After the last incident about the lizard man came to an end, Peter has been really busy these days.

On the one hand, in a few months, Peter will graduate from high school. Although he doesn't need to worry about the exams with his grades, he still has a headache with the various materials he needs to prepare in advance for applying to universities.

On the other hand, as"The Boy Who Lived" has begun to be published and distributed in countries around the world, the popularity of this novel is also rising.

Seeing such a hot sales performance, how could the publisher sit still? Emails urging manuscripts to be published are flying everywhere, and the editor's phone calls are constantly coming to Peter.

They have been squeezing out all of Peter's manuscripts and still refuse to give up, which makes him very annoyed recently.

In addition, the cooperation between Peter's company Faraday Future and China Geely Automobile has also achieved remarkable results recently.

The so-called China speed is not in vain. It has only been a few months since the cooperation between the two parties, and Geely Automobile has not only completed the installation of the production line, but also officially rolled off the production line for the first new energy vehicle!

Thanks to the mature technologies provided by Peter, although the new energy vehicles of Geely Auto have not yet been put on sale, the powerful performance shown during the test has made countless Chinese consumers look forward to it.

Geely Auto is also discussing to bring several new energy vehicles that have just come off the production line to participate in this year's New York International Auto Show.

Peter has recently been arranging for Faraday Future employees to contact the organizer to discuss participating in the New York Auto Show.

It happened that some time ago, Peter's mind was over-consumed because of the forced fusion of Tony's memory fragments. Before the mental consumption can be restored, Peter can no longer continue to fuse memory fragments.

In this case, Peter simply puts all his energy into his studies and career. After all, if you want to manufacture various styles of steel battle suits in the future, you can't withstand such consumption without a strong family foundation.

The matters of further study and manuscripts are the easiest for Peter to solve.

During the day at school, Peter prepares various materials needed for applying to universities under the guidance of teachers; when he returns home at night, he devotes himself to the great cause of copying.

With the memory of the original book in his mind, the process of translating from Chinese to English was relatively easy. The only hard part was that Peter had to type out those tens of thousands of words on the computer.

As for Faraday Future, Peter left all the matters to the weekend.

For Peter, who had never participated in any auto show activities before his rebirth, he was quite looking forward to this New York International Auto Show.

Not to mention that the new energy vehicles produced by Faraday Future and Geely Auto will also be exhibited at this auto show.

The day before the opening of the New York International Auto Show, Peter finally got all the school applications and novel manuscripts done.

For college, Peter did not choose MIT, where Tony graduated, but applied to Columbia University in New York City.

Peter's purpose of going to college is just to broaden his horizons and to get in touch with more knowledge in more fields with the resources of the university.

Therefore, the ranking of the university is not important to Peter. Staying in New York will allow him to take better care of Aunt May and Uncle Ben, who are already old.

After knowing Peter's idea, Gwen did not apply to other universities, but chose to apply to the same university as Peter.

In addition, I have to mention one more thing about Gwen. After getting the advice of"sincerity is the ultimate skill" from Peter last time, Gwen has not found a chance to discuss the ghost spider with George.

Until one day George suddenly took the initiative to find Gwen and said that he wanted to discuss her as a ghost spider. Gwen then revealed all her thoughts to George.

After that, what Gwen didn't expect was that the expected fierce opposition did not appear.

Instead, George sighed helplessly, and then agreed to Gwen's idea of continuing to act as a ghost spider.

However, George agreed to agree, but the condition was that Gwen must make three rules with him and must not violate the agreement between them. There is actually only one content of the agreement, that is, Gwen's actions as a ghost spider must be subject to the jurisdiction of the New York City Police Department.

But the advantage is that the ghost spider will become a member of the New York City Police Department.

Gwen has obtained the establishment of a civil servant before entering the society. George, the old father, has really taken great pains for this daughter.

Gwen did not object to the conditions proposed by George. Gwen knew in her heart that the current situation was the best result that could be achieved after the two sides compromised with each other.

In addition, her previous action pattern may indeed disrupt the original plan deployed by the police. It may not be a bad thing to let George, the police chief, arrange the task of Ghost Spider.

As for Peter's"The Boy Who Lived" series of novels, he has also used this time to send the manuscripts of all seven novels to the publisher, completing the contract signed by both parties at the beginning.

When the editor learned that there were only seven novels in this series, he called Peter more than once to persuade him to fill the novel with water, or to persuade him to continue to write the sequel and the sequel of the novel.

For this reason, he even increased Peter's manuscript fee and royalties, but in the end, Peter refused.

He started as a plagiarist just to make his first pot of gold in this way. After all, Peter was penniless at the time, and the most valuable thing on his body was the memories brought from other worlds in his mind.

But now that he has passed the most difficult time in the early days of his business, Peter will naturally not obtain capital in such an inefficient way.

With that time to code, Peter might as well develop more knowledge and technology in the memory fragments that have been integrated.

To be honest, if Peter didn't want to make money from the war, the design drawings of the weapons in Tony's memory, once manufactured, would make money much faster than selling cars.

Peter planned to digest the knowledge about artificial intelligence after the auto show was over, and strive to develop Jarvis, Tony Stark's super intelligent butler.

At that time, whether it was to let Jarvis help him deal with work and life affairs, or to assist Gwen in completing the ghost spider operation, it would be a huge help.

The topic returned to the New York International Auto Show. On the opening day of the auto show, Peter did not stay at the booths of Faraday Future and Geely Automobile to stand for the company.

Although he is the founder of Faraday Future and the creator of the three-electric technology, it is obviously not so easy for others to convince him as a high school student under the age of 18.

Instead of staying at the booth and being watched and questioned by others, it is better to experience the fun of visiting the exhibition from the beginning and learn the hard work spirit of those car model sisters.

If you see a good car that suits your eyes at the booths of other brands, you can buy one and drive it for fun.

What Peter didn't expect was that after walking around the exhibition hall for most of the time, he didn't find a car that satisfied him, but he made a new friend who was quite interesting to talk to.


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