Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 229 He Cheng’s plan

"Well... Taishang Laojun is as urgent as the law. Well, God, God, God, will come quickly..."

Zhang Dayu glanced at Chen Bailong when he said a word, and he was afraid when the gun was pointed at her. She was so speechless.

"Why haven't you come yet? Are you a Taoist nun?" Chen Bailong couldn't help but become anxious. The living corpses outside showed their teeth and claws and came close to him several times. Fortunately, he managed to hold his breath and escaped several times.

Being caught and torn apart by them is the lightest thing.

"Sir, I don't know that divine general!"

Just as she was about to steel herself, she saw Chen Bailong's gun muzzle raised. She immediately lowered her head like a firecracker that had been extinguished and recited her own curse.

"God will come quickly, come quickly..." It is better to say that it is a prayer than a mantra.

At this time, the entire street outside has been occupied by a group of living corpses. The surging white faces are reflected in the moonlight, like wriggling white maggots. From top to bottom, they are so densely packed that they seem impervious to anyone!


On the third floor of the "Ami Video Store", a girl wearing pink pajamas and a facial mask let out a scream.

Tragic scenes kept happening.

The hearts of the people in the grass were clenching, and all they could do was cover their mouths and grit their teeth to prevent the group of living corpses from discovering them.

The evil ghost in armor had already torn Uncle Dog's body into pieces, and the flesh and blood of the Taoist master had greatly improved his strength.


The evil ghost suddenly raised his head, only to find that the moonlight had turned dark, and the sole of a bronze armored boot was getting bigger and bigger in his eyes!


The ghost's face collided with the sole of the shoe, and the evil ghost said "Wow!" and jumped up with its arms and legs flailing from the ground. It waved its arms and legs as if it were drowning and flew backwards for more than ten meters.


The ghost spirit emerged, and he landed lightly on the ground.

The evil ghost just stopped and wanted to carefully look at who was attacking, but when he looked up, he saw a fist as big as a sandbag raised from the bottom up.

There was a whistling wind, and a corpse-like air that made my nose hurt!


"Well done to you..."

The evil ghost shrank back and narrowly avoided the zombie's fist, but he didn't feel as worried as before.

Are there too many ghosts teasing zombies? Direct the zombies to jump into the fire pit, and the zombies have to plop down like dumplings, that is, they are just a little tougher. Ghosts never take zombies seriously!


Xingyiquan mainly focuses on three-body postures, five-element boxing, and twelve forms.

Five elements boxing includes splitting, collapse, drilling, cannon and horizontal.

The evil ghost could only see the opponent slumping down, shrinking his shoulders, buckling his waist, and bending his body like a bow. He rushed forward with a punch, hitting the evil ghost's face as if he was firing a cannon.

With one punch, the evil ghost was beaten to the point where his body and soul were scattered, and his Yin Qi was exposed!

He also completely interrupted the evil ghost's words and suppressed them in his stomach.

You can still hear the other party's deliberate shouting: "You evil ghost, look at my will to clear away evil spirits!"

It blocked the evil ghost's chest and almost spurted out a mouthful of ghost blood.

A zombie claims to be a god general, but he also kills ghosts?

His shout was like thunder, not only attracting the attention of the living corpses, but also the attention of the terrified residents in the grass and upstairs.

"This is... a divine general?"

Seeing everyone around him discussing excitedly, Zhang Dayu rubbed his eyes.

He was dressed in bronze armor, with a scarlet mask and a black robe on his body, and a long sword on his back.

The sword is extremely long. If the opponent is tall and carrying it, it will be like carrying a stick. If it were him, he would drag it to the ground.

But she just felt weird.

This divine general didn't have any aura on her body. Instead, she looked as weird as if she had accidentally kicked the coffin board of a buried person before and was stared at by the dead person.

The evil spirit was obviously no match for him. The sword on his back had not been unsheathed yet, so he pressed the evil spirit with a pair of physical fists. He was already beaten until he was filled with a ghostly air, and green blood oozed from his mouth and nose.

Although the "divine general" has the upper hand, the number of living corpses around him has grown to three to four hundred, and anyone who surrounds him can eat him alive in one bite!

"Level 10 in one day. If you don't come out and stop me, you will become the ghost king!"

He Cheng narrowed his eyes and looked at the level 40 evil ghost. He pressed his head and exerted force with his left hand. Five more holes appeared in the marshal's armor!

He opened his mouth and sucked in, and the evil ghost was immediately swallowed into his mouth. His teeth moved up and down like iron guillotines, and the sound of chewing ghost bones could be heard for a while.

"Experience value +1000!"

This ghost is extraordinary. He has suppressed resentment and hostility for more than a hundred years. Once he wakes up and swallows more than 300 people's yang energy alive, he will not become a ghost king if he breathes it in again. He will definitely become a demon!

It's a pity that it was buried in He Cheng's mouth.

He Cheng turned around, twitching his nose slightly and grinning.

In the 1980s, Taoist priests were much weaker than during the Republic of China. A master was a master at the tenth level, and someone with a seventh or eighth level could open the door and accept disciples. Some incompetent ones could also publish Taoist books and have the same virtues as those qigong masters.

And since he destroyed that group of powerful Taoist priests thirty years ago, it has become almost impossible to find a master.

Although there are many brats on the street, they are all brats with seven or eight points of experience. Killing them all will not improve you much.

He didn't forget that he had eaten a ghost job from the underworld a few days ago. Liang Zi had already formed a knot. He quickly thought of ways to improve his strength. He had no regrets. After killing the world and the underworld, killing monsters could improve his strength. He had to kill!

In this world of ghost movies, there must be some thousand-year-old monsters and ten-thousand-year-old spirits.

It's business to lure them out and kill them one by one.

Besides, all ghosts can eat incense, so he doesn't mind building a temple for his crow ghost fairy clone to improve his strength.

By letting so many living people, the kid see it, his goal has been achieved.

Kang Sengui and others' teeth ached as they looked at it. What a devil. He was stuffed into his mouth easily, chewed for a while, and swallowed?

"Have you never heard of Zhong Kui?"

Zhang Dayu snorted and glanced sideways at the pistol in Chen Bailong's hand. He didn't put it away until the other party put the gun away with a sneer, then continued: "Ghosts and gods with high abilities love to eat ghosts. Eating ghosts can increase their mana!"

She also had an explanation in her mind. No wonder the general did not have divine light, because he was a ghost like Zhong Kui!

Everyone saw the "god general" being overwhelmed by the living corpses, and their hearts tightened, fearing that the last life-saving straw would be cut off.


It was like someone was holding a mirror, and the moonlight was shining through the gaps between the living corpses.

After looking carefully, I realized that where the mirror was, the sword light swung rapidly formed one piece, and the moonlight rotated into a mirror!

Pah, pah, pah, pah —

Something flew from a distance and crashed into the grass.

Kang Sengui lowered his head subconsciously.

Bones turning around...a human head and a pair of dead eyes looked at him!


He Cheng put away his sword and unleashed the pressure of ghosts and immortals. The living corpse lay motionless on the ground as if it had a sandbag on its back.

He cut off the heads of twenty living corpses with one sword, but he didn't bring any experience.

The higher the level, the more experience is required, but the lower the level, the less benefit you will get.

However, these living corpses still have some effect. Under the influence of the ghost fairy Wia, the group of living corpses followed their fear instinct and walked towards a small street, and jumped into the black door leading to the underworld one by one.

The broken corpses on the ground also piled up into a hill. He Cheng stepped on the broken limb and flicked his long sword.

Blood slid down the blade of the sword, and it fell to the ground and exploded in blood.

"Thank you God for saving me!"

A group of people came out of the grass, but they were far away from him. After all, no one dared to say that the guy in front of them was one of their own.

"There are actually many unexpected people here!"

The appearance of Kang Sengui, the descendant of Happy Ghost, here exceeded He Cheng's prediction. However, it was a good thing that Happy Ghost himself did not appear. Otherwise, killing Happy Ghost alive would probably subvert his image as a "god general".

And with Happy Ghost around, it’s not easy to sing his plays.

There was also the female Taoist nun in Taoist robes who kept giggling at him.

"Aunt Sue? Aunt Yimei? Or who it is..." A thought stirred in my heart, and I had some plans.


The general in bronze armor sheathed his sword, clasped his fists and bowed before leaping to the top of the building and disappearing in an instant.

"Holy shit, Superman!"

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