as chopping vegetables.

After killing the zombie, set it on fire. We just came back”

"Tsk, your kung fu is so good again."

"This young hero specializes in killing monsters?"

The shop owner nodded vigorously, "His master is even more powerful. I heard he is a land god who can fly into the sky on a palm-wide sword. He can travel thousands of miles in a day! With a flick of his finger, the sword flies out to chop off people's throats." Brain!”

"So powerful?" Li Shusheng rubbed his hands.

"Okay, go to sleep and I'll give you a quilt."

"thank you boss……"


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