Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 346 Becoming an Immortal in the Belly

The two of them walked side by side without saying a word.

We walked to a stream and stood looking at each other across the water.

At the foot of the pebbles, several live fish jumped out of the water, making ripples from their tails, then plunged into the water and disappeared.

Low-level creatures can no longer detect the strength and weakness of the two people.

No one moved, but suddenly a group of birds flapped their wings and flew into the sky.

Fahai paused with the Buddha beads in his hand.

"Are you a zombie or a Buddha?"

"You came to me looking for answers?"

Fahai's problem is very simple. Before he met the spider spirit, he stubbornly believed that monsters are monsters. There is no distinction between good and bad, and they should all be subdued and cultivated.

After meeting the spider spirit, he began to think about evil spirits, and thus developed inner demons.

But when he was fighting with the white snake and the green snake, he thought that the other party was a demon, but he did not expect that the white snake was pregnant with a child, and even gave birth to a child at the moment of death.

How could a demon give birth to a human child? Only humans can give birth to humans. The white snake giving birth can only mean that the underworld recognizes that she is a human being, otherwise it will not arrange for the child to be born from her belly.

Fahai fell into confusion and struggle again, and his inner demons made his head even more confused.

Until that battle, he heard Green Snake laugh at him, saying that he couldn't tell the difference between good and bad, and couldn't see through the real Buddha and the zombies.

He Cheng grinned.

After making mistakes one after another, Fahai was in chaos.

As long as he says that he believes in Buddhism, Fahai will be able to be appeased and suppress his inner demons. If he admits he's a zombie...

Seeing good monsters as evil and believing in zombies as Buddha is enough to undermine his inner cultivation.

Fa Hai was also stupid and actually left this opportunity in He Cheng's hands.


As a Taoist, if you have the golden elixir, you can live without food, without breathing, and without death.

Fahai has enough magic power to become an immortal, but his mental state is not enough.

When He Cheng responded, he gasped heavily.

He Cheng grinned, his corpse teeth exposed, as vicious as a demon.

"I am a zombie. I have been a zombie since I came to this world!" He would only let Fahai go if he was stupid.

The bright red killing intent was redder than the blood spurted from a chopped off head, with a fishy and salty smell.


Fa Hai suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were red, and the devil entered his heart. He was now a devil, not a monk.

"Death to the evildoer!"

The Buddha beads threw out the golden wheel and hooded He Cheng's head.

"The mighty heavenly dragon, the World Honored Ksitigarbha!"

Fahai raised his hand and summoned the fairy fire, which turned into a ten-foot-long fire dragon that circled around him. Fahai formed a seal, and his cinnabar red eyes were more fierce than zombies. The golden light was so strong that he looked like an angry-eyed Buddha!

"Playing with fire?"

He Cheng twitched the corners of his mouth, revealing two corpse teeth.

Black smoke came out from between the teeth, and fire came out of the corners of his eyes. The high temperature burned the air, and the entire corpse's face looked distorted.

"Fahai, you have become possessed by a demon. Let me slay demons today!"

When He Cheng opened his mouth to speak, flames shot out from his mouth and covered most of his face. The fire was so magical that it did not hurt him at all. From a distance, he looked like a person with a flaming beard. The flames in his eyes shot out a foot long, rolling left and right like two small wings, like two flames with eyebrows.

"Vajrasattva Mantra!" Fa Hai quickly sealed it and pointed at He Cheng's head.

The flaming dragon sprang out beside him, rolling up a mist on the stream and plunging in front of He Cheng.


He Cheng raised his hand, pinched the fire dragon's head and pushed it to the ground.

The ground was instantly burned black, and the cobblestones crackled and exploded.

The fairy fire instantly burned He Cheng's clothes. He was naked, dragging the fire dragon into the water.

The stream gurgled, and in the blink of an eye it boiled, and the fire did not reduce.

The scales of the fish were burnt red, and the white belly floated up with a scent.

He Cheng clenched his fist impatiently.

He punched the fire dragon and smashed it into the river bed. Hearing a "boom" sound, the punch actually made a huge crater one foot wide, and the stream water poured into it.

The fire dragon was still struggling, twisting its body as Fahai cast spells.


Another punch came down, and the fire dragon's momentum weakened a bit.

"Prajna Baba coax!"

Fahai put his hands together with a "snap" and pointed his finger at He Cheng. The strong and weak fire dragon rolled up its body and suddenly turned into a four-foot-long fire dragon. It rolled up its body and wrapped He Cheng. The dragon's mouth opened wide to capture him. Swallow it into your stomach.

"There is good and evil in the world, and they should not be judged by their race."

Fa Hai looked at He Cheng who was swallowed by the fire dragon, and loudly said what he was thinking: "The demons in the world should be killed! I would like to become Jizo in the human world. The demons in the world will not be eliminated and I will never reincarnate!"


A big hand stretched out from the fire dragon's mouth, the palm of which was nearly a foot long, and tore the fire dragon apart. A black tower-like figure stood up from a squatting position.

Like a hill, the shadow completely covers Fahai.

"What kind of acceptance speech are you giving? You haven't won yet!"

He Cheng squeezed the head of the fire dragon with one hand and pulled its tail with the other hand. The fire dragon looked like a small snake in his hands. He grabbed both ends and pulled it, exploding into fireworks all over the sky.

Fahai seemed not to have expected that He Cheng had such ability. He looked up at him, the blood in his eyes dissipated, and he became calm again.

He didn't move until he was caught and thrown into the zombie's mouth.

"Something's wrong!"

There is only a few points of experience gained, which is the amount of Fahai, that is, the amount of ordinary people.

He Cheng's throat felt itchy, and when he opened his mouth, a golden light came out.

Fahai's voice followed closely, "Fei Zheng, thanks to your ferocity, you helped me see through the good and evil in the world, which allowed me to finally break my obsession and regain my destiny."

"Then you can create more good things in my belly!"

He raised his hand and stabbed himself in the throat, hitting the golden light with the courage to punch himself to pieces.

"I have become an immortal, your ability is against me... what is this! What is this!!" Fahai panicked, and then lost his voice.


"Buddha Heart +1"


He Cheng wiped his mouth and found blood on his hand. Only by being hard enough on yourself can you live long enough.

"Becoming an immortal in my belly?"

His greatest magic weapon is this belly, and the true body of the system should be in it. No matter who went in, no one has come out alive.

"Only those who kill eminent monks who become immortals can have the heart of Buddha. Where in the world can these eminent monks come from?" He looked up at the sky.

There are none in the world, but there are countless in the sky.

Return to Tiantai County.

The porridge service was over. The servants and maids sat tiredly on the stone steps, fanning themselves to relieve the fever. When they saw He Cheng coming, they all stood up quickly.


"Okay, let's pack up and move to our new home."

"Yes~" The servants nodded, but the maids all came to He Cheng's side one by one.

Young and heroic, his family is rich.

No one wants to miss a golden son-in-law.

"Get away!"

The servant who was packing the bucket kicked away the beggar on the ground, "You can touch this bucket too?"

"I, I, don't we serve porridge here? I would like to ask for a bowl, not hot, leftover rice is the most delicious!"

"Get away!" the servant cursed, his fists raised above his head.

"Your name is Zhu Dachang?"

The beggar raised his head when he heard the voice and shrank his head in fear, "I won't eat, I won't eat."

"Wait a minute, I owe you two buckets of rice and I haven't paid you back yet."

He Cheng looked at the beggar who was kowtowing, and as soon as he took his seat, he knew that the person in front of him was the ninth generation beggar.

"Make a fire and cook two buckets of food for him." He Cheng pointed at Zhu Dachang.

The servant didn't dare not listen and immediately turned to light the fire.

Zhu Dachang's eyes widened after hearing the two buckets of rice: "You, you, are you the immortal master?"

"I'm going to thank you for helping me that day."

"Don't dare, don't dare..."

All the cooks worked together, cooking, cutting meat and making soup.

After a while, a bucket of rice, a bucket of vegetables, and a bucket of soup were brought to Zhu Dachang.

"This..." Zhu Dachang had been eating leftovers all his life, but he didn't dare to eat the delicious food.

"It's yours"

The large group of carriages and horses left, leaving only the beggar on the street looking at the three buckets of rice in a daze.

He took a bite carefully, for fear of soiling the white rice.

And all this was seen by a woman.

The woman smiled, turned around and followed He Cheng's motorcade.

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