The difference between the two of them was not noticed by others.

Now it was Sister Ninth's turn to ask, did she really believe in ghosts?

"Die Xian, Die Xian, are you a boy or a girl?"

Aaron and the witch stared at each other. They didn't use any strength, and they didn't even look at the Dish Fairy Board, but the Dish was acting on its own!

"Move, move..."

The atmosphere cooled down instantly, and several other people noticed the troops coming in.

The plate slowly stopped on the word "female".

"Then how did you die?"

The saucer was so uncontrollable that it moved quickly on the saucer board.

The first time I stopped at the word "traitor".

The second time it fell on "kill".

The witch lost consciousness and seemed to see a green-faced woman crying in mourning, baring her teeth and claws at him!

"Hey! Stop playing!"

"No, we haven't played yet..."

If the plate moves again, just stop.

"Twenty years old?"

"Okay! Stop playing!"

The witch's back felt numb, and the cold air went up from his calves, as if someone was blowing on his neck.

The other people just thought it was a deliberately created atmosphere and continued to ask questions disobediently.

"Die Xian, Die Xian, where are you now?"

The saucer moved and finally stopped on the word "by my side".


The dark wind suddenly rose.

"Die Xian, Die Xian, please leave quickly! Please leave quickly!"

The witch put her finger on the plate and didn't dare to move it away. She muttered something to send the dish fairy away.

The sinister wind gusted, and others also noticed that something was wrong.

"No more playing, we don't want to play anymore either!"

"Don't let go!"

He was not allowed to let go, but there was a force that knocked them away!

The nine people were knocked over by an exploding wind and flew out with an "ouch".

The upside-down plate that no one touched moved on its own, and finally fell on "kill".

"It's over, it's over, we're done!"

The witch rubbed her arms and breathed in the cool air, "Now we are doomed!"

"It's over? Huh, you guys are really over!"

Superintendent Ashin walked over with his hands behind his back, "You stayed up late at night and came to a place like this to play. Believe it or not, I will fire you?"

"Go back quickly!"

The men and women slipped back in disgrace.

Late at night, the witch lay on the bed and fell asleep. The window was opened, and a cool breeze hit him hard.

The witch who was sleeping soundly turned green and then white.

Training the next day.

"What's going on, where's the witch?"

Superintendent Ashin shook the baton in his hand.

I think he was also the chief instructor of the Ghost Force. Now a ghost guy from the UK is on top of him and terminated his training plan for the Ghost Hunting Force. He also asked him to disband the Flying Tigers and Overlord Flower, otherwise Just pack up and get out!

But if you want to keep your job, you have to grit your teeth and obey orders.

The players standing in a row shook their heads.

"Sir, he seems to be feeling unwell. He didn't come out of the dormitory!"

"Really? ***, go to the dormitory and see what happened to the witch!"

The female instructor nodded and trotted to the boys' dormitory.

"What are you doing with the curtains drawn in broad daylight? You can't see anyone."

The female instructor opened the curtains, causing the witch on the bed to feel dissatisfied.

"Why, you're just basking in the sun, and you're shaking so much?... Could it be that you've taken too many drugs?" The female instructor's eyes lit up, and she almost took off her pants and rode on.

Just a touch on the witch's forehead and a feeling of coldness.

"Aren't you taking drugs? You're not responding..." She reached into the witch's crotch and searched for it for a while before finally shaking her head and letting go.

"Looks like I'm really sick..."

"You should have a good rest." The female instructor turned around and was about to leave. The pale-faced witch behind her suddenly sat up, her mouth was split open, and she was grinning with a cold breath.

"It's better to get some sunshine!"

The curtains were opened again, and the witch who was about to take action was immediately suppressed by the sunlight. She screamed "woo woo" and lay down on the bed.

It soon came to night again.

The witch got up from the bed vigorously.

Enter the health care room.

The doctor turned to look at the witch, then turned his attention to the melon seeds in front of him.

"Why, what's wrong with you?"

"I don't feel comfortable anywhere..."

The witch walked up to the doctor step by step, hugged his neck fiercely, and bit down, breaking the carotid artery and causing blood to spurt out. He swallowed it in his stomach.

After hastily throwing the body into the trash can outside, the witch changed her target again.

There are successful kills, but there are even more failures.

Finally the witch returned to the dormitory.

Looking at Aaron, who was alone, he smiled stiffly with his dead white face.

"Hey! Witch, what are you doing!"

Aaron was jumped and kicked in fear, only to see the witch with a weird face like a ghost and a big mouth trying to bite him to death!

"What's going on!"

Several other men rushed in.

"Hurry up and catch the witch, he is possessed by ghosts!"

Seeing that they were not cheating, several men pushed the witch to the ground, and the four big men attacked and almost got knocked over!

"This boy has so much strength!"

"This kid is possessed by ghosts and bites his ***!" Aaron laughed slyly. Dare you pretend to be a ghost and scare yourself?

Ayong and Charlie nodded in disbelief, tore the witch's clothes apart, and bit into them one by one. The struggling witch's face changed from white to cold, "Hey! Let go! Let go! It hurts me to death!" "

The two relaxed.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, but it's going to be miserable for all of us!"

The witch rubbed the teeth marks on her chest, twitching the corners of her mouth, and struggled to stand up: "I was possessed by a ghost, and that ghost is going to kill us all!"

"You are the only one who believes in ghosts! Go to sleep!"

"You don't think what just happened was a joke, do you?"

The wind turned.

The dark wind that flew away from the witch turned into the girls' dormitory.

Sister Ninth woke up from the dream of A Yong and the witch fighting for her, but she saw the clinical policewoman A Mei, standing up straight like a zombie!

The fear deep in the memory is revealed.

A certain zombie she had seen had this way of getting up!

Sister Ninth covered her mouth, fearing that she would make any noise and attract Ami's attention.

Amy walked forward stiffly step by step.

He quietly climbed onto another companion's bed, his penetrating white teeth sticking out.

Sister Ninth was trembling and couldn't help but screamed "Ah!"

Everyone was woken up and the lights were turned on.

"what happened?"

Superintendent Ashin was also the first to rush in, but unfortunately he didn't see the beauty.

"'s okay, it's okay!"

From the corner of her eye, Sister Ninth looked at A Mei who was staring at her with a pale face, and shook her head hastily, "I just had a nightmare."

"Keep your mouth shut and sleep from now on!" Superintendent Ashin grunted and left.

Listening to the complaints from the sisters living together, Sister Ninth just nodded and admitted her mistake.

"Good night……"

A Mei lay down on Jiujie's bed.

"Night, good night!"

Sister Jiu didn't dare to fall asleep again that night. Fortunately, Ami didn't get up either.

Early the next morning, Sister Ninth rushed out immediately, took a public phone and dialed the number she absolutely didn't want to call.


"This is Zixia Temple, which specializes in exorcising ghosts. Taoist nun Yimei, who is she?"

"It's me, your cousin!"

"It's you, why are you calling?" The voice on the phone was extremely impatient.

"Is uncle here? I have something urgent to ask him!"

"My dad... is not free. If you have something urgent, please tell me."

"I've hit a ghost! Can you think of a way to save me?"

"How much do you give me?"

"As a family, it's so bad to talk about money..." Ninth Sister made a bitter face, turned around and saw A Mei walking towards her step by step, and said hurriedly, "Okay! I'll give you the money, and you come over and save my life. The address is... …XXX”

"Ninth sister~"

Amei, with her pale face and bright red lips, looked very attractive.

"Good morning, Ami, I have something else to do, so I'll leave first!"

"No, I still have something to talk to you about!"


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