In the laboratory, Peter was frantically making the antidote for the lizard gene fusion serum.

Because he didn't know which Spider-Man parallel universe he was in, Peter couldn't predict the future direction of various events according to the movie or animation plot in his memory.

Fortunately, he happened to complete the research on the Extremis virus today, and learned from Gwen that the Lizard Man had obtained the Canary Device, so he roughly guessed the Lizard Man's action plan.

Otherwise, Peter couldn't imagine how serious the consequences would be if the Lizard Man's conspiracy succeeded. But in any case, such an ending must be something he couldn't bear.

In this way, his previous decision to concentrate on conquering the one-time Extremis virus potion has become a helper for him to break the deadlock now.

After all, according to the current development of the situation, Gwen's father, George Stacy, might be like a parallel world, seriously injured and finally died heroically because of the events tonight.

But now Peter has a one-time Extremis virus potion in his hands. If such a thing really happens, Peter also has a way to rewrite the ending of this tragedy.

So what he had to do now was to complete the preparation of the antidote as soon as possible, and then take the antidote and the Extremis virus potion to the Oscorp Building.

The antidote for the lizard gene fusion serum was the last insurance for the entire operation plan tonight. In case the actions of both the police and Gwen failed, the antidote was the last hope to prevent the tragedy from happening.

Fortunately, with the experience of preparing the Extremis virus potion before, Peter was already very skilled in the application of the decay rate equation, and the preparation process of the antidote was very smooth.

In contrast, Gwen, who was assigned two tasks by Peter, had a much more difficult situation.

I don't know if it was because George Stacy was on a mission, but he didn't answer the several calls that Gwen made in succession.

The key to the success of Peter's plan to win the assistance of the New York police lies in Gwen's dual identities as an intern at Oscorp and the daughter of George Stacy.

As George's daughter, she can gain George's trust in the shortest time; and as an intern at Oscorp, she can guarantee the authenticity and credibility of the information provided by Gwen.

But Gwen couldn't contact George Stacy at all, so this solution could only be aborted.

But Gwen didn't have time to feel sad about the failure of this plan, because it was Ghost Spider who was about to rush to the battlefield.

Since she couldn't cut off the power supply of the entire Oscorp building through the police, she could only continue to speed up and try to reach the scene as soon as possible to complete her mission as Ghost Spider.

But the development of things was counterproductive. Just as Gwen was getting closer and closer to the Oscorp building, a helicopter suddenly appeared on her way and blocked her way.

From the paint of the helicopter, it can be easily distinguished that this is a police helicopter belonging to the New York City Police Department.

And there is only one reason for it to appear here at this moment, which is naturally to arrest Ghost Spider, the"outlaw".

Don't forget that the news of Ghost Spider appearing on the streets of New York is as popular as the Lizard Man climbing the Oscorp building.

Since the police have sent a large number of police forces to Oscorp, how could George Stacy, the chief of the police department, let go of the Ghost Spider who also appeared in a high-profile manner?

After all, in his eyes, whether it is the Lizard Man or the Ghost Spider, they have only one identity, that is, criminals who should be punished by law.

Compared with the Lizard Man, a"rising star" who has only recently appeared, George Stacy has set his main target on the Ghost Spider, a"predecessor" who is already a household name in New York City.

Therefore, in this arrest operation against the Ghost Spider, George Stacy not only directly abandoned the Oscorp, a major taxpayer, but also personally commanded the operation, hoping to achieve success in one fell swoop and bring the Ghost Spider to justice!

Facing the police's pursuit and interception, Gwen was extremely anxious. Because she knew that every second she delayed here, the chance of the Lizard Man's conspiracy would succeed would increase by one point.

But this time, the opponent she faced was different from the previous ones. Her identity as a New York police officer made it impossible for her to use her full strength when facing them.

This resulted in Gwen being able to dodge and escape throughout the pursuit, just because she was worried that she would accidentally hurt her father's men.

The result was that after a game of chase and escape, under the careful encirclement of the police, Ghost Spider's range of activities became smaller and smaller, and she was eventually forced into a situation where she had no way to escape.

In the dark alley, Ghost Spider was now surrounded by enemies.

Her back was pressed against the wall behind her, and on her left and right were the exterior walls of two twelve-story apartment buildings.

In front of her were cars with flashing red and blue lights and printed with"NYPD"There was a police car with the words"Stop!" written on it, and hovering above her head was the police helicopter she had encountered at the beginning.

She was both anxious and nervous at the moment. She was anxious because the plan to stop the Lizard Man could not be delayed, and she was nervous because she didn't know how to get out of the current predicament.

But before she could think of a perfect response plan, a figure walked out of the police car and stood in front of her.

Under the direct light of the police car lights, Gwen could not see the other person's face, but the next second, just from the tone of the other person's voice shouting to her,���Wen immediately recognized him.

It was the New York City Police Commissioner and her father, George Stacy.

"Ghost Spider, give up resistance now and surrender!"

"Although I don't know who you are or what your purpose is. But considering that you haven't really done anything harmful to the world, as long as you obey me now, I can help you plead with the judge to reduce your sentence!"

Gwen didn't expect that the person who she had tried so hard to contact just now appeared in front of her in this way.

Except for the lack of Uncle Long, this scene is exactly the same as the famous scene of"Azu, stop it."

Seeing his father appear in front of him and keep approaching his position, Gwen didn't know why, but he called out the word softly:"Dad……"

If George had not been just one step away from Gwen, he probably would not have been able to hear what she said.

But it was precisely because he heard the ghost spider's voice that George suddenly trembled all over, and his steps that were originally intended to move forward suddenly froze in place.

As an old father who looks strict but is actually a daughter slave at heart, how could George Stacy not recognize his daughter's voice?

Just as Gwen instantly recognized his voice, George also immediately recognized that the owner of the voice was his daughter Gwen.

【Doesn't that mean... Ghost Spider is Gwen, my daughter?!

George's eyes widened, his mind full of disbelief. He never thought that the target he had been chasing for so long would be his own daughter.

He was even more unwilling to believe that his daughter, the chief of the New York City Police Department, would be an outlaw.


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