Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 291 There is a demon in Black Mountain

"Xiaosheng is going to catch up with the caravan heading to the Western Regions and go to the Western Regions to learn some business methods."

Poor scholars also have a lot of trouble with polite manners. They hold their hands and bow their heads when speaking.

"What is this place?" He Cheng asked.

“Close to Taiyuan, Shanxi…”

It is called the Dayu Dynasty, but it has the place name of the earth in the previous life.

He lowered his hands and waited for a long time, but no response came. Luo Zhiqiu looked up and saw that the silver-armored general in front of him had a thoughtful face. He then raised his hands and said, "General, let's say goodbye. See you again~" He turned around and left, but naturally he didn't get a response. .

Luo Zhiqiu ran for a while, fearing that he would lose the caravan.

He Cheng was thinking about whether there were monsters or ghosts in this world, let alone whether there were gods above his head.

"Scholar, wait!"

Luo Zhiqiu stopped immediately, turned around and waited for the orders from the silver-armored general behind him.

"General, is there anything else?"

"I happen to have nothing to do, so I'll go to the Western Regions with you to see it!"

In ancient times, the Western Regions generally referred to Xinjiang and other western regions. For example, the Kunlun Fairy Mountain, which is the most popular in folk stories, operas, storytellers, etc., was also in the Western Regions.

The scholar was overjoyed. He raised his head and stared into He Cheng's eyes, but felt that his eyes were as cold as death. He shuddered and quickly took his eyes back. "You and I can be companions, and the road ahead will definitely be more stable."

With a powerful general following behind him, he will be much safer.

"Do you have any clothes?"

"Yes! Of course there is!" Luo Zhiqiu grabbed a blue scholar's robe from the book basket.

The scholar's robe is wide and fat, with two layers of fabric seams inside and outside. When it is cold in winter, cotton is stuffed into it to keep out the cold. When spring warms up, the threads are removed and the cotton is taken out. There are only two or three pieces of clothing throughout the year. To change and wear, the poorer ones only have one piece.

"General, have you learned mystical powers?"

Luo Zhiqiu saw He Cheng put on his robe, and the silver armor on his body slipped into his sleeves like running water with a slight shake.

He raised his hands and felt the breeze on his sleeves. The big silver armor was stuffed into the sleeves and disappeared without a trace!

Apart from the half-long hair, she also wears scholar's clothes, which really makes her look like a scholar.

He Cheng stamped his feet and changed the shape of his feet to adapt to the length of the shoes. "A little trick to deceive people. What, have you ever seen others use spells?"

"That's not true. I just often hear people say that ghosts are often encountered in the wilderness, and if you are not careful, you will be disemboweled and eaten."

Luo Zhiqiu's face changed slightly when he talked about monsters, but he still managed to pretend it was meaningless.

"You are not afraid?"

"You are so strange and powerful. Xiaosheng... why should you be afraid? You will never do anything bad in your life, and you will not be afraid of ghosts knocking on your door in the middle of the night!"

With the naked eye, the scholar could not tell that there was a zombie king who had been on the cholera side in front of him. Killing people and sucking blood was a common thing.

"It's better to have monsters and monsters!"

When Luo Zhiqiu saw him speaking, he licked his lips with his tongue, and the murderous look in his eyes was like two steel knives. Luo Zhiqiu was frightened with just one swipe.

He quickly turned his head away, fearing that his head would be chopped off by the knife in his eyes.

He cleared his throat and said, "The general is joking."

"Haha, let's go!"

This place is more than forty miles away from Taiyuan, going north to Hebei, across Hebei and Henan, and to the east is Shandong.

The geographical location is not biased at all. It is an ancient China called the Dayu Dynasty, which is exactly the same as the earth. There are Jinyiwei who developed from the "Gongwei Division" founded by Emperor Taizu when he founded the country.

Every bit is similar to the Ming Dynasty.

However, compared to the Ming Dynasty's 200-year history, this country has more than 900 years of history and an eternal foundation.

"Xiaosheng is from Jinhuayi, Zhejiang. He failed in the exam two years ago. Later, he followed the caravan to Shanxi to settle down... I heard that there has been a drought in my hometown for two years, so I..."

He was glad that he had escaped, but he was also sad for his hometown.

On the way, he found a close friend. Luo Zhiqiu kept talking and talked about his situation like beans, but suddenly he remembered that he didn't know anything about the person next to him.

"General, where are you from?"


"Not a human!" The corners of his mouth curled up, and the white teeth exposed when he parted his lips were gleaming with cold light, seeping through people like a guillotine.


Luo Zhiqiu leaned back, but unexpectedly there was someone standing behind him. The person raised his hand to hold his back and held him steady, which prevented him from falling.

"Scholar, be careful!"

"Old man, I'm sorry..."

The old man who gently raised his hand to support Luo Zhiqiu was wearing a raincoat, and the water mist on the river was hanging on it, and it would drip into the water whenever he moved.

"You two gentlemen, are you going to Montenegro?" The old man looked at the two people in front of him and said with a charitable smile.

"to us"

Luo Zhiqiu glanced at He Cheng and saw that he kept looking at the old man with a smile. He hesitated and said, "There is a silk caravan going to the Western Regions from here to Montenegro. They are going to the Western Regions. I want to learn the business methods from them." , if I can’t keep up now, I will really lose it after we leave Shanxi!”

"You'd better not go"

The old man shook his head: "There is no boat willing to ferry you across the river now."

Further ahead is a large river. The river is filled with thick fog, which is mixed with the dark clouds in the sky. It is inseparable and it is difficult to tell which is the cloud and which is the fog.

"I'm paying but still not crossing? Is there anyone who doesn't make money?"

"I'm the one who doesn't make money." The old man looked kind-hearted and smiled more approachably. "I'm the only boatman in this place!"

"Boatman, this is my last chance! You must help me!"

Luo Zhiqiu was about to kneel down after saying this.

"Don't you know that if you go to Montenegro at night, you will definitely die? There may be man-eating monsters in there!"

"The old man is joking, but he is so strange and powerful..."

The old man raised his hand and shook off the mist on his raincoat.

"It's useless for you to say that. If you don't want to go, I won't go. I haven't lived enough yet!"

Speak simply, and turn around and walk simply.

Luo Zhiqiu hurriedly chased after him, and finally pulled the old man back after a lot of hard work.

"You're such a good scholar!"

The old man had no choice but to get on the boat, but He Cheng's smile became even stronger when he was beside him.

"Let's go, don't rely on me if you die!"

The old man supports Hao Hao and sails the boat.

"Don't worry, old man, we will never blame you for life or death!" Luo Zhiqiu deliberately sat farther away from He Cheng.

His mind began to reminisce, and it seemed as if there were steel knives hidden in his eyes as they fell from the sky. So when He Cheng said he was not a human being, he immediately believed him.

But now that he thinks about it, he feels careless. After all, he doesn’t believe that there are monsters and ghosts in the world at all!

The general must be joking with him!

Luo Zhiqiu looked at He Cheng who turned to look at the thick fog. He seemed to be able to see through the fog. He focused his gaze on the black mountain and swallowed it in his heart.

"How long until we arrive?"

The small wooden boat plunged into the thick fog.

A sharpening sound came from the fog, "It's coming soon!"

Luo Zhiqiu cried out in pain and fell into the cabin as if his ear had been cut with a knife.

Vaguely, I saw an old boatman wearing a raincoat walking in step by step.

His face was plump, his eyelids were swollen, and there was a strong salty smell.

"Monsters are rampant in the Black Mountains. You two scholars are so brave that you even brought them to your door! The scholars with thin skin and tender meat are the best!!"

The monster did not forget to spit out his stench when he spoke.

The rotten claws probed and grabbed He Cheng from the nearest location!

"Are the Black Mountains full of monsters?"

He Cheng didn't see how he moved. He suddenly raised his hand, and his arm was like a steel fork, piercing the monster's chest, and pulled out a thumping monster's heart.

Try to subdivide the volume, but this kind of division does not mean that it can be separated and written separately.

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