The sky has gradually darkened. For Spider-Man's previous actions, the night has always been their best protective color.

But today, for Peter and his group who intend to break through head-on, the cover of the night is no longer useful.

Six Spider-Men and one Iron Man appeared in front of the Fisk Building.

In order to ensure that his plan can proceed smoothly, Kingpin has obviously made preparations long ago.

A large number of New York gang members were hoarded on the first floor of the building by him, and each of them held the most advanced laser weapons produced by Alchemy Company.

It can be said that Kingpin has completely given up in order to resurrect his wife and children.

After this battle tonight, the relationship between Kingpin and Wilson Fisk will no longer be concealed.

Kingpin will completely lose the philanthropist vest he has worked so hard to create.

Seeing the appearance of Peter and his group, the gang members guarding the first floor pulled the trigger without hesitation.

Intensive laser shooting poured out from the muzzle, immediately covering the seven of them.

Iron Man Peter and 1610 Spider-Man immediately stood up, blocked the other four behind them, and used the energy shield of the nano suit to block all the enemy's shooting.

At the same time, the four Spider-Men in the back also began to show their skills, using their own moves to continuously weaken the enemy's firepower.

Just as Peter and his team were fighting in front of the Fisk Building, a familiar figure appeared in the backyard of Aunt May's house.

He reached out to touch the lock on the utility room door, as if he wanted to break it by force.

But before he could act, the door of the utility room opened automatically, revealing the elevator leading to the secret base.

He entered the elevator without hesitation and came to the secret base as the elevator descended.

Aunt May had been waiting in the secret base for a long time. Seeing him appear in front of her, she finally smiled and said,"You are here so late, Miles!"

That's right, the person who came was Miles Morales who had returned.

Although it has been less than a week since he was bitten by the mutant spider until now, he has gained super powers.

But with the help of the six great Spider-Men and the catalysis of the things he has experienced these days, Miles has begun to take firm steps towards becoming a real Spider-Man.

His appearance here at this time means that he is ready to take on his mission.

Aunt May took out the nanoparticle storage device left by Peter and handed it to Miles

"This is the suit he left for you, now go kid, be your own hero, be the hero of this city!"

Miles nodded and took the nanoparticle storage.

But the embarrassing thing is that he didn't know how to complete the transformation.

Aunt May took out a tablet and put it in front of him,"Peter has also considered this, just follow this tutorial and you will be fine"

"Before Peter left, he told me that he believed you would come, so he asked me to wait here in advance and give you the tutorial on how to use the nano suit."

Myers's expression became more determined when he heard this, and he followed the tutorial to modify the spider nano suit to black and red.

At this moment, the little black spider Miles finally took shape.

But before he can truly awaken and become the little black spider, Miles still needs to complete the final leap of faith!

Coming to the top of a skyscraper, compared to the initial uneasiness when he gained super powers.

At this time, Miles can already sit calmly on the facade of the building, looking fearlessly at the ground below.

The atmosphere is set off here, and the glass breaker Miles is officially online!

He jumped hard, and the glass curtain wall of the building that was adsorbed by the static electricity on his palm shattered instantly.

The famous scene of the little black spider's leap of faith in the movie actually appeared in New York City in the 1610 universe at this moment.

The body of the little black spider continued to fall under the action of gravity, and before it was about to fall to the ground At the same time, a spider silk shot out quickly.

The speed of falling was instantly transformed into the power of swinging, and the second Spider-Man belonging to this city officially appeared in front of people for the first time. The little black spider swung with the help of the spider silk and quickly approached the location of the Fisk Building.

It has to be said that for tonight's mission, the little black spider is actually the best candidate for execution.

With the ability to be invisible, he does not need to entangle with the younger brothers arranged by Kingpin, and can walk directly into the Fisk Building.

The combat team that assembled six Spider-Men and one Iron Man, after spending a lot of time and energy.

At this time, they finally broke through the first layer of guards and came to the passage leading to the underground space.

This is not because they are not strong enough, but because Kingpin has accumulated too many people here.

I don’t know what means Kingpin used to seduce... They were so scared that all the gang members fearlessly surrounded the seven of them.

What made it even more difficult was that, except for Peter and Shadow Spider-Man, the remaining five Spider-Men all adhered to the so-called no-killing principle.

This resulted in enemies who were only trapped by spider silk being able to pick up their weapons and attack again after escaping.

Except for the two directions that Peter and Shadow Spider-Man were responsible for, the enemies faced by others seemed endless and would always come in an endless stream.

After discovering this, Peter no longer cared about his image in the eyes of everyone.

He directly gave orders for all the Spider-Men to squat down, and then used the moves that Tony used in"Iron Man 2" to deal with the siege of Hammer Technology's unmanned mechas.

As the six Spider-Men all squatted down obediently, Peter raised his arms horizontally and two powerful Lasers shot out from his forearms.

Then, under Peter's spin, the two lasers were like two sickles for harvesting wheat, and all the enemies were cut in two and fell to the ground wherever they passed.

It was thanks to Peter's unparalleled mowing trick that they finally successfully passed the level with Kingpin's human wave tactics.

But the eyes of the other five Spider-Men looking at Peter also changed at this moment, and each of them was full of complexity.

It was not until then that they realized the real difference between this Peter Parker and them, not whether he had the ability of Spider-Man, but the means and attitude when dealing with problems.

Peter was the first to notice the change in everyone's attitude towards him.

But he didn't care. After all, they were not a real team, and they would eventually return to their respective universes after the end of this cooperation.

At that time, no matter what image he had in the eyes of others, it would not have any impact on him.

So in the face of such a major event as successfully returning to the original universe, any obstacles standing in Peter's way would be ruthlessly cleared by him.

"Let's go, everyone. The way home is open for us!"After saying that, Peter took the lead and walked into the passage without caring about the reactions of the Spider-Mans.


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