Harry couldn't help but frowned when he heard the noise coming from the front yard.

You know, Osborne Manor is built on an independent plot of land outside New York.

In addition to his and his father's cars, only the small truck responsible for purchasing the manor and the cars of invited partners will go in and out of the front yard gate.

Listening to the noise caused by the noise just now, if someone didn't deliberately come to cause trouble late at night.

Then the only possibility Harry could think of was that his father Norman was driving under the influence.

Thinking in his heart, with his father's stable character, he should not do such a thing as drunk driving.

Harry left the study and hurried to the hall downstairs.

As soon as he came downstairs, Harry met the old butler who also heard the noise and came out to check the situation.

Seeing that his young master was also about to go out to check the situation, the old butler quickly stretched out his hand to stop him.

"Master Harry, the situation outside is still unclear. If you go out with me and encounter some danger and get hurt, what should you do?"

"A son of a wealthy family should not sit idle in the hall. I will go with the security team to find out the situation, you just stay at home for the time being and wait for our news."

Harry is not the kind of person who does not listen to advice. He was raised by the old butler since he was a child, and he knows that the other party's suggestions are definitely for his own good.

Moreover, as the only heir of the Osborn family, he really shouldn't rashly put himself in a dangerous situation.

So after instructing the old butler to be careful, Harry obediently stayed in the hall, waiting for the old butler to bring back the news. After a while, the old butler came back in a hurry, followed by a team of security team members in black suits. The members of this team of security were holding a stretcher in their hands, and on the stretcher lay... , it turned out to be his father Norman Osborn!!!

Harry was both surprised and worried at this time, [Dad wouldn't really drive drunk and crash into our wall, right? I don't know how serious his injury is. How could he do such a thing at such a grown-up! ]

He has concluded in his heart that Norman must have driven drunk and crashed into the wall as he had guessed before.

However, he still asked the old butler about the details of the matter.

The old butler asked Harry to stay calm for the time being,"Master, please wait a moment. I will go and ask the doctor who specializes in serving the Osborn family in the manor to check the master's physical condition"

"I will explain the details to you once everything is settled."

""Okay, then you go quickly!" Harry nodded, then quickly stepped aside to make room for the old butler and the security team.

Norman was transported by the security team and placed in a spacious guest room on the first floor. The old butler also quickly came with a doctor.

After a careful examination by the doctor, it was determined that Norman's body was fine, but he fell into a coma because of excessive fatigue and a little hypoglycemia. He only needs to inject some glucose solution and then have a good night's rest. He will most likely wake up naturally tomorrow morning.

Everyone who heard the news was relieved. Things finally did not develop in the worst direction.

"When the master wakes up tomorrow, it would be better to have him go to the hospital in Osborne for a thorough checkup. The checks I can do in the manor are limited after all."The doctor reminded the old butler before he left. The old butler nodded slightly to show that he understood, and then sent the doctor out of the room.

After dismissing several members of the security team in the room, he began to tell Harry the whole story.

"When I and the security team rushed to the front yard, we saw that a wall next to the gate had collapsed."

"When I got closer, I found that the master had fainted in the ruins of the courtyard wall. There was only a pair of tattered pants on his body, and there was a huge bloodstain on his chest."

"I was almost frightened by the scene at that time, and quickly ordered the security team members around me to rescue the master."

"After I calmed down and checked, I found that the old man only looked miserable on the outside. There were no obvious injuries on his body, and his breathing was very stable."

"So I quickly asked them to carry the master back to the manor, and then you know everything that happened afterwards."

After listening to the old butler's report, Harry frowned tightly.

He always felt that there was something strange about this matter, so he asked the old butler again:"You were around the courtyard wall at that time. Did you see the car and the driver in the car when my father left the manor today?"

The old butler shook his head:"Neither the car nor the driver was seen. I will contact someone to inquire about this matter immediately."

Without Harry's instructions, the old butler who had worked for the Osborn family for many years automatically understood Harry's meaning and took the initiative to investigate the situation of the driver and the car.

In a few minutes, the old butler found out all the circumstances and returned to the room to report to Harry:

"I have already asked the security guard on duty today. The master arrived at the company this morning and left in a hurry at noon."

"But the master drove away alone, and the driver was left in the company."

"After investigation, it was found that the driver went to pick up his daughter from school after work, and then went home and never left. The master's matter should have nothing to do with him.

Although the results of the investigation ruled out Harry's suspicion, it made the whole matter even more confusing.

"Well, old housekeeper, you have been busy all night, go back to your room and rest. I will stay here and take care of my father."

"As for the specific situation, I think everything will be clear tomorrow when my father wakes up."

In the end, only Norman and Harry were left in the room.

Silently looking at his father sleeping peacefully on the bed, Harry's heart was not as relaxed as his tone showed. He speculated on all kinds of possibilities he could guess, and didn't know when he fell asleep beside Norman's bed. It was not until the next day that Harry felt the pain in his waist and back, and then he slowly woke up.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw his father sitting on the head of the bed, looking at him gently.

In an instant, Harry's brain, which was still a little slow, woke up!

""Father, you're awake! How are you? Is everything alright?" Harry exclaimed excitedly at first, and then hurriedly asked about Norman's physical condition.

Norman shook his head calmly,"I'm fine. I've told you so many times not to make such a fuss when things happen. You should learn to stay calm."

If it were Harry at other times, he would have felt a little impatient when hearing Norman's old admonitions.

But for some reason, Harry felt that similar words were particularly precious when he heard them today.

When Harry saw Norman lying on the stretcher last night, he was really worried for a moment. What if he could never hear his father's teachings again?

Fortunately, what he was worried about did not happen, and his father woke up safely again.

Harry quickly adjusted his state, and the mature and steady temperament in the study last night finally returned to him again.

After seeing Norman nod to him with satisfaction, he slowly asked,"Father, I want to know what happened to you last night?"


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