Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 264 Arhat Relics

The big devil's expression changed.

"Do you know what will happen if you take me as your subordinate?"

With a flash of sword light, a ringed dragon came and slashed at the big demon's head.

Taking a closer look, all the people who wanted to recruit He Cheng would not end well. In other words, a group of NPCs still want to be their own leader?

The chain made of Buddha's light made a sound, and the self-explosion of the dragon ball by the little dragon girl was even more powerful.

The sword "dingdong" hit the Great Demon God, and his skin was actually harder than that of the silver-armored corpse. The silver-armored corpse left a gap with Zhong Kui's sword even with a sword, but it only made a "ding-dong" sound when it struck the Great Demon God. !

"Although the sword in your hand is a treasure, it's still not good enough to deal with me."

The great demon laughed loudly, and all the Buddha's light chains tied to his feet were freed. He raised his hand and grabbed He Cheng!

He Cheng gritted his teeth, and Zhong Kui threw out his sword, hitting the big demon in the middle.

When the Great Demon God counterattacked, he retreated and ran away.

There were bursts of Sanskrit sounds, as if filled with Frei. Eight broken mirrors suddenly rose up behind him, wrapping the exploding and luminous dragon balls, and all the light was reflected to the great demon.

The unity of nine suns does not necessarily mean the one in the sky.


The big demon exploded.

The light reflected by the eight mirrors fell on the silver-armored corpse again!


"Instructor Lin, did we win?"

Officer Lin asked in disbelief.

"The dark fog has dispersed and the sun has come out. Yes... we won."

The Great Demon God, the Silver Armored Corpse, the Dragon Balls, the Buddha... everything was like a dream, and all that was left were the ruins after the war.

The teaching building collapsed, like a half-demolished building.

Hundreds of girls' clothes were piled up under broken bricks and tiles. There were also some broken corpses on the ground. The scene was very scary.

The smell of blood came from the wind and penetrated his nose.

"It was such a miserable win...ahem"

"Meng Chao, are you alive?"

Meng Chao covered his chest and walked slowly while supporting each other with Xiao Longnu.

"Of course he's not dead. What should we do now? We haven't solved the Yin-Yang Corpse yet."

Seeing that several people were looking at her, Lin Xiaoting couldn't help but hesitated and said, "It's okay to find a man with ten spiritual days, but I want to fall in love first."

"Get on the boat first and then pay for the ticket. There is no time. Find a man quickly..."


There are two stone lions half as tall as a man at the door, holding a stone ball in their left mouth and stepping on a stone ball in their right hand.

It has red walls and black tiles, and a plaque reading "Happy Buddha" hangs on the double-door wooden door.

Come in,

A small temple of less than 100 square meters.

Pushing open the red-painted plywood wooden door, two pieces of red cloth hung in the middle.

The lotus candles on the left and right have weak fluorescence.

A bronze statue of Happy Buddha, who is as tall as one person and always smiles, is worshiped above, with two futons embroidered with golden lotuses placed below.

The three sticks of incense were stained with green smoke and slowly floated up to the roof, making the red-painted beams black.

“Nice place”

He Cheng sat cross-legged on the futon and looked at Happy Buddha.

There is a lot to say about becoming a Buddha immediately. Putting aside the Buddhahood in mythical stories, in reality, if you throw away the butcher's knife, you will definitely be handcuffed.

"The Corpse King is so complimentary, I still want to ask the Demon God..."

"The monster from thousands of years ago once fought against the Arhat who subdued the dragon and subdued the tiger. I don't know the details...are you planning to put me under house arrest here?"

He looked at Happy Buddha.

The happy ghost has turned into a happy Buddha, and he has a lot of Buddhist teachings at his disposal. Even the big devil has been tricked, so he may have a harder time escaping.

"Of course Xiaosheng can't."

There is a scholarly tone in his speech, no matter how you look at it, he is a sour scholar wearing Buddha's skin.

"Zhi Zhi Zhi"

A ghostly scream came from the wind, and two little ghosts no longer than their knees stood at the door.

A strong smell of paper dust came from the wind.

"I know, I will handle this matter, please go back..."

Happy Buddha nodded, and the smell of burnt yellow paper immediately dissipated.

He continued: "When the Corpse King spared my descendants, I also agreed to the Corpse King's request. I will help you if there is any trouble in the future..."

"Am I in trouble?"

He Cheng sniffed the dissipated and tasteless smell of paper ash. Only ghosts and gods who eat paper money to worship have such a strong smell of incense.

It is estimated that the pursuers are coming again.

"You killed some ghosts before, and the underworld just took the opportunity to lay off employees, and also saved many employees from preferential quotas for internal reincarnation, so they don't want to cause trouble to you."

"Who wants to cause trouble for me?"

"Although the ox-headed and horse-faced men serve as servants in the underworld, they are also the generals under the City God. They died because of you, and the City God's son wants your life."

"The son of the City God?"

"Although he is not the City God, his abilities are not inferior to those of Xiaosheng. Corpse King, you better not be violent... As long as Corpse King you stay in my happy Buddhist temple, even if you are the judge, Zhong Kui and other ghosts and gods come, I can keep you."

A judge is an official position, ranging from the four major judges in the Emperor's Palace of Fengdu to the civil and military judges under the City God. It cannot be said that the judge's position is big or small. It is just like the contrast between the secretary of the chairman and the secretary of the department manager in a company. It is related to the authority. Not big.


He Chengyi rubbed his nose,

"No, still under house arrest?"

"The son of the City God has been preparing for his wedding in the past few years, so he didn't pay attention to the underworld. Last night, the bride ran away and was furious. Moreover, after listening to his subordinates' report on the underworld, he already knew what you had done."

The meaning of Happy Buddha is simple. The son of the City God has no time to care about the affairs of the world and can still become a zombie king, pretending to be a god general, and eating both humans and ghosts.

Now that he has regained power, the first person to be eliminated is the troublemaker inside him.

He Chengcheng was the first to undergo surgery.

To put it simply, the city god is a local official in the underworld, equivalent to the mayor or county magistrate level in the Yangjian. There are provincial city gods who are in charge of the provincial level. In the 1980s, the city god in Hong Kong was still under administrative district management.

"The son of the City God buys you face, but where is the City God?"

"King of Corpses, please stop prying into Xiaosheng..."

Happy Buddha smiled bitterly.

"He Cheng nodded, he understood.

God depends on people's belief, and if people don't believe in God, it will naturally disappear. Of course, there are other reasons, but he is not qualified to understand these because of his little stupor.

However, he still doesn't want to die trapped in this small temple. There is no god in this world. Even the highest level like Happy Buddha really disappoints him. The earth is always more interesting than the small temple.

He stood up and prepared to leave.

"Since the Corpse King doesn't want to stay for a long time, I have something to give you. If you have this thing on your body, the son of the City God will probably restrain himself for the sake of Xiaosheng's face."

Happy Buddha waved his hand, and there was a golden ball in his palm. After just two glances, He Cheng felt that it was difficult to move his body.

"This is the Arhat relic that Xiaosheng obtained from Xitian Lingshan. I ask the Corpse King to accept it..."

As he spoke, he raised his hand and slowly handed the relic to He Cheng's hand.

The Buddha's light was so great that it was as if he had fallen into a quagmire, entangled in the golden light, and was still as if he was tapping his acupuncture points.


The relic fell into He Cheng's palm, and the corpse energy in his body was rapidly declining. He was afraid of being eliminated, but he still couldn't resist being consumed very quickly. He had lost thousands of points in the blink of an eye!

"Young students will definitely recite sutras thousands of times to help the corpse king transcend and be reborn in bliss... Amitabha Buddha..."

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