Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 203 Ghost Island

Level: lv46 (experience: 8000/47000)

Grade: Jumping Zombie·Partial Mutation

Constitution: +7 (12%)

Corpse Armor: Bronze Armor (Promotion: Millennium Soul 0/1; Silver Armor Corpse Blood/Flying Zombie Blood: 0/1)

Abilities: Avatar·Crow, Incarnation·Scorpion, control objects, swallow ghosts and absorb souls.

Ghost Corpse: Evil Ghost (Promotion: 0/1000 Yin Qi)

"Evil ghost?"

He moved his right hand. It was indeed a stiff arm, but it was still part of a ghost body.

Calculated according to the amount of yin energy, it is slightly worse than Xiaohua.

Is the evil ghost equivalent to the black zombie level?

"Nothing is forbidden!"

With a flick of his fingers, the magic power in his hand disappeared rapidly, and Old K, Sai Jinhua, and the tables, chairs and benches were all released.


The flying door also fell to the ground.

"It's interesting!"

He Cheng rubbed his chin and raised his sword. It was only a few days until July 14th, and he was ready to have a feast.

Maybe after taking a step further, I can transform into the Supreme Flying Yaksha, or Flying Zombie?

He still wants to fight his way into the underworld and have a taste of ghosts!

"What happened? Xiaodie, are you okay?"

Old K went to help up the female ghost Wei Xiaodie who collapsed on the ground. There was a man in a trench coat in front of him, but Wei Xiaodie's ugly husband was missing. He just blinked. Could it be that so many strange things had happened? thing?

"It's okay, we can always be together from now on!"

Wei Xiaodie cried with joy, hugged Old K and cried bitterly.

"Don't take it lightly!"

Sai Jinhua squinted her eyes, turned over and grabbed a stool to guard against He Cheng.

"This guy is very dangerous. The danger I feel in him is no worse than that of the Ghost King!"

"This boss...this is Akai's boss"

Old K glanced at He Cheng a few more times, remembering their once-in-a-lifetime relationship.

Judging from the posture, it was He Cheng who saved them, and Xiaohua knew him, and he was even the one who sent them.

"Boss, what are you going to do with Ami?"


Only then did He Cheng notice the female ghost in red.

Bend down and squat.

The female ghost shivered and crawled back two steps, not daring to move.

"Dong Xiaoyu!"

At the beginning, Dong Xiaoyu was willing to betray him for the sake of love. This Ami looks like Dong Xiaoyu, but has a different attitude towards lovers.

"Boss...Boss...please let it go, please let it go..."

The red-clothed devil's head hit the ground again and again.

While He Cheng was staring at her, she stood up suddenly and grabbed He Cheng's neck with one hand.


Before He Cheng could move, Xiao Hua standing beside him reacted and easily restrained Li Gui.


Xiaohua seeks He Cheng’s advice.

He Cheng was more decisive and pinched the ghost with his right hand. The female ghost immediately exploded and turned into a rich yin energy that was absorbed into his palm.

1400 Yin Qi!

It's a pity that he didn't get any of it, and it was all eaten by his right hand.

A red-clothed fierce ghost who almost killed the two of them disappeared with just a pinch. Sai Jinhua dropped her stool in fright, and Old K was also frightened.

Ami died quietly, which was completely opposite to her violent death.

Thunder, little rain? Maybe that's what it means.

"Thank you, boss, for helping me. If I can be useful in the future, I will definitely help you with my head!"

"No need for later, just now"

Wei Xiaodie immediately stood in front of Old K. She saw that the man in front of her was a terrifying zombie, who just chewed up her scary ugly husband in one mouthful!

Maybe he not only likes to eat ghosts, but also likes to eat people?

"Xiaodie, what are you doing? I promised to repay the big boss, even if I lose my life, it doesn't matter! I, the old K, am the most loyal!"

"Gui Lingzhou, how much do you know?"

"That's it?"

Old K breathed a sigh of relief.

"Guilingzhou is a remote island. I heard that few people live on the island, but that's all it seems."


Sai Jinhua glanced at He Cheng with fear and said: "Gui Lingzhou is a deserted and remote island. It's good, but it's not uninhabited, it's full of ghosts! There is a Ghost King Temple on the island. Whose child was If you are seductive, you will go to the Ghost King Temple to burn incense and kowtow!"

Being able to fool around to the point of receiving incest from others is a sign of the Ghost King’s ability, but on the other hand, doesn’t it mean that all the gods in the world have completely disappeared? Otherwise, why don’t people ask God for blessings, but instead ask ghosts?

He Chengxu shook his right hand.

Turn around and leave.

Only the old K family was left looking at each other, surviving the disaster.

July 14th, the Lunar Ghost Festival.

On this day, the underworld will release ghosts back to the earth. People can be seen everywhere on the street kowtow and burn paper at intersections.

Why is it important to kowtow at intersections? Crossroads are connected in all directions. The older generation believes that this is the fastest way to communicate with the underworld.

It was still dark in the afternoon, and a dim sun hung over the edge of the Western Mountain.

On a dilapidated two-story passenger fishing boat, a fat man holding three paper umbrellas sneered: "This guy is so weird, holding an umbrella in broad daylight!"

The person next to him glanced at him, shook his head and said nothing.

The meaning is obvious. Others may hold umbrellas because they are afraid of the sun. Wouldn’t it be even weirder if you held three paper umbrellas and took a boat?

The fat man didn't realize it yet and was talking to himself.

"Dear, dear"

I stroked the paper umbrella again and again and sat on the empty seat.

The aunt sitting next to him was still sobbing, but after hearing his sweet cry, she immediately stopped crying.

"No, eldest sister, I'm calling you umbrella, dear, not you, I'm not calling you..."

This eldest sister is old enough to be a mother!

"Sister, what's going on?"

A muscular man came over.

The aunt wiped away her tears: "My husband just died, and he came to eat my tofu!"

"What! You dare to eat my sister's tofu!"

"No, no, I'm not calling you sister, I'm calling these three umbrellas!"

The fat man was forced to keep retreating, and finally came to the side of the boat.

The strong man raised his fist to scare him. While the fat man held his head, the three umbrellas fell into the water and were involved in the waves!

"It's done! I'm done! My dear, my dear!"

Seeing that the fat man and Qingshan Mental Hospital had just escaped, the strong man cursed and turned around to sit back in his seat.

"The three of them will definitely kill me!"

He Cheng, who was sitting in the back row with a huge vacuum next to him, withdrew his gaze.

The three paper umbrellas that fell off the boat just now are unusual. There are ghosts living inside them, but they are not high-spirited. They should be lingering in the human world before their life span is over.

"Guilingzhou, someone really got off the ship, isn't he looking for death?"

"It's almost night, if you don't catch the morning bus, you're looking for death!"

The people in the car were talking in low voices, which made the fat man feel scared in his heart.

"Ghost King Pearl, Ghost Lingzhou, I really broke into the ghost nest this time. Alan, brother, I will risk my life for you this time!"

The fat man recited silently twice and stepped off the boat.

As soon as he turned around, he found that there was someone standing next to him. He was the same person who he said was strange before boarding the boat, holding an umbrella.

"Sir, are you coming to Guilingzhou too?"

"I have something to do with the Ghost King"

When the fat man heard this, he immediately became happy: "What a coincidence that I am also looking for the Ghost King! Let's go together?"

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