Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 274 Zhong Kui marries sister

Big deal!

Although Happy Buddha is a new Buddha, he is not naive enough to think that just by reading Buddhist scriptures for ten days, he can turn a zombie into a Buddhist Dharma Protector!

Compared to Happy Buddha's panic and confusion, Yan Hong's face changed. It was the inner demon Zhang Susu who had the upper hand, and she looked at He Cheng with curiosity in her eyes.

A zombie's body is emitting Buddha's light. How is this different from a mouse's body with a cat's head?

As soon as he turned his head, he swallowed it into his stomach.

"Congratulations King Kong!"

Happy Buddha shrank his nose, took two deep breaths to suppress the shock in his heart, stood up and patted his clothes.

"In the future, when we promote Buddhism, we must ask Vajra to take more care of us!"


He Cheng squinted his eyes in disbelief.

He didn't expect that the Great Demon God was also related to Xitian, and the thing he made was called "Evil Buddha"

[Evil Buddha]: King Kong (promotion: 0/10000000 resentment)

The Buddha relies on saving people, and this evil Buddha should rely on killing people!

The famous Vajra in Buddhism has four heavenly kings, also called the Four Vajras.

Of course, his Vajra is not as good as the magical powers of the four heavenly kings, but it still has the word "Buddha" in it.

A zombie with Buddha nature is really rare.


He groaned fiercely, tearing a gash in his right back, and a thick golden arm stretched out from it.

Three arms!

His so-called [Evil Buddha] abilities are all in this arm.

"In the future, after collecting all the demons and ghosts in the world, why don't we come up with the magical power of Avalokitesvara with Thousand Arms?"

Buddhism has King Ming, the incarnation of wrath. Most of them have four heads and eight arms.

Happy Buddha saw this arm and became even more convinced.

"I'm afraid it's because I don't have enough Buddha-nature. The scriptures I recited only half of the Vajra enlightenment. Even after growing a Vajra arm, I still can't get rid of the corpse energy all over my body."

He Cheng shook, and his extra arm retracted into his armor and buried in his flesh.

The evil Buddha's arms are also comparable to ghosts and immortals, and they have natural suppression against ghosts and monsters!

"King Kong, where are you going?"

Seeing He Cheng getting up, Happy Buddha hurriedly asked.

He Cheng blinked, "Vajra warriors, of course, must take it as their own duty to destroy demons and demons, and protect people with Buddha nature in the world!"

"Amitabha!" Kaixin Buddha clasped his hands together, no matter what He Cheng said was true or false, he just chanted Amitabha.

He Cheng replied with Amitabha, turned around and left with the female ghost.

"Already has Buddha nature, but it's a pity that he is a bright king with angry eyes... I don't have the ability to stop him now, I just hope that Buddha nature can save him, alas..."



"Sister, I found the ghost king for you this time. He is handsome and will be a ghost fairy soon. You will never be wronged when you marry him!"

The woman in white makeup wiped the corners of her eyes and wiped away her tears, "Brother, if you can't get married, then you can't get married..."

"That won't work! If you can't remarry, you will never be reincarnated!"

The speaker has the head of a leopard and the forehead of a tiger, with an iron face and eyes, and a beard like iron nails on his face. His voice is like thunder.

A big hand stretched out from the red robe and gently patted the woman's shoulder, "I'm putting on makeup, it's time to get up."

"Xie Bian!"

A tiger's voice roared, and a short ghost in white, less than three feet tall, trotted over.

Wearing a white crown on the head, it says "make money at first sight"

"Master Zhong, did you call me?"

"Is my uncle's sedan here?"

"I've been here for half a day."

"Get up the sedan!"

The white paper lantern is lifted up, with the word "clock" clasped on it, to clear the way.

Behind them are the ghost guards holding auspicious white paper umbrellas with dragons and phoenixes, gilded boring machines, ghost-cutting swords, and demon-conquering knives.

There are also dowry bearers, a mourning stick, with paper burdens at both ends so light that they seem to be overturned by a gust of wind. Inside are paper ingots, paper money, and yellow paper candles.

Behind them are four people holding white ceremonial signs with the words "Welcome the bride" written on them.

The suona tunes children into mourning.

Behind them were seven or forty-nine escorting guards, taking a step with their left foot and shouting "Yao Wu"

Come over with your right foot and shout "show your strength"

The white sedan chair was guarded in the middle.

The momentum was so majestic that the lonely ghosts hid away, for fear of bumping into the sedan chair and being slapped to death by Zhong Kui.

"Hahaha!" Zhong Kui was riding on a tall horse with the word "Buddha" written on a big folding fan in his hand, fanning himself with cool breeze.

He is really happy today.

Bai Wuchang followed: "Congratulations to Master Zhong!"

"Congratulations on finally marrying off my sister? How are the things I asked you to check these days? Is there anything in the way?"

"This... the wedding banquet of the City God's son has been disturbed!"

"Oh? Who dares to kill your old boss?" Zhong Kui teased him.

Black and White Wuchang had also had his name in the City God's Temple earlier, and Zhong Kui was jealous of evil, and he looked down upon the son of the City God who relied on his reputation as a master to do evil everywhere.

What's more, Cheng Huang is not of sufficient rank in front of Zhong Kui, and they have little interaction with him.

The City God is equivalent to the local village official, and Zhong Kui is a special official appointed by the Jade Emperor. Zhong Kui does not follow the underworld when catching ghosts.

Even Yin Tianzi can't control him, there is no comparison between the two.


"Still that zombie?"

Zhong Kui stroked his beard and laughed, "I heard that my sword is in his hand? You two didn't catch him back then and let him run away. When I marry my sister, I will help you catch him!"

"Thank you, Master Zhong! Thank you, Master Zhong!"

Bai Wuchang nodded happily. The zombie didn't know what chance he got. The bull-headed horse-faced man was also defeated by him. Moreover, it was said that the Ghost Banquet of the City God's Son was completely wiped out!

Of course it's good to be able to avenge your brothers. With the help of Master Zhong Kui, no one in the Three Realms and Six Paths can stop him now.


"Master Zhong, what's wrong?"

Bai Wuchang turned to look at Zhong Kui immediately, blinking his eyes.

"Buddha's light? Zombie?... It's more important to marry your sister!"

Zhong Kui didn't want to cause trouble, but he was destined to be unstable when marrying his sister.

A ghostly aura soaring into the sky stopped in front of the sedan chair.

"Old Zhong Kui!"

"Ghost judge?"

Zhong Kuibao's eyes widened and he turned over and landed in front of the sedan.

"Today is the day when I, Zhong Kui, will marry my sister. Are you going to get into trouble with me?"

"Hmph! Old man Zhong Kui, how will you settle the score for killing my subordinates?"

"Heaven has its laws, the state has its laws, and the underworld also has its laws! They rely on the power of ghosts to bully ghosts, and if they dare to collect protection fees, I, Zhong Kui, am qualified to take charge of them!"

"Then I will definitely have a fight with you!"

"Looking at how protective you are, why didn't you take revenge when the bull-headed horse-face died?" Zhong Kui grabbed his fan and laughed at him.

The ghost judge's green and black face was covered with frost, and he seemed to have an unspeakable reason and said "Humph!"

No more nonsense, he grabbed the judge pen and fought with Zhong Kui.

As soon as the two sides came into contact, the explosive Yin Qi was turbulent. The lonely ghosts were collided by the aftermath, as if they were caught in a tornado, staggering and flying dozens of meters away!

On the top of a mountain a few miles away, He Cheng, who was wrapped in silver armor and whose three arms exuded Buddha light and corpse energy, withdrew his gaze.

Zhong Kui cannot see through his rank.

There is also a level 76 ghost judge.

In other words, Zhong Kui's ability is at least one level higher than that of the Ghost Judge!

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