Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 196 Heavenly Official’s Blessing (First Update)

"Master Kai, you are here!"

The doorman closed his mouth, looked at Akai who was running over in a hurry, and said hello quickly.

Now their nominal boss is Akai. Who dares to deny the person who helped him up in the house?

"Where's the boss? Is the boss here?" Akai asked anxiously.

"I'm probably practicing inside..."

"Okay! Keep an eye on the door and I'll invite you out to sing later!"

Ah Kai opened the door and rushed in. As soon as he stepped into the yard with his left foot, he started shouting: "Something big has happened, something big has happened, boss!"


A solid hammer as big as a watermelon rubbed against A Kai's head and fell to the ground with a thud.


Akai swallowed, and only when he saw the figure stopped dancing with his hammer did he dare to continue.

"Boss, something big happened!"

"What's up?"

"The Jade Entertainment Center under our control was sealed by the police, and everyone entered the police station!"

He Chengwei said nothing and engaged in illegal business, especially the activities in the bar, which even elementary school students understand, forcing girls into prostitution!

The officials turned a blind eye to this kind of place. Su Xiong paid some fees every year, but no one would care about it as long as it didn't go too far.

Akai continued: "I heard from my subordinates that today a student boy took in four female students and prepared to sell them out. At that time, there happened to be a difficult customer, and one of the female students took the initiative to invite me..." A Kai glanced at He Cheng as he spoke, and then continued after seeing his expressionless face: "Then, the female student suddenly made a scene, and our license holder A Qing also suddenly changed his temper. Not only did he want others to call him aunt, He even called the police himself and asked the police to arrest him!"

"He let all the ladies in the entertainment center go, and we lost at least several million...ah, no! It was my men who said that Ah Qing is probably possessed by a ghost!"

For example, in entertainment center stores, there are usually statues of Gods such as Guan Erye and Ma Wangye, and ordinary ghosts and ghosts are completely afraid to enter.

"That female student, which school is she from?"

"St. Noble High School!"

"Take me to see it!"

A young man at the Jade Entertainment Center was very clever. When he heard the licensee Ah Qing making an alarm call, he sneaked away alone. Then he saw the two bosses behind him, Ah Kai and He Cheng, and knew that the time had come for him to show off. Come and testify.

Early the next morning,

A commercial car occupied the parking space under the curious eyes of the students.

"Hey, are you making a mistake...where can I park my car?"

The male teacher driving a mini car complained, reversed the car and was about to retreat, when another sports car blocked him and completely blocked him.

"Sorry, Teacher Kang, this place is mine!"

A handsome boy jumped out of the sports car and opened the trunk. There were more than twenty ties with different colors and patterns hanging in the trunk. ,

He was choosing a tie while enjoying the passionate gazes of his female classmates.


The driver of the commercial vehicle trotted down, held up an umbrella, and then opened the back seat.

What came out was a man wearing a trench coat and a wide-brimmed hat.

"Wearing a windbreaker in the summer and holding an umbrella before the sun rises in the morning is so cool!"

Seeing that all the hot eyes were attracted to that man, the boy felt bored and pulled a tie and tied it around his neck.

"Zhang Zijie, move the car quickly. I will be late for class later, and you don't even want to enter the classroom!"

"It's...Teacher Kang..."

Zhang Zijie replied in a long tone, but when his eyes came to rest on the groveling driver holding an umbrella for others, his whole body trembled.


"What's broken?"

"Teacher Kang, Yao Qiong, monitor, they are in danger!"

"This is a school, how can it be dangerous? I order you to move out of my way now and let my car get out first!"

"No, should I explain to you..."

Zhang Zijie gritted his teeth, opened the teacher's car door, dragged him out of the car, and chased the two people who were getting further and further away.

"If you don't stop the car, it will be towed away! Let me go and don't force me to do anything. Classmate Zhang Zijie has to have a limit when joking!"

"Teacher...I know those two people. They came to seek revenge from the monitor!"

"What's going on? Otherwise I wouldn't take action!"

Seeing this, Zhang Zijie gritted his teeth, raised his feet and stomped the ground hard before saying, "Yesterday, I tricked the monitor and the others into going to the entertainment center...\

,""What, you brat, do you know this is illegal!"

"Listen to me, Teacher Kang. Who would have thought that yesterday's class monitor seemed to be a different person? Not only did he demolish most of the entertainment center, he also asked the police to seal it down!"

"You mean, the two of them came to use school violence against the students I teach?"

Teacher Kang snorted: "Come here to cause trouble? I must show you how powerful I, Kang Sengui, am!"

"Teacher Kang, what did you say?"

"Nothing, hurry up and catch up!"

"Where's the monitor?"

The school has always been a four-in-one group, but now only three people stick together.

"She is sitting by herself in the class. She looks very strange these past two days!" Yao Qiong whispered. She is gloomy and smokes when she has nothing to do. She is even more girly than Sister Xia from Tsim Sha Tsui in the next class!

"Oh, thank you"

The boy nodded, trotted to the door, looked at Dai Zhuoyi who was sitting alone and shouted: "Monitor, someone is looking for you!"

! !

Dai Zhuoyi suddenly raised his head, his face was dark, his eyes were white, and his whole person was gloomy.

The scared boy's knees softened.

"I know, thank you." She also spoke in a ghostly manner, which made her feel even more frightened.

"No, you're welcome..." The boy ran away in Luohuang. Not long after, two people came over.

The short one is an acquaintance. Yesterday when the four of them made a scene at the Jade Entertainment Center, the short one was one of them.

However, when she moved her eyes to the taller person, her entire expression changed.

The exposed corpse teeth, the majestic corpse aura, and the undisguised ferocity.


"Thugs are here, I'm so scared!"

The younger brother wanted to retort, but He Cheng raised his hand to stop him: "Close the door and exit..."

This female ghost is not simple.

It is common sense that ghosts are afraid of the sun.

In this world, there are ghosts and gods who are not afraid of the sun. There are ghosts and gods with advanced cultivation. When they reach the realm of black and white and impermanence, they will no longer be afraid of the sun.

There are also people who have just died and have yang energy in their body and are not afraid of the sun.

Ghosts with high merit can also travel during the day.

A person who can be possessed by a ghost is definitely not a ghost who has just died. If he has not passed the first seven years, he may not be able to walk through a wall.

This ghost obviously has no merit. If it does have merit, it can see the golden light surrounding it. If it hurts it, it will be hurt in return!

Then, the only possibility left is that the Tao is profound!

"I know, big brother!" The younger brother bent down and opened the classroom door.

At this moment, a proud shout came.

"God bless you!"


Everything seemed to have been put on pause. The younger brother who was about to open the door and go out, the female students in the corridor, and even Kang Sengui who hurriedly arrived not far from the classroom door were all stopped by this sentence!

I'm really sorry. I fell asleep while typing last night and didn't have time to post.

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