Norman narrowed his eyes and looked at Octavius who was deliberately keeping him in suspense."Normally, in this situation, shouldn't you ask me which one I want to hear first, the good news or the bad news?"

Octavius shrugged as if it had nothing to do with him and said,"Then I can only tell you with regret that there is no good news, only bad news. Do you still want to hear it?"

"Tell me, I want to see if there is any worse news."Norman's tone is full of debts.

"Let me tell you this, based on my previous experience, overexpressed genes affect not only the body, but also the mind."

"If it was just a physical change, I wouldn't have done so many things that were out of character when I became a lizard man."

"If the same situation were to happen to you, your mental state would probably not be optimistic."

"I guess that under the influence of multiple exogenous genes, your mind may have been stimulated too strongly, so that without your knowledge, a hidden personality was born."

"If your original personality represents Norman Osborn, then this hidden personality represents the green giant."

"You share the same body, but when one personality becomes dominant, the body changes to the state corresponding to the dominant personality."

"And judging from your complete memory after the transformation, the memories of the two personalities should be independent of each other."

"The reason why sporadic images flash in your mind may be that your original personality did not fall into a complete sleep after losing control of your body, but was in a state of half-sleep and half-wakefulness."

"If the hidden personality continues to dominate, then it is likely that you will always remain a green giant."

"But I think this possibility is not very high. After all, a person's energy is limited, and it is impossible for a hidden personality to stay awake forever without rest."

"But on the other hand, your original personality is likely to lose control of your body due to mental exhaustion, and that is when the Green Giant will reappear."

"I am not an expert in psychology, and this is just my personal opinion based on my past experience."

"The specific situation can only be known through practical tests."

Norman's expression was very gloomy at the moment. Practical tests?

No need! He was the one who knew his own situation best.

So he also knew that what Octavius said was almost exactly the same as his own feelings.

But the more he knew the accuracy of Octavius's analysis, the more Norman could not accept this result.

He was the chairman of Oscorp, how could he accept that he could turn into a monster at any time and anywhere?

Even in the worst case, he might hurt his son Harry because of this.……

"Tell me, Otto, do you have any way to help me solve my problem?"

Norman suddenly raised his head, staring at Octavius with a pair of bloodshot eyes. The man standing here at this moment is no longer the chairman of Oscorp, but a gambler whose life is hanging by a thread!

At this moment, Octavius is his last hope.

If this last line of hope is completely broken, no one knows what Norman Osborn, who has fallen completely into madness, will do.

Now, the pressure is on Octavius.

As the pioneer of cross-species biological gene synthesis technology, he knows very well how difficult it is to solve Norman's problem.

The problem of the calculation amount of the decay rate equation alone is not something he can handle.

But looking at the look Norman gave him, he really couldn't say the negative words.

He didn't dare to anger Norman at this time.

What if Norman turned into a green giant here and slapped him to death, who would he go to for justice?

So after some careful consideration, Octavius said cautiously:"There must be a way to solve this problem with you."

As he spoke, he carefully observed the changes in Norman's expression.

Seeing that the other party's expression had become much more relaxed, he continued:"However, if I handle it alone, the difficulty is still a bit beyond my ability."

At this time, Norman's expression, which had been relaxed a little, became serious again.

Seeing this scene, Octavius did not dare to pause at all, and quickly continued:"Although my ability is lacking, I know there is someone who is more powerful than me, and he can definitely help you solve the problem."

When Norman listened to Octavius's twists and turns in his answer, his expression was like Sichuan face changing, changing from time to time.

Now that he heard that there was someone more powerful than Octavius, and that this person could definitely solve his problem, Norman finally smiled for the first time.

"So what are we waiting for? The night is long and dreams are many. Take me to find that person quickly!" Norman pulled Octavius's arm and said impatiently.

""Wait, wait! I know you're anxious, but don't be anxious, I haven't finished talking yet!" Octavius staggered when he was suddenly pulled away and shook off Norman's arm.

"There are a few things I need to explain to you in advance."

"As for this person I know, I don’t know him very well, and I once promised him not to reveal his identity to others."

"So, when I go to see him, I can only go alone, and I can't bring you with me."

"In addition, even if I successfully meet him, I can't guarantee whether he will be willing to help you after knowing your situation."

"If things don't go as you wish, you must be prepared, don't let your emotions get out of control and suddenly transform and kill me."

Norman knew that he had no bargaining conditions, so he nodded and accepted what Octavius said.

"But I have a message that I need you to pass on to me."

"Tell him that no matter what conditions he offers, as long as I, Norman Osborn, have them, even if he wants Osborn, I can satisfy him."

"My only request is that he can solve my problem."

"this……"Octavius was really shocked by Norman's words.

You know, Oscorp is a listed company with a market value of more than 10 billion US dollars.

Even if Norman does not hold all the shares, as the largest shareholder of Oscorp, the shares he holds are definitely worth a lot of money.

Octavius could not make any comment on Norman's decision, and could only nod in agreement and said,"Okay, I understand your determination, and I will convey your words to him when the time comes.""


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