Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 288 The corpse descended from the sky

"You three actually made a fortune!"

He Cheng's expression suddenly changed, he turned his wrist and grabbed a dagger from nowhere.

The dagger spun rapidly on his fingertips, and was caught in his hand like a butterfly.

"I just came here and don't have any money, why don't you help me?"

"Ah Cheng, no matter what we said, we helped you and gave you a place to live, but you are so ungrateful!"

Ah You rolled up his sleeves and looked at He Cheng's strong body. He was a little scared, "Do you believe I should call the police?"

"Get away!"

The knife slashed Ayou's arm fiercely, with a trace of blood on the blade.

"Wife...Wife, he is not joking. Give him the money, give it to him quickly!"

Sister Ninth nodded repeatedly, snatched the box from Xiao Ming's arms and handed it to He Cheng.

"It's broken! It's seven o'clock!"

Ayou glanced at his watch out of the corner of his eye and ignored the pain on his body.

But he suddenly reacted, swept away his panic, looked at his wife and brother-in-law, and laughed, "I was robbed! I was robbed!"

"Ah Cheng, you are really my good brother!"

"So you want to help us. Don't play with knives next time, otherwise it will be bad if you really hurt my husband!" Ninth Sister also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brother Cheng, you are still awesome." Xiao Ming continued to flatter him. He almost wet his pants just now.

"You just spend this money, spend it slowly! Let's go first!"

The three people who were still happy about being robbed waved their hands and turned to leave.

“I don’t have money to take a taxi.”

"Then walk back"

"It takes more than two hours to walk, and I haven't had breakfast yet..."

The three of them started to sigh again.

"Master, if you want to help them, why not let me capture the female ghost?"

"Help them?"

He Cheng picked up the box and turned away, "I just took some money to spend. They made a three-part agreement with the female ghost. I am responsible for my life and death."

Yan Hong stopped talking and followed He Cheng obediently.


"What day is today?"

In the Kaixin Buddha Temple, Kaixin Buddha looked confused and couldn't kneel down. He had already formed a line of worshipers a hundred meters away.

Three long incense sticks in each hand.

"Incense, finally someone believes that I am a happy Buddha! Haha"

It's always a good thing to have incense. Half an hour of incense is comparable to his performance in one or two years.

"After you have finished praying, put the incense into the incense burner, and then come here to collect the money, one hundred yuan per person!" a beautiful woman in a short skirt shouted from a distance.

Five strong men with muscles as hard as rocks, their faces were blue, they were gritting their teeth and ribs, carrying an incense burner, and moved heavily step by step to the entrance of the temple.

As soon as the incense burner was put down, people who were kneeling in the temple immediately rushed up to place incense and then rushed to the woman to collect money.

The people behind finally got a chance and squeezed into the temple to kowtow.

Seeing that they can actually get money, more and more people are joining the ranks, and women are welcome to come. Anyone who kowtows too much will be given money, but those who don't kowtow too much and want to fool around will be exposed by one sentence, and then they will be queued up to wait. He was chased away by the crowd who were collecting money.

“The incense is good”

"I ask for sincerity when I offer incense. You are not helping me."

Happy Buddha shook his head.

"Buddhas compete for a stick of incense. It is better to have incense than to have spider webs in the temple. Haven't you heard of the advertising effect? ​​These people are paid to help you promote it, so that your temple can be prosperous."

He Cheng walked to the temple step by step and looked directly at the happy Buddha statue.

"After many years of separation, your cultivation has improved again." Happy Buddha's eyes fell on He Cheng's neck.

Today he finally saw through He Cheng. Although the golden body was a Buddha, it was full of resentment and karma.

It is better to say that he is an incarnation of wrath than an evil Buddha.

"I came out of seclusion to see you, aren't you welcome?"

"If you don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything, the Corpse King should speak up." Since Happy Buddha was convinced of He Cheng's identity, he would naturally no longer regard him as a family member. Only when he has condensed his golden body can he have the Buddha's will. Unfortunately, when he found out, he was no longer the Zombie King in front of him. opponent.

“I’ll lend you the head of Happy Buddha!”

Happy Buddha's smiling little eyes widened and he took a few steps back uncontrollably.

What are you afraid of?

"Haha, I was just joking with you. I just came to see an old friend."

He Cheng also really missed the head on the head of Happy Buddha.

He still has some bottom line. Kaifa has never shown hostility to him, and he can't really take action. Even if he does, he can't guarantee victory.

"The Corpse King really scared me to death."

He Cheng raised his eyelids.

If you are too young to be born in this zodiac sign, you will be happy that it is not as easy to fool as before.

"I used Master Zhong's sword before. As you know, the sword was returned to Master Zhong for use, so... I want to ask Happy Buddha to lend you a weapon. Did you feel the overwhelming ghostly energy the day before yesterday?"

Happy Buddha nodded and said seriously, "It should be one step away from reaching the Earth Immortal!"

Golden elixir is known as a land god, and the next step up it will naturally become a heavenly god.

"You know I like to conquer demons the most."

The lie was exposed at this point and I was so happy that I just pretended that I didn't hear it.

"I also picked up two or three weapons at the foot of Lingshan Mountain. The Corpse King can use them as much as he wants."

An eight-sided hammer the size of a winter melon.

A golden axe.

A magic pestle.

It's a pity that they all exude the light of Buddha. The zombies use Buddha treasures, rather than seeking death themselves.

"I borrowed all three, and I will definitely return them to you in the future!"

Amid the happy, dumbfounded and disbelieving eyes, He Cheng raised his hand, and a suction force came from his sleeve, sucking all three weapons into his sleeve.

The Universe in the Sleeve was supposed to be a magical power, but what Zhong Kui taught it was just a spell, and it could only contain some things, so it couldn't trap anyone.

Not to mention the three heads and six arms, the three heads and six arms that he transformed into are just a showpiece.

"Yanhong, let's go"


The person giving out money over there left, and the incense in the Happy Buddhist Temple was suddenly cut off. The person who was kneeling halfway lost the incense and cursed for his bad luck.

There are also many people who kneel three or four times and earn three to four hundred yuan in ten minutes!

If you have money, you will kowtow; if you don’t have money, you will immediately fall out; if you have no grudges, you will immediately say a few words.

In this world, people are more realistic than zombies.

Seven days passed in a flash.

The sky was dark, like heavy ink splashed in the clouds.

The moon was hidden behind dark clouds, and no starlight could be seen.

In this land, the most capable Kaixin Buddha and the land god chose to be a tortoise when they encountered the ghost energy in the sky.

In the church, GiGi, a female doctor, was wearing a wedding dress. She watched with fear and tears as her ghost-possessed ex-boyfriend grabbed her and threatened the kidnapped priest to go on a wedding trip.

"GiGi, I love you so much, I really love you so much!"

The ex-boyfriend grabbed a knife and stabbed it into his stomach. He smiled and cut open his belly inch by inch. It bled like water. He fell to the ground twice and lost all movement.

A figure flashed out.

He has arrogant black hair and wears Japanese armor made of bamboo strips, hemp rope and leather.

As soon as he appeared, except GiGi, everyone else died from the collision of ghost energy!

"Death to the Ghost King!"

outside the church,

Ma Shangfeng and Xiaohui, dressed in gold and silver armor, stood left and right holding magic weapons.

Standing in the middle was an old Taoist wearing a Taoist robe. He raised a whisk and the soft hair was as stiff as a spear, pointing directly at the Japanese Ghost King.


The Ghost King flew out and knocked over Ma Shangfeng and Xiaohui with just his ghost energy.

The Taoist who was facing this move took a dozen steps back and stopped with his back against the car, but he couldn't hold back a mouthful of blood.


On the branch of the tree, a little scorpion as big as a finger watched all this.

"It seems that apart from me, there is no second divine corpse in this world!"

He Cheng, who had been waiting for a long time, jumped out from the sky and landed in front of the old Taoist, protecting him behind him.

The layman in the thatched cottage wiped his mouth of blood and looked at the person falling from the sky, whose figure was blocked by the dust.

His expression changed: "It's so full of corpse energy!"

Could there be another enemy coming? This is not a good sign!

"Master, it's him, he is our savior!"

Ma Shangfeng and Xiaohui shouted, "He was the one who helped us find you!"

The smoke and dust dispersed, and the golden light flourished.

There is a corpse with three heads and six arms, wearing silver armor, standing here!

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