Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 224 Ghost Armor

"It's burning!"

The second and third sisters fluttered up and sat up, like chickens that had been bitten by a weasel.

There was chaos in the living room.

Chen Bailong opened his eyes drowsily: "What are you doing? Damn it, Uncle Dog, what are you going to do to my sister!"

When he opened his eyes, he saw Uncle Gou, an old man in the police station, tearing off his sister's clothes, and her two sisters were even tearing off each other's clothes!

"I, Chen Bailong, don't just take advantage of me! I'll fight you!"

The wine bottle exploded behind Uncle Gou's head.

With a plop, Uncle Dog fell to the ground.

"Second sister! Third sister! This beast didn't do anything to you, did it?"

"Brother, what are you doing? Uncle Dog saw that our chests were on fire, so he came over to help put out the fire!"

Chen Bailong took a look and saw that the clothes on the chests of the two sisters were burned to black. With a slight shake, the red rope hanging around their necks fell off, and the amulet turned into paper ash and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Uncle Dog is not going to die..."

Chen Bailong touched Uncle Gou's nose and breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's okay, I just fainted, otherwise I, the star police officer, would go to jail tomorrow!"

"What happened just now? Why did it suddenly catch on fire?"

Chen Bailong helped Uncle Gou lie down in a comfortable position and cleaned up the crime scene before remembering to ask.

"I was sleeping just now... and my chest suddenly caught fire. I woke up from the burn, and then I heard Uncle Dog yelling that there was a ghost!"

The second sister also nodded: "Yes, me too! Brother, what kind of bad talisman is this? Isn't it a prank?"


When Chen Bailong thought about it, it was really possible. He and Kim McGee had different horoscopes, and it was very possible that he would be cheated.

Knock knock knock…

"Who's knocking on the door in the middle of the night?"

Chen Bailong muttered something, and as soon as he stood up, he suddenly thought of a question. Last night, the fierce ghost troops came to catch the ghosts, and almost the entire army was wiped out! His neighbor is a ghost!

"Second sister, go and open the door!"

"No, no, no, I won't go... Why don't we let Third Sister go!"

"I'm not going!" The third sister held her head and shrank into the sofa.

Chen Bailong's eyes rolled, his plan came to his mind, and he said with a smile:

"Our family is very democratic. Why don't we raise our hands to vote and let the second sister raise her hands?"

As soon as she heard that she didn't have to go by herself, the third sister immediately raised her hand.

"Now, except for the unconscious Uncle Gou, there are three people present, and two of them raised their hands. The minority obeys the majority. Second sister, you go ahead! Don't worry, big brother, I will protect you from behind."


The second sister pouted and reluctantly picked up the mop and held it in her hand.

Knock knock!

The knock on the door came again, followed by the lights flickering on and off.

The three siblings couldn't help but shrink their heads.

The air suddenly dropped, and the crickets around the summer house no longer flapped their wings. Everything was extremely quiet. If it weren't for each other's breathing, they might have thought they were deaf.


The door was opened.

"Don't eat me! Don't eat me!" The second sister closed her eyes and immediately gave up.

A few seconds passed and he was still alive and well.

The second sister slowly opened her eyes.

He was relieved to find an unknown girl standing outside the door.

"Excuse me, miss, who are you looking for?"

When Chen Bailong saw the beauty, he grabbed his sister's collar and pulled her behind him, and put on a face that he thought was handsome.

"It seems that God has helped me, Chen Bailong. It's a pity that the neighbor's beauty is a ghost, but the beauty in front of me is not bad at all. Xiaojiabiyu has more flavor than aloof beauty."

"I just want to ask, what happened to the house next door?"

"The house next door... wait, what's your relationship with them?"

The family next door is full of ghosts, so the identity of the woman in front of you is questionable!

"I'm a ghost~"

"It's really a ghost!" Chen Bailong screamed and ran away, but his two younger sisters grabbed him and blocked him.

"Master, don't be afraid!"

"Master?" The three of them said in unison.

Is this the eight o'clock stall?

Or should I say, what is in front of me is an ancient ghost!

"My little girl Yanhong heard that there are ghosts causing trouble, so she was ordered to come and check..."

"You are a ghost yourself, and you still check ghosts? Only ghosts believe you!"

Chen Bailong asked again: "Whose order are you taking?"

"By order of the general"

When she only mentioned the divine general, she kept silent and said nothing more, leaving the three of them to daydream about it.

"To tell you the truth, the Fierce Ghost Troops came tonight and wiped out all the neighbors. As for whether those ghosts are alive or dead, I don't know. Okay, you leave quickly, or I'll call the police and call the Fierce Ghost Troops." ah!"

"Excuse me, excuse me~"

The female ghost turned around and disappeared into green light.

“I didn’t expect there are so many ghosts in Hong Kong now.”

Seeing that the female ghost was gone, the three siblings collapsed on the ground helplessly.

Chen Bailong wiped his sweat and complained that his two sisters pushed him in front as a shield when they were in danger.

"What should we do? Why don't we find the Fierce Ghost Troops?" the second sister suggested.

"Why are you looking for the fierce ghost army? You haven't seen it before. In order to catch those ghosts next door, the fierce ghost army was almost wiped out! Who dares to provoke ghosts? And he might be a real magic general. If he provokes others, we I can’t eat and carry around!”

Third sister is very interested in the so-called divine general.

"I don't know if he is a god general, but we have to move quickly! If those ghosts next door are not dead, we will be in trouble!"


"Go hide at your cousin's house for a while."

Let's say that Yan Hong flew to the top of a nearby building in a flash and made a blessing to the back.

"Master, that family of ghosts was killed by the new fierce ghost army. I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to find any more information about the big devil!"

The figure slowly turned his head, and under the moonlight was a handsome and fair-skinned man.

When he opened his mouth, only two slightly protruding canine teeth attracted attention, adding a bit of charm to him.

"There is a silver-armored corpse, but it is useless without the Millennium Soul. Don't worry about this matter. How about the news I asked you to spread on purpose?"

"I mentioned it casually and didn't say much about it."

"Well, that's enough"

He turned his head, looked up at the moon and said: "God will descend from the sky and destroy demons, but we have to sit behind the scenes and direct a few big dramas!"

There is an island with a barren mountain next to it.

The mountain rat kept chirping, but a black-spotted snake jumped out and bit the rat into its mouth.

The snake has just swallowed the mouse and wants to roll it up to digest the food.

A big hand came from behind and picked up the snake.

“Third brother, don’t delay your master’s important events by being greedy!”

"This is the first time I've seen a Green Ghost like you." The Yasha Ghost tore off the black-spotted snake with one hand and swallowed the rat and snake meat into his mouth like noodles.

"I have already looked for him. More than a hundred years ago, a marshal from the Qing Dynasty fell to his death. His resentment has not gone away, but his skills are no less than those of a fierce ghost! If you find him, you will definitely be able to complete the king's orders. Oh, it is the master's order! "

The two ghosts fell down the valley lightly, as softly as a gust of wind, and the leaves rustled.

Sure enough, a Qing Dynasty marshal's armor was wrapped in a dry skeleton, and his body was lying twisted in the cave.

"If you find someone alive again, the master's mission must be completed!"

The third Yasha ghost carrying the soul-capturing fork clucked his tongue: "This armor is quite interesting. When I'm done with it, I'm going to take it off and wear it!"

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