"Good morning Peter, good morning Baymax!"

The beautifully dressed girl was still full of energy today.

Gwen jumped down from the elevator and headed straight for Baymax with a clear goal.

Then the next second, she jumped and hugged Baymax, her whole body pressed tightly against Baymax's belly, with a satisfied expression on her face.

【Good morning, Miss Gwen.】

"Ah, so soft and warm! I wanted to try it yesterday, and the feel and softness are even better than I imagined."

Fortunately, Baymax is just a robot, otherwise Gwen would be mistaken for a nymphomaniac and arrested by the police for sexual harassment.

""Good morning, Gwen." Peter just looked up at Gwen listlessly, and then continued to eat the breakfast prepared by Aunt May.

Peter didn't know what to say to Gwen about her condition today.

He saw through Gwen's disguise at a glance. Gwen was not really happy. Her smile was just a protective color she wore.

Peter guessed that Gwen was probably still stuck in yesterday's emotions and hadn't come out of it.

But he was really not very good at this kind of psychological counseling.

But Peter is not good at it, but there are other people who are good at it. When it comes to healing people's hearts, Baymax is definitely an expert.

Although Baymax has not yet been installed with a medical chip, its harmless appearance and gentle and considerate personality are in themselves a good way to heal the soul.

Peter could see that when Gwen hugged Baymax, her originally stiff body relaxed visibly.

The expression on the face can be faked, but the body's reaction cannot be deceived.

【Miss Gwen, I see that you are not in good condition. Do you need me to turn on the heating mode?

Gwen rubbed her cheek against Dabai's belly and shook her head."No need, Dabai, just let me hold you quietly for a while.""

【"Okay, Miss Gwen. Peter told me that I look like this to make people want to hug me more."

As he said this, Dabai raised his hand and gently stroked Gwen's back,"Be good, be good~ Everything will be fine."】

""Hmm." Gwen snorted softly, and her last stubbornness finally melted in Baymax's tenderness.

Peter and Gwen agreed before they parted yesterday that they would reflect on the mistakes and shortcomings in their actions together today.

That's why the two of them gathered in the Spider's Lair early this morning.

The first contestant to appear was Gwen, who showed her power as a ghost spider last night and pierced the chest of the green giant with one kick.

Gwen's analysis and summary were meaningful and very accurate overall. In summary, Gwen believed that her attack methods were too simple, her power control was not fine enough, and the most important point was that her mentality was not stable enough.

Although Peter said that she couldn't take all the blame on herself, Gwen still believed in her heart that at least 80% of the responsibility for last night's failure was on her.

After Gwen's self-reflection, the second contestant who appeared at the review meeting today was

Peter Parker, who was called an unsung hero in major media, but was described as the second cancer of New York City in the Daily Bugle.

As for the first cancer, of course it was the one that was killed by J..J.J is a die-hard black fan who has always hated Ghost Spider.

But compared to Gwen's performance just now, Peter's performance makes people sweat.

Because Peter listed a lot of data and examples, and made detailed and thorough arguments.

In the end, his reflections can be summed up in four words-lack of firepower!

It was because of their lack of firepower that he had to use various methods to restrict the Green Giant.

If they were strong enough in martial virtue and strong enough in firepower, they could just start a war and solve the Green Giant, and there would be no need to spend so much effort to contain him.

If the Green Giant was solved by him at the beginning, there would be no need for Ghost Spider to come to help.

If Ghost Spider didn't come to help, how could he be scared by the bloody scene.

So summing up all the problems, Peter came to only one conclusion, that is, insufficient firepower.

No, it should be a serious lack of firepower!

Although Gwen didn't fully understand what Peter meant after listening to his long list of reflections and arguments.

But she always felt that Peter's way of thinking and solving problems...was it a little too rough?

If Peter knew her thoughts, she would definitely ask her:"Don't worry about whether it's rough or not, just tell me whether it works or not?"

Since the crux of the problem has been found, the next thing to do is to solve the problem.

So Peter immediately started the second meeting at the end of the review meeting. He named the theme of this meeting - Firepower Completion Plan!

The purpose of this plan is to turn all enemies who refuse to surrender into ashes under their firepower coverage.

At this time, Tony Stark's experience in arms design, which has been integrated in Peter's mind, can finally come in handy.

Tony Stark is worthy of being a big boss of an arms company. There are so many good things!

Just in Peter's integrated memories, all kinds of high explosives, individual missiles and pulse laser cannons emerge in an endless stream.

Even if he has limited the conditions and only picked those individual products with small size and high power, he is still dazzled by the selection.

As he picked, Peter suddenly sighed in his heart. It's a pity that he hasn't got the technology of the iron suit yet.

Otherwise, with so many powerful weapons all assembled on the suit, he couldn't imagine how cool it would be when he fired at full force.

But Peter didn't notice that Gwen, who was listening to his ever-increasing plans, was getting more and more confused.

Gwen obviously just wanted to be a superhero out of interest, so why did Peter seem to be planning to make her the queen of arms?

"Wait a minute, Peter! Please stop for a moment. Gwen couldn't bear to listen any longer, so she had to interrupt Peter who was talking nonstop.

"I understand the mini missiles, plasma swords, and micro flamethrowers you mentioned earlier."

"But aren't the individual neutron bombs and individual fuel-air explosive bombs a bit too much?"

"Those who don't know would think we are preparing for a local war!"

After listening to Gwen's opinion, Peter was stunned for a moment, and then said in great agreement:

"Gwen, you are right. These weapons are too big and heavy. They are very conspicuous when carried on the body and can easily lead to misunderstanding."

Gwen was speechless. [Is this what I meant?!】

"But Gwen, don't worry, these technical problems can be solved! I will try my best to reduce the size and weight of these weapons without reducing the explosive equivalent."

"In addition, I plan to restart the research on the Extremis virus. If the ammunition is used up, the Extremis virus can still be our last trump card."

"The problem is that the current desperate virus potion is still too weak and can no longer keep up with our pace."

"So I plan to combine Dr. Connors's cross-species gene synthesis technology to give the Extremis virus more comprehensive capabilities."


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