Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 252 Yin Yang Corpse

"Who is this?" Senior brother looked at Uncle Feng in confusion.

His face was pale, but there was a bright light in Yintang. It was obvious that his face was weak and energetic.

"This is Uncle Feng, a fellow-traveler."

"Comrade..." The senior brother's words were full of meaning, and his eyes rolled.

"Fellow Daoist Feng, you said before that you wanted to see my copper coin sword, and I happened to show it to you." Lin Zheng walked to the incense table where the statues of Zhang Tianshi and Lu Dongbin were enshrined, grabbed the copper coin sword and threw it to Uncle Feng.

Uncle Feng coughed, jumped up and caught the copper coin sword. He turned his wrist in an arc, and the copper coin sword was directed towards the bleeding senior brother.

Ding dong!

The copper coin sword stabbed his chest, and the red rope tied with the copper coins broke immediately, and the coins fell to the ground!

Wow! !

Uncle Feng's expression changed, and when he pulled away, a long stick came out from Lin Zheng's crotch, like a golden cudgel without the need for the "big big" formula, and it suddenly poked in front of his face!

"Hey, look who I am!"

Lin Zheng shouted loudly.

Holding the lion seal with his hand, his body suddenly transformed into Lu Dongbin. With a little finger, the sword style became its own!

The 'senior brother' raised his hand and easily slapped away Jianfeng, giving up the opportunity to kill Uncle Feng, and jumped away to face the two of them.

"How did you find out I was fake?"

The 'senior brother' grabbed his hair and tore it off, and pulled off a layer of human skin, revealing a muscular man wearing leather clothes.

"Naimi!" Lin Zheng had a deep memory of the Jiangtou Master he killed with his own hands.

Lin Zheng glanced at Uncle Feng, who was breathing heavily, and wanted to say a few more words to help him delay his recovery.

"First, I have nothing to do with my senior brother. He can't possibly know that I went to Thailand. Second, he is just my mother's apprentice, so he never calls me junior brother, only Aying. Third, he is very poor. It is impossible to escape from a demon with some skills. Fourth..."

Uncle Feng answered, "Fourth, your fox tail is exposed!"

The murderous intent was too strong, and the two of them were not just fledgling boys.

"Haha, so what if you know?" The man turned his head and pushed back the hair on the back of his head, revealing a woman's face.

"Yin-Yang Corpse?" The two of them were shocked.

"Your gods can't control me!" The female corpse laughed loudly and allowed two masters of advanced arts to cast spells on her. The fire spell and the thunder in the palm landed on her body without even shaking. Instead, it fell on his crotch. The long things below are like spears and spears, which poke into the wall and break it, and hit the ground to destroy it!

It was both soft and hard, and it was wrapped around Lin Zheng's neck despite Uncle Feng's spell!

With a slight shake, Lin Zheng, who asked Lu Dongbin to get up, suddenly fell to the ground, a mouthful of blood spurted out, his magic power was scattered, and the statue of Lu Dongbin behind him exploded into pieces with a "bang"!

Lin Zheng and Uncle Feng are both descendants of Maoshan Shu. Boxing and kicking have been the basic skills since childhood, and they are slightly used to South Boxing and North Legs.

Naimi and Jinsha, a pair of yin-yang corpses, didn't know much about martial arts, but they had two heads and four arms. Their arms were swung like splashing ink, forcing the two of them not to get close, and the long things on their crotches that they waved like mercury dripping to the ground stung the two even more. People were sweating profusely.

It's full of loopholes, but the opponent's body is like an iron barrel. He wants to attack but can't get close.

After thirteen moves in a row, the two could only retreat, and were finally forced into a corner without finding a chance to backhand.

"Royal Hong Kong Police, who are you two? Put your hands up!"

Officer Lin finally came out, took out his gun and aimed it at the head of the Yin Yang Corpse.

Naimi flipped the hair on the back of her head, revealing the face of the female zombie Jinsha: "What two strong men, come here, let my sister kiss you~"

"You bitch, you want to fuck a man when you see him!"

Naimi squinted and snorted coldly.


Uncle Feng and Lin Zheng looked at each other, bit their fingers, and flicked them.

The blood dripped on the Yin-Yang Corpse's chest, exploding into two waves of heat, causing the Yin-Yang Corpse to take a small step back!

Uncle Feng was very experienced. He hooked the peach wood sword on the table with his toes and inserted it into his left hand. He then picked up the sword's spine with his toes. With the help of his strength, he immediately sped up the peach wood sword by two levels and slashed towards Naimi's neck. Lin Zheng was not slow. At the same time, he grabbed the incense burner on the table and put his thumb on the bottom of the burner. The incense ashes exploded into smoke. The ashes that had been enshrined in the statue for many years were as dense as thin knives. They chased the tail of the wind brought by Uncle Feng's peach wood sword. Splash it on Naimi's face!

A series of small explosions were heard, but this was not over yet. Although Uncle Feng's Taomu Sword was launched first, it bypassed Naimi's neck and rested between his and the female corpse Jinsha's heads.

The yin and yang corpses are invincible when combined. What if they are separated?

Uncle Feng jumped over, held Jinsha's head with his left hand, sat on the shoulders of Yin Yang Corpse, and pressed his right foot against the back of Naimi's head.

"Fellow Taoist, let me help you!"

Lin Zheng also wanted to jump up.

The sudden change!

He hastily put the incense burner in front of his face, only to hear a "ding-dong" sound, and a ferocious long object pierced the incense burner. It almost rubbed Lin Zheng's ear and poked a big hole in the portrait of the ancestor behind him!

"Do you like me that much? But I don't like old men!"

Jinsha smiled charmingly, her head slipped and she retracted her hands and slid back into Naimi's body.


Everyone present knew that something was wrong. Uncle Feng only heard "Boom!" on his back like a hammer hitting a bell. Uncle Feng's head spurted blood and he was thrown to the ground with a 'pop'.

Jinsha came out again, hugged the unconscious Uncle Feng's head and opened his mouth to chew it.

Just listen to Lin Zheng shouting: "Xiaoting, spit!"

"Spit?" Lin Xiaoting was stunned. Even though Lin Zheng often said that she could slay demons by spitting, she only regarded it as a metaphor. Didn't the Taoist book passed down by her grandfather also say that one could carry mountains if one practiced to a high level? , filling the sea, chasing the sun, reaching for the stars?

I can't believe what's written in the book.

"Hurry!" The two police officers believed in Lin Zheng.

"Oh..." Lin Xiaoting vomited hastily, and her saliva made an arc and landed on Jin Sha's head.


It was like a grenade dropped on her head. The Yin-Yang corpse that had been invulnerable just now rolled over and was blown away!

"This saliva..."

"It's amazing!"

Officer Lin and the other two people just didn't pick up the bottle immediately and quickly filled a bottle of water for later use.


Lin Zheng supported Uncle Feng, and the others took the opportunity to leave.

After a few seconds, the yin-yang corpse shook its head and stood up.

"Let them run away," Jinsha said regretfully, sticking her head out from under Naimi.

"We can't run away from them, but we have a good place to go!" Naimi pointed at his head.

The yin-yang corpse can obtain the thoughts and memories of the person it eats. When they came, they happened to eat a strong ghost, which was very chewy, and they also got amazing news.

In this city, the strongest one is the zombie king. He is a ghost behind his back, but he pretends to be a general on the surface.

He is the one who hurts people, and he is the one who saves them. It is a black and white situation.

Ordinary people are kept in the dark, but they don't know that everything is caused by the zombie king himself drawing a yin and yang fish to show outsiders a sign of "peace".

It is better for good and evil to be equally divided than for one family to dominate.

When a person is in power, there will always be a betrayer. The two opposing identities are his own. Others only think they have a choice, but in fact they have not escaped his clutches.

"You mean that zombie king?"

"After eating his brain, we will truly be able to kill God when God blocks God, and kill Buddha when Buddha blocks Buddha!"

The long object sprang out from his crotch, and the ceiling was immediately penetrated.


With a scream, a woman's stomach was pierced, pulled from the ceiling, and fell into their mouths.

As I said before, everyone needs a more reliable way to reward rewards. So far, there have been 24 rewards in half a month. There are also many friends who continue to reward. It is impossible to get so many rewards, but I It will be paid off gradually in the form of 24 arrears before the end of the month. Thank you all for the rewards. I probably won’t be able to spend so much money even after I finish writing this book. And I still have a deacon, which is amazing. After all, I got scolded quite badly, haha. Thank you very much for your support.

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