Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 193 Tsim Sha Tsui Ah K

", walk slowly..."

Su Xiong was dead, but Ah Hui didn't dare to get excited. What was in front of him was a zombie!

"Go back and give that lantern back to him."

He Cheng gave instructions, turned around and walked out.

"Did you hear that?"

"Yes, Mr. Kai!"

"Call me again?"

Akai was overjoyed. He didn't expect that after being Su Xiong's dogleg for most of his life, he could turn from a dog to a master in one leap. Although he was still a dog to He Cheng, so what?

One person is inferior to ten thousand people!

"Kai Ye! Kai Ye!"

The subordinates will also cause trouble, and they will keep yelling.

Ah Hui, who knew that there was hope in getting Xiao Rong's lantern back, also shouted.

"Boss...Boss, please wait for me!"

A Kai struggled to pull out the long sword on the ground and followed He Cheng.

He is indeed Kai Ye. Without He Cheng's support, he would still be the dog-legged A Kai. Therefore, this dog must continue to work and be more serious than before, because he does not have Su Xiong's courage and ability.

"You guys, keep your mouth shut about what happened tonight. The police will find a way to solve it for me... Everything that can't be solved will be thrown on Su Xiong!"

After saying that, Akai shouldered the long sword and trotted away.

Ah Hui's eyes kept flashing with hesitation. If he allowed a zombie to manage the gang, wouldn't humanity be on the verge of extinction?

"Bah! Even if Su Xiong is in power, I won't feel better, no matter who he is as the emperor! It will all be the same in the end!"

It would be great if Xiao Rong's human skin lantern could come back so that Xiao Rong could be reincarnated.

"Continue to ask the people in the UK to find the person named Li Wangyang and the address I gave you to see if anyone lives there."

"I know, boss!"

Akai kept his profile very low. Maybe he would become the second Su Xiong in more than ten years, but by then, He Chengcheng would replace him.

After walking for more than ten minutes, a zombie passed by the busy street.

In front of an antique store, a man with a 37-year-old hair holding a cigarette butt came over and patted Akai's shoulder affectionately.

"Brother Kai, how have you been these days? Oh, is this sword a real thing?"

"Don't move! Old K, don't blame me for not reminding you. You'd better start calling me Kai Ye tonight. Otherwise, I won't let you and your boss survive on this street tomorrow!"

"Are you so powerful, Brother Kai? Master Xiong stepped on dog shit and refused to let you wipe it off?"

"Su Xiong?" Ah Kai smiled disdainfully: "From now on, there will be no Mr. Xiong, only Mr. Kai. Old K, you don't have any eyesight. This area in Tsim Sha Tsui is not easy to mess around with!"


Although Old K said he didn't care, his face looked a bit convinced.

My eyes focused on He Cheng for a few times. He was quite strong and handsome.

"You and your mute brother, please be more careful in the future." Akai patted Old K on the shoulder and trotted to follow He Cheng.

"Is it possible that that person is the new boss who kicked Su Xiong over? Forget it, it doesn't have much to do with me." Old K turned around and prepared to go home.

Returning to his residence, He Cheng took the sword and asked, "Who is that person I met on the road?"

"Um, Ah K from Tsim Sha Tsui is a little gangster. He usually collects bills for others. Boss, is it because he makes you unhappy? Do you want me to take my brother off his arm tonight?"

Akai was still anxious to work hard in front of He Cheng and to establish authority for his younger brothers. He could also do something to an acquaintance who nodded in the past.

"Check his information and give it to me, and send someone to follow him to avoid being discovered."

"I know, boss!"

Akai only knew that the boss was interested in old K, but he didn't bother to care about the reason.

"The sky has changed~"

Old K returned to his residence with a cigarette butt in his mouth.

Seeing that the light in the next room was still on, he said smoothly: "Cousin, I'm back!"

"Old K, you're back!"

It seemed that he had been waiting at the door all night. Before Old K could finish his words, the door of the next room was opened, and a man walked out coquettishly, holding a plate: "I accidentally made too much of the midnight snack. You just happen to be back, let’s eat together.”

"No, I've already eaten. Let's go back to bed. Cousin, you should go to bed early too!"

"Okay..." The man-in-law carried the plate to the kitchen extremely disappointed.

When Old K returned to the room, he heard the banging sound coming from the kitchen and shook his head. He had long been used to it.

"In the future, if Su Xiong doesn't hold me down, I don't know if we will start to chop. I'm not very good at fighting..."

Old K sat on the chair and touched the antique table he just bought. He is a bastard.

I owed my cousin a few months' rent and refused to pay her. Instead, I bought useless things every day. Last time I bought a bag for his wife, a pirated one cost several thousand yuan, and the real thing was ridiculously expensive!

Live one day at a time, this is Lao K's life principle.


When he opened the drawer, he saw another letter in the drawer.

It says:

"My name is Wei Xiaodie. I am twenty years old this year. I was born in Tamen and my family is very poor. I have many brothers and sisters. I am a girl and no one loves me. I have been in poor health since I was a child. I have a heart disease and am about to die." Dead. The fortune teller said that I am unlucky and that even if I die, I will not be able to reincarnate. I will have to marry a very ugly and bad ghost husband. Unless... I meet a man born in the Yang year and the Yang month.

If that man is willing to write his name and horoscope next to my name and burn it, so that I can be reincarnated with his blessing, but his life will be shortened by three years. How can there be such a good person in this world? "

"Yang year, yang month, yang day, yang hour? I really think so."

Old K took out a big box from under the bed and took out the fortune-telling paper.

"The fortune teller said I can live to be ninety-eight. Seeing how pitiful you are, I will give you three years of life!"

at the same time,

Far away on the small island of Tamen, a very large wedding was being held, for ghosts to get married.

There is a young man wearing red flowers and holding a "Zhu Haisheng" tablet waiting for the sedan chair.

The eight-carrying big red sedan chair stopped, and next was the memorial tablet of "Wei Xiaodie".

The Taoist priest who promoted the matchmaker shook his head: "The man is really lucky. He is so ugly, but he wants such a beautiful wife!"

Someone next to me said: "I didn't pick it up, I bought it. The red envelope is huge. The woman loves money."

Below, the boys and girls hold the tablet and worship in the hall, after the ceremony is completed.

In that dark corner of the earth, there is a ghost mountain.

There were ghost fires, ghost smoke, and yellow paper and ashes floating everywhere.

Sitting on the top of the mountain was a beautiful bride with a phoenix crown and a beautiful robe, looking around in fear.

"Wa hahaha!"

Loud laughter came, and after a while, an ugly red-faced ghost with only half his body and a red robe jumped out.

"Bride! Hahahaha!"

"You...what do you want to do?" The bride kept backing away.

The red-faced ugly man laughed loudly: "What do you want to do? The bridal chamber!"

"It's not convenient for me to look like this." He turned around, and the half of his body that had obviously been cut off by a sharp knife quickly grew back, but compared with the solid half of his body, it was much more illusory.

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