Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 349: Own People

Yuan Batian looked at He Cheng blankly.

My head was spinning rapidly, trying to digest what he said.

He Cheng was not in a hurry, and tapped his fingers lightly on the stone table, making a soft banging sound, making small holes.

"Sir, the clouds have dispersed again!"

Xiaoyu was sweating profusely under the heat of the sun, but she still performed her duties faithfully.


"Shh!" He Cheng raised his index finger to silence Yuan Batian.

The only thing he can be sure of now is that the surveillance of the gods in the sky will be obscured by clouds, so cloudy days are the safest. The flood occurred that night, and it is estimated that the gods did not see much.


He Cheng stood up, cupped his hands, turned and left.

"Master, I, I, my name is Xiaoyu..."

"Little Jade Girl"

He nodded "Goodbye" to the Ninth Pheasant who came over.

"Goodbye," Xiaoyu waved her hand and watched He Cheng leave, opening her mouth without saying anything.

She turned her head and wanted to ask Yuan Batian a few words, but she was afraid of his fierceness and did not dare to speak.

Yuan Batian held on to the table and was about to stand up.


The table shattered, and he staggered and almost fell to the ground.

Yuan Batian recalled that just now He Cheng tapped the table twice with his fingers and his body trembled.

"Come here! Hunchback, come here!"

Yuan Batian turned around and cursed.

The hunchback ran over with his head in his arms, "God, what are your orders?"

"Kill the chickens and pigs!"


"Ah you piece of shit!"

Yuan Batian kicked the hunchback angrily, sending him rolling away.

"Kekeke~" Seeing the hunchback deflated, Xiaoyu let out a sigh of relief.

"Laughing? You're laughing! Get out of here and pick up the customers!" Yuan Batian raised his feet and rubbed his insteps, "Special-sized ones. They haven't been open for a few days. They're all taking advantage of me! I'll sell you all someday." Let you pick up customers day and night until you die!"

He Cheng left Yixiangyuan.

The sky is clear, and the gods in the sky should be paying attention to this place at all times.

"Go in!"

"Don't blame me, master. I've been in this store before and was kicked out."

"You are holding a pile of gold now! What do you have?"

Not far away, Ji Dianzheng was standing at the door with Zhu Dachang, the ninth beggar, wandering around, holding a pile of dog poop in Zhu Dachang's arms, but this trick was golden in the eyes of ordinary people.

The waiter nodded and bowed to invite the two of them in, his eyes never leaving the dog poop in Zhu Dachang's arms.

He Cheng also walked into the restaurant.

"Master, how many are there?"

"I'm with them." He Chengyi pointed at Ji Dian and Zhu Dachang, and sat down in front of their surprised eyes.

"Master Immortal, why are you here?" Zhu Dasheng stood up excitedly when he saw He Cheng, put the gold brick in his hand on the table, and wiped the table with He Cheng with a rag.

"Dazhong, why do you keep calling him Master Immortal?"

Ji Dian looked at He Cheng strangely.

"Because he flew down from the sky that day and gave me two buckets of food to eat. He is a god!" Zhu Dachang looked at Ji Dian strangely. "Don't you call yourself a god? Why don't you know him?"

"I really haven't seen him"

Ji Dian approached He Cheng and looked around, "Not breathing, dead?"

With a flick of the broken fan, Ji Dian pulled Zhu Dachang to hide behind him, staring at He Cheng, "What kind of monster are you? How dare you wander around in front of my eyes? Do you know who I am!"

"Arhat Subduing the Dragon"

He Cheng picked up the cup leisurely, glanced at the floating tea leaf stems and the yellowed inner wall of the tea cup, and then put the cup down.

"Are you really a colleague? Why don't I recognize you?"

"How can I succeed? I was enlightened by Guanyin Bodhisattva. Forty-four years later, I ascended to the immortal world and became a great Arhat..."

He is also comfortable with the tricks of pulling the tiger's skin and pulling the flag.

Ji Dian said, "Do you think I will believe you?"

"Aren't you a monk? Even if all your magic power is lost now, it shouldn't be difficult to go to the temple and ask the Bodhisattva, right?"

"This... turns out to be a colleague from the future." Ji Dian shrugged, not afraid to find official verification, it should be true.

Moreover, he did not have the ability to contact the person above him, "Let's have dinner together... By the way, why are you not breathing? How did you become enlightened?"

Zhu Dachang also came over quietly, wanting to listen carefully.

"Me? Zombie Enlightenment"

"Zombie?" Ji Dian's expression changed, but he quickly returned to normal. "Everything in the world can become a Buddha, and so can zombies."

Instead, Zhu Dachang sat up in the air and fell to the ground.

When he looked at He Chengshi again, his face lost all color.

"Dazhong, you forgot what I taught you, it's time to order!"

"What should I say?"

"When we rich people eat, of course we have a bowl of shark fins to rinse our mouths with first!"

"Shark fin?" Zhu Dachang glanced at He Cheng subconsciously, knowing that there was a zombie sitting in front of him, and he had long lost his appetite.

"Don't worry, he is a zombie and even if he cannibalizes people, he will also eat good-looking ones. Who would eat you if you are covered in acne?"

"That's right!" Zhu Dachang thought about it logically. He was so disgusting that zombies would definitely not eat him.

"Say it!"

"What did you say?"

"Say you want a bowl of shark fin to rinse your mouth with"

"Is it okay if you don't say anything?" Zhu Dachang asked tentatively.


"Give me a bowl of shark fin to rinse my mouth with," he said in a low voice lest the third person hear.


"Give it to me! Rinse your mouth with a bowl of shark fin~" The voice became softer again.

"You!" Ji Dian has never seen a person with such a lack of self-esteem. He has so much money in front of him but he doesn't dare to spend it!

"Don't force me, I just can't say it!" Zhu Dachang held his head and ran out of the hotel, even if the gold in front of him could buy the entire restaurant.

Ji Dian punched the table: "This Zhu Dachang makes me so angry!"

"You want to save the ninth beggar?" He Cheng watched the show for a while and finally spoke.

"That's right, he just can't hold up the wall with mud!"

"That's not necessarily true. At least he knows that dog meat tastes better than dog shit."

He Cheng and Jidian looked at the beggar who fled to the swill bucket opposite the hotel to get something to eat.

It is difficult for people to learn well, but it is easy to learn bad things.

There is another saying, it is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to simplicity.

"What can you do?"

"If you want him to think that it is not good to be a beggar, but that it is better to be a dignified person, then you have to do it step by step. If you let someone who has never been in a hotel hold more than a dozen gold bricks, he will be scared."

In the movie, after Zhu Dachang was cast by Ji Dian, he had the confidence to go to Xiaoyu, but he returned to his original form as soon as he turned into a beggar.

He himself also knew that it was not good to be a beggar, but he was used to it after being a beggar all his life.

Ji Dian looked He Cheng up and down, "You are a zombie, do you understand people better than me?"

"You have been an immortal for thousands of years? Do you really understand people?"

"That makes sense!"

Ji Dian patted He Cheng on the shoulder and walked towards Zhu Dachang.

"Where are you taking me again?"

"Buy you a new set of clothes!"

He Cheng watched Ji Dian walk away and smiled slightly, "Avoid me?"

Ji Dian was afraid that he was here to cause trouble, or believed that he was a zombie, but did not believe that he was a Buddhist.

"You can escape the monk, but you can't escape the temple."

He Cheng patted the table and said, "Here's a bowl of shark fin to rinse your mouth with!"

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