Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 320 Zombie Blessed Land, Crazy Improvement

"Get out of the way!"

Master Taiyi took the lead and turned around, pulling You Feng away.

Zhang Daoling felt a chill in his heart when he saw Master Taiyi who obviously had the opportunity to bring one more person, but was only focused on himself and the "Yi Yin" mission.

Holding the body of the deceased senior brother, he barely managed to avoid it.

The zombie aura as rich as a flood rolled up, covering the place where they had just stood, and the stone steps behind them. The torrent of corpse aura boiled down the slope, and covered the stone lions.

Looking down from a high place, it seemed as if the entire temple was wrapped in this corpse aura, and they had nowhere to stand in the black sea.

Only Master Taiyi had a circle of mana protection around him to isolate the corpse poison.

"This zombie is so ferocious, with such strong and rich corpse poison that even the Earthly Immortal will be infected by it. I don't know how Yin Yang Dharma King should deal with it."

Zhang Daoling looked at Master Taiyi.

In order to become an immortal, Master Taiyi became a demon.

"Oh, I hope the Zombie King's corpse poison can kill the Yin-Yang Dharma King..."

Zhang Daoling sighed in his heart. Is it really good to become an immortal and cut off the seven emotions and six desires, and no longer care about the worldly affairs? Now looking at the selfish Master Taiyi, he was glad that he had not become an immortal, but was still stuck in the world of mortals.

Master Taiyi stared nervously at the figure wrapped in corpse poison.

He is worried about his "One Yang" mission. If Wang Shunsheng is damaged, it will be difficult for him to become an immortal.

"Does Feizhiang want to hurt me?"

A palm that had been chewed and ulcerated by corpse poison stretched out. The skin and flesh were barely tied to the phalanges by blood tendons. The ulcerated palm grasped the corpse's energy like a curtain and tore it apart.

The air mass released by the bombing completely forced the corpse poison back.

The Earth Immortal took action, and everything turned upside down with a wave of his hand!

The corpse energy and poison that flowed down the mountain also dissipated, leaving behind a hillside that had been burned clean and only dirt remained.

The stone lions also disappeared, and the entire temple disappeared out of thin air, leaving only a square spot with a height of seven feet where Master Taiyi stood.

The Yin-Yang Dharma King staggered to the ground, his eyes tearing open with anger and coming out of his black eyes.

"Well, Master Taiyi, you must have killed the city lord for nothing, right? Haha, you really made a lot of preparations to deal with me! I will kill you today!"


Master Taiyi raised his hand, summoned an iron spear, held it at his elbow, and placed the tail of the spear on his waist, pointing directly at Yin Yang Dharma King.

"Today, let me slay demons and sacrifice your head to my path to immortality!"



The Yin-Yang Dharma King was heavily influenced by him, and one hundred thousand corpse energy intervened, and the action of opening the Yin-Yang Realm Gate was interrupted.

"It's done!" In a short time, this Yin and Yang world is his!

The corpse energy in He Cheng's body was exhausted, and he fell to the ground, making a huge hole in the ground.

Since his plan was ruined by Zhang Daoling, it was inevitable to break up with the Yin and Yang Dharma King. He just wanted to finally break into the Yin and Yang world to absorb his resentment.

As long as the Corpse Buddha evolves a step further and becomes an 'immortal', he can have more life-saving skills between Master Taiyi and Yin Yang Dharma King.

A little ghost with no nose and face, a bloody hole where his mouth was, and two bloody holes where his eyes were, looked into the pit.

In the pitch-black pit, there seemed to be two extremely distant red fires flickering.

The kid is still curious.


A big hand stretched out and grabbed the kid, taking him back to the bottom of the pit.

The arms are covered with long hairs like arrows, densely packed like steel nails, and there are countless of them.

After a while, the sound of chewing bones came from the huge pit.


Dozens of ghost soldiers gathered around. Their voices were male and female, old and young, but they all had no facial features and only three holes on their faces, with blood oozing out.

The big hand stretched out again, grabbed them all, and dragged them down into the pit.

"Something's coming in!"

The ghost soldiers under the Yin-Yang Dharma King realized that the Yin-Yang Realm was a world opened by the Yin-Yang Dharma King alone. If something unknown appears, it must be an enemy!

But I heard "Ho" roar angrily.

A giant ape-like monster jumped out of the pit and smashed onto the ground, creating a large deep pit as high as a person!

Most of the ghost soldiers were crushed by him!

I was so stunned that I stepped on it.

The ghost soldiers turned around and attacked hurriedly, but were grabbed by the monster and stuffed into its mouth, eating and killing them, causing a bloody storm!

The movement here attracted the attention of the ghost soldiers stationed in Yin Yang Dharma King's city.

The ghost soldier with only three holes in his face looked at Fei Zheng who was killing people and said, "What's that thing coming in front? It's such a big one!"

"Didn't the Yin Yang Dharma King call us to conquer the Yang Realm? I saw the door open just now, and I thought I could go to the Yang Realm to play!"

"What are you thinking about? Hurry out and add more troops. The monster is as tall as the city wall. We may not be able to stop him!"

He Cheng threw himself to the ground with red eyes, opened his mouth to swallow the ghosts and sucked their souls, and grabbed the evil ghosts with his big hairy hands and stuffed them into his mouth.

"Grudge +13"

"Grudge +36"

"Grudge +22"

"Resentment +..."


After swallowing ghosts, his resentment and corpse energy also increased. The more he ate, the more ferocious he became, and the more he ate, the more violent he became.

Let him kill and eat as he pleases, the ghost soldiers will kill them all.

"Come on, kill him!"

Four to five thousand ghost soldiers, clutching swords and guns and wearing body armor, rushed in front of the giant zombie and could only hit him in the thigh when they jumped up.

The long knife touched the corpse hair, and the clang wiped away a series of sparks. The corpse hair was not broken, but the sword had a gapped tooth!

The ghost soldiers did not accomplish anything, but instead attracted the attention of He Cheng who was eating a lot. He lowered his head and ate them all into his mouth.

"Bah! There are two foxes mixed in!"

In less than a stick of incense, the entire Yin and Yang world turned into purgatory.

He Cheng set his sights on the Yin and Yang Realm City. The resentment inside was as thick as water. If he went in and took two breaths, it would be easier than killing these ghosts and monsters!

The ghost soldiers under the Yin Yang Dharma King were just grabbed and picked up seven or eight, opened their mouths and sucked twenty or thirty of them, and stuffed them into their mouths like beans.

It's much worse than those Yin soldiers in Fusi City.

"Refreshing! Refreshing! Haha!"

However, He Cheng also made a conscious effort to only eat ghost soldiers. Ordinary resentful ghosts would only absorb the overflowing resentment and never eat it.

In the last world, he had eaten more than a hundred ghosts, which led to a series of big troubles. The millions of ghosts eaten in his stomach would definitely not make him as powerful as a Bodhisattva, disrupting the six paths of reincarnation, not to mention Buddha, just a random person Even he couldn't bear Arhat.

You should take your time when eating. Since the Bodhisattva originally said that he could go to the immortal world and become the King of Angry Eyes, it should be no problem to eat some evil ghosts.


Stepping into the crowd of ghosts, He Cheng grabbed a dozen souls, placed them in front of his eyes, and breathed lightly.

A wave of resentment was sucked into his body.

He let go of his hand and lost the ghost in his hand. "There's trouble..."

Zombies use resentment as their strength, and swallowing resentment can increase their strength.

Corpse Buddha also needs the next step in the evolution of resentment.

If both sides compete, it is very likely that no one will be able to evolve.

"Trouble please!"

The ghosts who were frightened and retreated only saw a golden arm suddenly coming out from behind the zombie, exuding a slow Buddha light.


He Cheng tore off the Vajra arm and threw it into the city.

Specializing in one enhancement, what's the difference between a gun without a steel tip and a stick?

People are all about merit, and being versatile is mediocre.

Being a zombie also requires something to stand out.

Killed all the way and got him promoted to a level!

Arriving in front of a city half as high as himself, He Cheng clenched his fist and smashed it!


Three consecutive punches, the city wall shattered!

The ghosts in the city were hiding everywhere as if they had been punished by heaven, but many of them were unable to hide and were smashed to pieces.

As soon as He Cheng entered the city and looked at the endless ghosts, the resentment that could not be reincarnated was like a tide, pouring into his mouth and nose!

After a quarter of an hour, upgrade!

Another quarter of an hour later, another upgrade!

"Millions of resentful ghosts provide resentment. It is simply a blessed place for zombies to upgrade!"

Although ordinary zombies also use resentment as their strength, even if they were buried here, it would take hundreds or even thousands of years to evolve.

The biggest difference between He Cheng and them is that there is no upper limit for absorption, and there is no upper limit for speed!

Apart from the Yin-Yang Dharma King, which ghost king in the world would dare to do such a thing? Even the eighteenth level of hell may not have such strong resentment. After all, the ghosts who have entered hell have long been tortured to the point of unconsciousness, numbed by pain and fear, so how can they be resentful?

The city lord died in vain, but he only formed a private army in the name of reincarnation, and only recruited some wandering ghosts.

The Yin and Yang Dharma King has set up a roadblock between the underworld and the Yang world to stop all ghosts who want to be reincarnated.

Ghosts cannot be reincarnated and naturally resentful.

But they were also afraid of Yin-Yang Dharma King's extraordinary power, so they could only endure it silently.

And this will deepen the resentment.

In addition, the gods and Buddhas did not care, so the Yin-Yang Dharma King established this Yin-Yang world, and in the end it was easy for He Cheng.


Level 75!

Finally stop at level 75!

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