With the successful development of the brainwave communication device, Peter has finally embarked on the fast track of development since he came to this world. Peter had taken 5% of Norman Osborn's company shares before, so of course he would not forget what he promised.

On the second day after the brainwave communication device was developed, he brought a full set of instruments and equipment to the treatment room that Norman had already prepared. The whole treatment process went very smoothly, and the trouble that Peter expected did not happen, so he easily separated the second personality in Norman's sea of consciousness.

And because the mental power conversion technology was successfully verified, Peter crushed the second personality on the spot and then converted it into the purest mental power.

With the feedback of this mental power, Norman can save the long time required for the soul to heal itself.

After helping Norman deal with his mental problems, Peter is finally debt-free.

And Peter has completed all his high school courses and is only waiting to attend the graduation ceremony in a few days.

So before officially entering college, he will have a three-month summer vacation.

Unlike other students who can squander and enjoy this long vacation, Peter will go all out to improve his soul strength in these three months.

And absorb and fuse all the remaining fragments of Tony's memory at the fastest speed.

This is how he planned and executed it.

In just two weeks, Peter completed his biggest goal in this summer vacation and obtained all the knowledge wealth of Tony Stark!

Finally able to see the full picture of this treasure mountain, he began to frantically use the knowledge he gained to arm himself.

Peter's first choice was the desperate virus that he had always coveted.

This desperate virus is not the semi-finished product he developed before, but the perfect version of the desperate virus that Tony Stark later developed to save Pepper.

The perfect version of the desperate virus not only retains the original high-speed regeneration ability and high-temperature burning ability, but also eliminates the previous problems of loss of control and self-explosion.

It happened that Peter had recently merged too much mental power, and the strength of his body could not keep up in time. Using the perfect version of the desperate virus, this problem can be easily solved.

After finishing the strengthening of the body, the next technology that Peter wants to replicate is of course the Ark Reactor!

Although Tony has so many cool and stylish Iron Man suits, no matter how the Iron Man suits are iterated, the Ark Reactor is always the unshakable core and the basis of all upgrades.

Without the Ark Reactor, no matter how advanced the Iron Man suit is, it can only become a pile of scrap metal.

Standing on the shoulders of Tony, a giant, Peter does not need to start replicating from the first generation of palladium element Ark Reactor.

He first created new elements that do not exist in this world according to the method in Tony's memory.

Then he used the new elements to replicate the perfect second generation Ark Reactor.

Compared with the first generation of palladium element Ark Reactor, the second generation of new element Ark Reactor not only has more powerful power and energy, but also the products of cold nuclear fusion process are cleaner.

It is precisely because of the support of the second generation of new element Ark Reactor that Tony added energy-consuming laser weapons in the subsequent design of Iron Man suits.

Since there is a second generation Ark Reactor, it is natural that the matching Iron Man suit is indispensable!

With the Iron Man suit, when he works with Gwen in the future, he won't be called an unknown hero by the media.

He can also say loudly in front of the camera:"I"I am Iron Man!"

Of course, the premise is that he is wearing a metal mask. He doesn't want to be too high-profile like Tony, and finally his house was blown up by the villain.

The same as the production of the Ark Reactor, with Peter's current resources and conditions, of course there is no need to start with Mark 1 like Tony.

So the first set of iron suits he chose to make for himself is Mark 8.

As the first set of iron suits made by Peter himself, Mark 8 is very mature in design and technology.

And the manufacturing difficulty is within Peter's ability, which can lay a good foundation for the manufacture of various upgraded iron suits in the future.

Mark 8 is equipped with a more complete laser-guided tracking rapid deployment system. With the assistance of Jarvis, the wearing and taking off process can be completed very quickly.

At the same time , As a heavy armor designed specifically for combat, some of the performance and appearance of Mark VIII have been processed to make the armor stronger, more flexible and more operational.

More importantly, the design of Mark VIII reserves a lot of space for the installation of weapons.

This allows the various weapons designed by Peter before to finally be put to good use.

Not to mention that he also made the floating cannon that originally appeared on the nano battle suit appear in advance, and added it to the weapon attachment compartment on the back of Mark VIII.

The reason for this design change is mainly because Peter has already finalized the design of the Cyber Sword. But now that we have the Iron Man suit, a more powerful and more pretentious weapon, the Cyber Sword will definitely not be used, but the designed drawings cannot be wasted!

Peter modified the design, changing the energy source from solid-state lithium batteries to second-generation Ark reactors.

The attack method also changed from the original physical cutting to the current laser pulse.

In addition, the brain wave communication device that Peter perfected allows him to control the flight, movement and shooting of the floating gun at will.

This makes the Mark VIII, which already has powerful firepower, look like a miniature Gundam.

It can be said that the emergence of the brain wave communication device not only enhances Peter's soul strength, but also strengthens the actual combat capability of Mark VIII.

Even this technology has played a vital role in the development of Faraday Future.

Peter, who has successfully brought Baymax to this world, certainly will not forget that there is a very powerful technology in"Big Hero 6". It was developed by the hero Xiaohong in order to get admitted to the university - a micro magnetic axis robot!

Brain wave communication device + Ark reactor + micro magnetic axis robot, what does this mean for Faraday Future and Geely Auto?

It means that as long as there are enough construction materials and construction engineers, they can complete the construction of charging stations quickly, efficiently and economically.

Cover all markets with their charging stations in the shortest possible time, and then set off a real wave of new energy vehicles!

By that time, let alone Oscorp, even Fisker Group, in terms of profitability, will be a younger brother in front of Faraday Future.

In addition to his own progress and the development of the company, Peter will certainly not forget his girlfriend Gwen.

Look, the new Ghost Spider Iron Man suit is immediately prepared for Gwen.


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