Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 356 Battle of Giants

The ten-foot-tall body bent down and blew out a gust of wind, which made people's hair fly.

Black Rakshasa.


When Xiaoyu saw this terrifying monster for the first time, she screamed and ran away, but was caught by Ji Dian to prevent her from jumping to death.

"Jianlong, give me my things!" Black Rakshasa looked at the scepter in Ji Dian's hand.

"You lied to me about the golden body and you still want the scepter? No way!"

Ji Dian waved his hand and pointed "Fuck him"

He Cheng nodded and walked forward step by step, the light on his body getting brighter and brighter.

He stepped forward, his body expanded, and his clothes were torn instantly.


He roared and suddenly transformed into a ten-foot-long figure, on par with the Black Rakshasa.

The house is only as high as their legs, and their height of more than thirty meters is like two iron towers falling from the sky.

Spears like steel spears grew out of He Cheng's body, and corpse teeth like Daguan knives pierced the lip wrapping, showing off his power.

His eyes were as red as the blood moon in the sky, and his hands were generous.

In appearance, he is more vicious than the Black Rakshasa.

"It's you!"

The Black Rakshasa snorted, raised his hand and punched, knocking over the roofs of three buildings, and punched He Cheng in front of him.

The strong wind brought by the fist actually pushed the steel-gun-like corpse hair on He Cheng's body to tremble.


He Cheng punched him, but the follow-up force was weak. Even though he unleashed his strongest force at the moment, he was still beaten back three steps.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Stop in three steps.

The heel had already broken into the main hall of the temple and trampled the floor to pieces.

"I've wanted to fight with you for a long time."

When He Cheng first came to this world, the biggest trouble lingering over his head, apart from the immortals in the immortal world, was this black Rakshasa.

The Black Rakshasa is level 89. If he is really allowed to take the scepter, he doesn't know how much power he will unleash.

He Cheng's calves trembled, his toes dug into the ground, and the ground rumbled wildly.

He started running and punched Black Rakshasa in the face. Seeing this, the Black Rakshasa also wanted to resist with his fists, but He Cheng raised his fist fiercely, bent his waist and bent his knees, and his body was hit, and his elbow hit the fist that the Black Rakshasa hastily blocked.

The strength of the elbow is far greater than that of the fist, but He Cheng is still at a disadvantage!

He was hit by the power of the Black Rakshasa, and his back fell to the ground uncontrollably.

Wow! !

When the ground shook, four or five houses were crushed by him.

The Black Rakshasa only took a few steps back.

"If it weren't for you, my plan would have been completed long ago!"

The new and old hatreds of the Black Rakshasa were combined, and he jumped up with a heavy jump, stepping on He Cheng's body with both feet.

Two punches came down.

Bang bang! !

The fist is like two hills pressing down, the ground trembles as soon as it hits the ground, and then sinks to the ground again!

"So hard?"

The Black Rakshasa raised his fist and said, "Won't you turn into bones?"

"Fuck you!" Two heads and four arms suddenly sprouted from He Cheng's back, and they were all flying stiff.

He stretched his four arms to the ground and barely stood up.

The left head opened its mouth and spit out a ball of fire.

The right side of his head spurted out a cloud of corpse air.

The middle head's eyes emitted black light.

"Bah, bah, bah! What a stinky corpse gas!" Black Rakshasa took two steps back. He was just a little disgusted, but his skin was broken but he was not injured.

"Wow, it's so big and majestic!"

A voice suddenly came from the completely collapsed temple.

"Master, why are you here?"

The person who came was none other than the abbot monk of Qingguo Temple.

"Jidian, I've said it from the beginning, I really appreciate you!" The old host didn't miss the opportunity to express his love, "So, master, how can I be willing to abandon you?"

"Get out of the way!"

Ji Dian rushed forward and hugged the old host, narrowly avoiding the giant foot.

"It's useless for you to come back." Ji Dian pressed down on the old host, lowered his head and looked into his eyes. "I can't even do anything here, I can only watch the show."

"Don't be so pessimistic."

The old host raised his hand and stroked Ji Dian's face and groped for his stubble: "Promise me to live well."


“A bit queasy”

"You actually become a teacher... You have such a good character. I really admire you." The old host covered his red and swollen cheeks and praised.

"We may lose this battle." Ji Dian stood up and pulled the old host up.

"Is that zombie from your side?" the old host asked, looking up at the zombie at a disadvantage.

"What's wrong? I see you're not worried at all, Master."

"It doesn't turn into bones, it's full of resentment, it's immortal, it's immortal, it's the most resistant to being beaten, and it also has three heads and six arms. Even if it can't be beaten, it won't kill you. Let's run away!"

"Run?" Ji Dian looked up at He Cheng and nodded, "This is a good idea."

If you can't beat him, just run away and wait for him to find the Eighteen Arhats. It's very simple to deal with the black Rakshasa.


In the boxing match, He Cheng took another big step back. The Black Rakshasa didn't have a hard time either. Carrying three heads and six arms would inevitably lead to injuries, and he didn't have much resilience.

Fighting to the death, there is a golden sword that can destroy the black Rakshasa, and the Vajra King Dharma has not yet entered the battle, and he has the magical power to fly sand and rocks.

None of these worked, there were too many eyes staring above my head.

The six fisted hands were like six small solid iron hammers, rising and falling, hitting left and right.

The exquisite fist and hammer dance actually forced the Black Rakshasa to keep retreating.

With one move, He Cheng grabbed the horn, and the Black Rakshasa was finally defeated.

"Master, I can't run away. The Black Rakshasa won't let me go if I run away. No one else in this world will have an easy time."

"You have such a sense of justice, I really appreciate you!"

"You can't say anything else besides admiring me?"

Ji Dian felt a headache because of his charming charm: "If I hadn't been deceived by the Black Rakshasa into taking away his golden body, I would have killed this guy without leaving any trace behind!"

"Golden body, please wait"

The old host stretched out his hand and clasped it in his mouth, and finally pulled out two gold teeth. "These are the ones I used before."

"You actually stole my teeth!"

"I'm older. I borrowed it for my own use. Now I'm going to give it back to you, right?"

Ji Dian held the gold tooth in his hand and looked at He Cheng, who was fighting with the Black Rakshasa with three heads and six arms, and said loudly, "Let him open his mouth!"

The right head nodded.

He Cheng suddenly gave up his position, pressed against the Black Rakshasa's fist, inserted his four hands into the Black Rakshasa's mouth, and exerted force up and down.

"I'll do it!"

Ji Dian grabbed the golden tooth and flew into the air, crashing into the black Rakshasa's body.


The Black Rakshasa exploded and turned into pieces of meat all over the sky. The pieces of meat turned into dust in the blink of an eye.



He Cheng took a deep breath and quickly shrank his body into a human form.

"Are you a zombie?"

Xiaoyu walked out and looked at He Cheng, who was naked.

"Don't you want to marry me?" He Cheng took over the old host's thoughtful clothes and put them on before turning around.

"I married a zombie. Am I showing off my brains? Even if I never marry, I will never marry a zombie!"

Xiaoyu turned around and ran away, whether she was scared or angry.

"Where's Jidi?" the old host asked He Cheng.

"He? I don't know."

He Cheng looked up at the sky.

He gave up his experience as a black Rakshasa to hide his clumsiness in order to obtain the magic weapon promised by Ji Dian.

As for Xiaoyu, he didn't take it to heart. Even if the Jidian mission failed, he would still be a god. At most, he would just fail in gambling.

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