"I see! I see! However, the positioning method through DNA is still not reliable enough. If my space-time stabilization device is added, this design will become more perfect!"

Looking at the design information of the super collider on the screen, Peter clenched his right fist and smashed it on the palm of his left hand, with an excited expression on his face.

After reading the design information of the super collider, Peter has understood the design ideas of Doctor Octopus and the technical principle of the super collider to open the space-time channel.

If the Avengers use Pym particles to complete the space-time shuttle, then the super collider can only be described as a miracle.

In the design of the entire technology, only the time-space channel can be opened, and no consideration is given to whether it will have an irreversible impact on time and space. This is why Spider-Man is trying his best to stop Kingpin.

If Kingpin is really allowed to mess around, the whole of New York may really become nothingness due to the collapse of time and space.

But this does not mean that the super collider has no merits in technology.

On the contrary, if it can fall into the hands of the right person, this shortcoming of the super collider can be completely avoided.

And obviously, Peter is such a suitable candidate.

He has a space-time stabilization device in his hand, which can not only directly solve the risk of space-time collapse that may be caused by the super collider.

More importantly, the space-time positioning device can accurately locate the dimension and time connected by the space-time channel.

And the perfect version of the Ark reactor technology can also provide a stable and sufficient starting energy for the super collider.

If Peter can successfully perfect the super collider, he can completely shuttle between different parallel universes in the future.

Then, by constantly absorbing scientific knowledge from other universes, he can use it as a resource to strengthen himself.

One day, Peter may really become a strong man at the level of the multiverse.

Excitedly closing the design drawings of the super collider, Peter was excited and prepared to continue looking for valuable designs in the technical data of Alchemy Company.

But at this time, Jarvis, who took over the secret base, suddenly called out to stop Peter's plan.

After listening to Jarvis's report, he realized that it turned out that Kingpin and his men had followed Miles, the young man, and came directly to Aunt May's house!

"How is Aunt May? Is she not hurt? Peter hurriedly asked about Aunt May's condition.

【Don't worry, sir. As soon as I found the enemy approaching, I had already controlled the Mark 8 equipment to Ms. May, and she is safe now. 】

Jarvis's answer made Peter feel relieved, and at the same time he gave it a thumbs up in the air with his right hand, praising its calm response.

Although Aunt May was not hurt by the appearance of Kingpin and his gang, the enemy had already come to the door, how could Peter not take action?

Kingpin and Doctor Octopus are still useful, and they should be kept to start the super collider.

As for Tombstone and Scorpion King, it happened that his latest nano suit Mark 85 had not been tested in actual combat since it was manufactured, and these two people were considered to have hit his gun.

This can also be regarded as weakening the enemy's combat effectiveness before the final decisive battle, so that Miles can destroy the super collider more easily.

However, Peter's plan was very good, but when he broke into the house, he saw Aunt May wearing the Mark 8 suit, who was suppressing Kingpin's three men alone.

Peter thought that it was only Aunt May who was kind-hearted. If it were Peter, Doctor Octopus, Tombstone and Scorpion King would not be beaten, but would have been killed long ago.

Since Aunt May was so brave, Peter gave up his original plan. It was better not to let Aunt May see the bloodshed.

As for Kingpin, this guy is worthy of being a hero who can step by step reach the top in a place like Hell's Kitchen.

Facing the siege of four Spider-Men at the same time, he can still perform with ease. It can be imagined that Kingpin is not comparable to ordinary people in terms of physical fitness or fighting skills.

However, now that Peter, wearing a nano-battle suit, appears in this battlefield, the situation that was originally in a state of balance will definitely be broken.

Kingpin, who understood this, did not linger in the battle. He took on an attack from the Shadow Spider-Man and took this opportunity to unexpectedly break through the encirclement of the four Spider-Men.

Then he rescued Doctor Octopus, who was struggling to hold on, under Aunt May's iron fist, and finally abandoned Tombstone and Scorpion King directly, and escaped from the house before Peter made a move.

Kingpin's action was exactly what Peter wanted. He had no intention of attacking Kingpin and Doctor Octopus.

When he saw that the two were at a disadvantage in the battle, he was still worrying about how to find an opportunity to let them escape.

Unexpectedly, Kingpin's subjective initiative was so strong that he didn't even need him to do anything. He found a way to handle the matter. After all, no one would have thought that Aunt May would be so brave in the iron armor! The battle situation in which the Spider-Team was at a disadvantage in the original plot was completely reversed.

Peter even began to suspect that Miles' uncle might have escaped under such circumstances.

But as soon as this thought came to his mind, he heard a gunshot outside.

Everyone rushed out of the house and looked in the direction of the gunshot, and saw Peter who had just chased out to help Miles.·B·Parker was wrestling with the Kingpin who had just escaped.

On a roof not far away, Miles was standing there at a loss, and the wanderer Allen Davis fell in front of Miles, his life or death unknown.

Seeing this scene, Peter knew that nothing had changed because of his appearance, or that everyone���Spider-Man's fate is not something that can be easily changed.

From an ordinary person who was bitten by a mutant spider and then gained super powers, to a superhero who is clear about his own responsibilities and missions, every Spider-Man cannot escape the death of important people in front of him.

For Gwen in Universe 65, it is Peter Parker in that universe, and for Peter·B·To Parker, he is Uncle Ben; to Shadow Spider-Man, he is Uncle Benjamin; to Penny, he is her father.

For Spider-Man, the most difficult part of this mission is that no matter how powerful they are, they can't save everyone.

So once again, Miles escaped, taking his uncle Alan Davis, who was seriously injured by the Kingpin, and disappeared in front of everyone.

But this time, no Spider-Man showed disappointment in Miles' escape.

Because they used to be like this boy, wanting to escape from such an unacceptable reality forever.


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