Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 300 Centipede’s Nest

"White snake and green snake?"

He Cheng looked up strangely, glanced at Xiaoshuang, and asked her, "Is the white snake's name Bai Suzhen?"

"The white snake and the green snake are monsters that have been around for thousands of years, but they have not yet transformed. They were just passing by and did not stay for a long time. Xiaoshuang has not been in contact with them."

Seeing that the banshee was confused, He Cheng suddenly remembered that the monster was not a human being and did not care about names at all.

The tree demon who has been practicing for thousands of years is still called grandma, and the two female demons are called Xiaoxue and Xiaoshuang.

"Besides these two passing snakes, are there any other thousand-year-old monsters around?"

Xiaoshuang closed her eyes and thought for a while, then suddenly opened her eyes:

"Following the trade route to the Western Regions, there was a nest of centipede spirits. When my grandma occupied Black Mountain, I met them. I heard that they slaughtered the entire temple and put on human skin to become a monk. The most capable centipede spirit has become an immortal. He became a Buddha and passed through Montenegro a few days ago and went to the capital!"

"Centipede Spirit..."

Monks from the Western Regions dressed up as centipedes, became immortals and Buddhas, and even went to the capital.

Isn't he the centipede spirit in A Chinese Ghost Story Part 2?

He Cheng thought that this centipede spirit was quite capable, but he didn't expect that he had already become an immortal!

"If you poke his centipede nest, you'll be in trouble if you get bitten back..."

He Cheng slapped his thigh, walked to the door with his fists clenched, and looked eastward to see the entire collapsed east mountain.

Before taking action, everyone knew that he could not defeat the tree demon. Now, didn't the tree demon fall into his hands and escape, leaving only the roots behind?

"Fuck! Centipede Essence is also on the recipe!"

He just keeps killing by killing. If he shrinks down and learns the practice of worshiping the moon like jumping zombies, it will take thousands of years to become a flying zombie.

A hundred years is too long!

After being trapped in a coffin for thousands of years, he transformed into the legendary Drought Demon and became invincible to gods and Buddhas from then on. Maybe he would have gone crazy before even a thousand years.


A carriage was walking west along the trade road. A man wrapped in thick clothes was fighting against the wind, swinging his whip.

From time to time, small centipedes crawl out from the cracks in the rocks on the dirt road and run away when they are run over by wheels.

It was getting dark, the wind was falling and the sky was getting colder, making it a bit difficult for the horses to walk.

The strong wind blew open the car curtain, causing the female family members in the car to scream in surprise.

"Husband, it's so cold..." A delicate voice came from the car.

"Can we really make a fortune by going to the Western Regions?" asked another voice.

"If you don't go to the Western Region, how can you fill your stomach?"

The man sighed, "There is a temple ahead, we should be able to rest!"


The carriage stopped in front of the Lama Temple.

Unlike ordinary Buddhist temples, there is no walled temple complex here. Instead, it is composed of five towering halls with carved beams and painted pillars, which are connected to each other, but the buildings are independent.

There are also four living Buddha mansions and a mourning hall where the ashes of the living Buddha are placed.

The exterior walls of all buildings are painted with a layer of white lime, making the Buddhist temple look pure and elegant.

The man driving the carriage got out of the car and led the horse to Monk Fan, who was watching the door.

"Amitabha, Master, the wind and sand are too strong today and there is no place to stay around. Can you let us spend the night here?"

"This... I need to ask the abbot."

"It's convenient for pedestrians, but it's convenient for yourself, Master!" The man said, reaching out from his thick clothes, taking out a piece of silver and handing it out.

"I don't want this. You wait here and I'll ask the abbot..."

After saying that, the lama braved the strong wind and trotted into the main hall.

"They are all good things..." The man pulled away the gray cloth scarf covering his mouth and focused his eyes on the four living Buddha temples.

After a short while, the lama from earlier came trotting back.

"Householder, please come inside. We have arranged for people to clean the guest rooms for accommodation... But what is in your carriage...?"

"Everyone come down!"

The man waved.

The curtain of the carriage opened, and two women who had wrapped themselves tightly stepped out.

"Take off the hood, don't let the master mistake us for wanted criminals!"

The two women obeyed and took off their headscarves to reveal their faces.

They both have the appearance of a moon-shy flower, but one is light and beautiful, while the other is more clever but less popular.

I heard someone swallowing softly.

"Three laymen, please come inside..."

"Thank you, Master. You should keep the money. We never take advantage." The man put the money into the lama's hand and lightly touched his palm with his fingers as if nothing had happened.

His nails seemed to be poisonous, and a small black patch suddenly appeared on Lama's palm.

The lama himself did not respond, reluctantly accepted the money and led the way.

"There is a room here where three lay people can rest for the night before setting off again tomorrow."

"Thank you, Master!" The female family member clasped her hands and thanked him.

The lama himself responded awkwardly, as if he rarely used this gesture.

The door is closed.

The man took off his heavy clothes.

These three people are none other than He Cheng, Yan Hong and the banshee Xiao Shuang.

Xiaoshuang took off her heavy clothes and said, "King of Corpses, is this really here? I remember that we should go a hundred miles west to find the temple, and these are all living people, how could they be monsters?"

"Of course it looks like a human from the outside, but it's hard to tell from the inside..."

The heart, lungs, and internal organs of human flesh are hollowed out, and human skin is put on like clothing. Unless one has a sharp eye, one cannot see the difference between them.

He Cheng's eyes, which can see people's level of cultivation, are not much worse than fiery eyes and golden eyes.

What he could confirm most was that the monk was poisoned by corpse, but he didn't react. He was obviously wearing human skin.

"Master, what should we do?" Yan Hong asked softly.

"They must want to eat meat when they leave us, but I also want to eat their meat."

He rubbed his hands, flicked his sleeves, and found an extra piece of pastry in his hand.

“It smells so good~”

Xiaoshuang wrinkled her nose and smelled a lot of fragrance.

The cakes made by insects such as termites, dragonflies, bees, mealworms, crickets, and chafers, and the monster that Xiaoshuang transformed from a bird, of course taste delicious.

Not only do birds like to eat it, but centipedes also like it.

"I'm going to pay homage to the living Buddha. You can give some to the masters in the temple."

"Yes, husband~" the voice was deliberately louder.


The wooden door opened, and the three of them walked out carrying a few small boxes and spread out.

He Cheng was walking to the Living Buddha Temple carrying the exquisite small wooden box, but two lamas at the door stopped him: "Laity, this is where the Living Buddha rests, please don't disturb me."

The lama's tongue also fought when he spoke.

"I brought some pastries and wanted to find the Living Buddha to help me answer my questions!"


A vicissitudes of voice came from inside, "Please come in, layman."


The lama at the door took a step back, clasped his hands and said, "Laity, please come in..."

"Thank you!"

Entering the temple, there was an old lama sitting on a futon. His nose was raised, and he gently stretched out his tongue to circle his lips.

Afraid that He Cheng would see him, the Living Buddha coughed slightly, cleared his throat and asked, "What is the layman's confusion about?"

He Cheng walked up to the Living Buddha and placed the cake in front of him.

“Try it, it’s delicious”

"This..." The Living Buddha looked confused, then threw away his reserve, opened the wooden box, took a piece and put it in his mouth.

After eating one piece, eat another piece.

The living Buddha stopped when the food in the small box bottomed out.

"Sir, what's the confusion?"

"I want to ask, if a centipede becomes a spirit, are you afraid of a bird becoming a spirit?"

"Bird?" The living Buddha suddenly opened his eyes, a trace of anger flashed in his eyebrows, but he suppressed it with "Amitabha".

"What does layman mean?"

"What's the meaning?"

He Cheng stepped on the small table and raised his hand to grab the Living Buddha!

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