Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 227 Student Collision with Ghost 3

"The kid is possessed!"

Kang Sengui got up and patted the dust on his trouser legs. He watched the four students walk away and wanted to catch up. After hesitating for a moment, he took small steps to catch up with the female student.

"Classmate, what did you say?"

He lightly touched the female student's shoulder with his hand, as if he had touched a burr and pulled it back hard.

The girl turned around slowly, her face as white as paper.

A cold air rushed up from behind, forcing Kang Sengui to take two or three steps back.

The female student raised her eyelids and looked at Kang Sengui, and then said slowly: "They are possessed by imps."

Kang Sengui had a happy ghost in his past life. Of course he knew that there were ghosts in the world, but he had been protected by his previous life all his life, so he had never seen a ghost.

Unfortunately, his previous life passed away some time ago, leaving him a peacock feather and then went to the West, saying that he wanted to become a Buddha.

"Is there any way to save them?"

"Please ask the gods"

"God general?"

He muttered a few words and wanted to ask more questions, but when he looked up, he found that the female student was missing.

"Teacher Kang, are you okay?"

Kang Sengui raised his hand and said hello: "Good morning, principal!"

"Why did I just see you talking to yourself for a long time? Did you break up with your girlfriend?"

Talking to yourself?

Unpleasant thoughts came to him, as if a bucket of ice water had been poured on him from head to toe. Kang Sengui was chilled all over and felt cold to the core.

Just a few days after leaving his previous life, he met a ghost?

"Moriki~, what's wrong with you~"

The female principal, who was in her 40s or 50s, even flirted with her when she spoke, as if she was digging her throat with her fingers. Kang Sengui almost spit out something in his throat. He shook his head and ran away: "Four students skipped class. I'm going to go." Chase them, Principal!”


The principal stamped his feet, shook his face, and left with a grunt.

After running for ten minutes, when he turned around and couldn't see St. Noble High School, he stopped to take a breath.

The female principal who can sit on the ground and absorb dirt has been clinging to him. During these days, he has had two girlfriends because of the principal. Fortunately, one is prettier than the other, but the temperament of a tigress is a common problem.

However, he also lost track of four students.

"Look for the Taoist Priest!"

He is not stupid either. There are many Taoist priests around him. For example, Master Zhang Wu from Zixia Temple often appears on TV and often shows Feng Shui to rich people!

When he came to the phone booth on the roadside, Kang Sengui put a coin in and made a call.

"Is this the home of Taoist Zhang Wu of Zixia Temple?"

The person who answered the phone was a woman.

"If you want to discuss business, should you do it in person or on the phone? It costs 5,000 yuan for an hour of meeting in person and 1,000 yuan for an hour of talking on the phone. The minimum fee is one hour!"

"No, my student hit a ghost!"

"The callers are all ghosts. What's all the fuss about?"

"Oh, the price is a bit high, can you be accommodating?"

"You think the consultation fee is too expensive. Did you know that a waiter in a restaurant costs 3,800 yuan a month! We are ghost hunters, not beggars. It is very troublesome to manage things up and down!"

"Da Ru, who is it?" A man's voice came from the phone.

"A pauper!"

"Alas" Kang Sengui sighed. All his money was in his girlfriend's hands. He couldn't even get out a hundred yuan, not to mention a thousand yuan.

Just as I was about to hang up, an angry voice suddenly came from the other end: "If you don't give me a salary increase today, I'll quit!"

"Daru, three thousand dollars is too much. How about I take a step back and you take a step back, how about four hundred?"

"Four hundred? Do it yourself!"

"Hello? Is the ghost guy still there?"

When Kang Sengui heard that there was a change, he nodded quickly: "Of course I am, but I can't afford your salary..."

"Eight hundred yuan, and give me a taxi. Who cares? I'll help you catch him!"

"Say the time and place, and I'll come find you!"

“The location is right in front of St. Gonoble’s Secondary School”

Not half an hour after hanging up the phone, a taxi stopped. A female Taoist nun wearing a Taoist robe, holding a mahogany sword, and carrying a large woven bag behind her got out of the car cursingly.

"Hello, you are..."

Kang Sengui rubbed his hands and leaned over.

"Zhang Daru, the thirty-eighth generation descendant of Maoshan Zixia Temple!"

Seeing that she was alone, Kang Sengui asked again: "Where is Master Zhang Wu?"

"Zhang Shiwu is a charlatan. Do you know that I was the one who caught the ghosts when he caught them? Don't worry, with me here, no matter what kind of evil ghost they are, they will be easy to catch in front of me, Zhang Dayu!"

The Taomu Sword really looks pretty good when played with it.

"Please pay the taxi fare!"


Kang Sengui had just paid when he heard Zhang Dayu say: "I haven't had breakfast yet. Let's eat first and then start working. A three-star hotel is fine. I won't be picky!"

Zhang Dayu, who had no skills, had finished his meal. Of course, he would never go to a Samsung hotel and just throw away a bowl of noodles.

After the meal, Zhang Dayu took Kang Sengui around and around outside the school.

"I'm so tired. I guess ghosts won't come out during the day. Find a place to sleep first and then work again at night!"

"Taoist nun, you've only been looking for it for less than half an hour!" Kang Sengui always felt that the female Taoist nun in front of him was unreliable. Is this the so-called bargain but no good product?

Zhang Dayu glared, "Are you catching ghosts or should I catch ghosts?"

"You catch, you catch..."

Kang Sengui nodded in resignation. Now he could only place his hope on the unreliable Taoist nun in front of him.

Time also passed quickly, from day to night.

St. Noble Middle School, on the roof of the boys' dormitory building.

The moonlight flows down like a waterfall, pouring on the figure wearing armor.

The ghost energy surged, and the ghost energy that was as solid as black smoke completely enveloped it.


Ten sharp claws stretched out from the black smoke with the sound of scissors piercing the cloth, and the black smoke surged and was swallowed into its stomach.

"Did anyone bring it?"

The evil spirit lowered his head and asked.

At their feet, four young men were kneeling on the ground, with a twisting black sack in front of them.

"Already brought to you!"

The sack was torn open, and the woman with the most fashionable curly hair was finally revealed.

"Bitch, you finally fell into my hands! Hahaha!"

He smiled extremely proudly, jumped up to the woman's side, and scratched her neck with his long nails.

Then, the evil ghost stretched out his tongue and licked the blood.


The woman could only struggle, shaking her head from left to right, and then from right to left.

A slap.

My face hurt, and there were three bloody wounds on the side of my pretty face, and the skin was also turned out.

Her tears flowed out uncontrollably. Until now, she still hasn't figured out what happened. When she was preparing for the rehearsal, four men rushed into the fitting room and kidnapped her. When she came out of the sack, she came to this place. place.

Moreover, there was a guy who was obviously not a human being and looked resentful towards her.

"Tonight, I want this city to be mine!"

The evil ghost laughed to the sky, and the lights in the dormitory building under his feet flickered on and off. There was a "buzzing" sound, and a group of male students in pajamas, pale and skinny, poured out of the building like zombies.

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