Comb your hair like an adult and put on a handsome suit.

Tonight is the second time Peter has been invited to Gwen's house.

But unlike the last time when Gwen came to thank him for his usual guidance, this time it is obviously to meet the parents.

There is no way, who let Mrs. Stacy catch them kissing on the rooftop last time.

Since the relationship between the two has been made clear, they have to meet Gwen's parents formally.

Although at their ages, it will take a long time before they enter into marriage, and it is still unknown whether they can finally achieve a happy ending, but anyway, this is a reassurance for Stacy and his wife.

Let Gwen's parents have a deeper understanding of Peter and know that their daughter is dating a good guy instead of a scumbag.

Anyway, after this meal, Gwen's family is quite satisfied with Peter, especially Mrs. Stacy, who can't wait to recognize Peter as her godson on the spot.

Of course, this is an exception for George Stacy, Gwen's old father. Although he is usually very strict with his children, he had a big fight with Gwen last time because of the ghost spider.

But even such a tough guy in the police station and a strict father in the family is actually a real daughter slave in his heart.

Facing Peter Parker, a bad boy who might steal his daughter away from him, it would be strange for George Stacy to put on a good face to him! The last time Peter came to visit, he found that George Stacy's eyes were not right when he looked at him.

But because the last visit was nominally Gwen's thank-you dinner for him, George Stacy did not behave too much.

But this time, after knowing clearly that Peter and Gwen had established a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship, George Stacy's eyes that wanted to kill people could not be hidden at all.

Or George Stacy had no intention of hiding it at all. Since Peter entered the door tonight, the"murderous" eyes have never moved away from Peter.

Peter felt that if Mrs. Stacy had not been protecting him, he would probably die before he could accomplish his mission tonight.

But just as the meal was about to end tonight, a sudden phone call broke the cheerful atmosphere in the house.

George Stacy calmly took out his cell phone from his pocket. When he saw the incoming call number on the screen, his expression became serious.

When he answered the phone and heard the message from the other end, his demeanor changed instantly. He stood up from his seat with a frown on his face.

""I'm sorry, there's an emergency mission at the police station that requires my presence. You guys entertain the guests at home, I have to leave right away."

After saying that, George picked up his uniform jacket hanging on the back of the chair and hurried out of the house.

The Gwen family was no stranger to this kind of situation, and they all said goodbye calmly and continued to chat happily at the dinner table.

If it were in the past when George was still a young policeman, the family would definitely be worried about him.

After all, if any accident happens, the first to suffer are the young policemen who are on the front line performing their duties.

But now George is the head of a bureau of the New York City Police Department, and his main job is to command from the rear. In addition, they often encounter emergencies like today on weekdays, so the Gwen family still looks... Pretty calm.

Only Peter, an outsider who didn't know the inside story, would keep winking at Gwen at the dinner table, wondering what she should do at this time.

Not to mention, Gwen, who originally didn't care about this matter, suddenly became interested in what happened just now when she saw Peter winking at her.

Ever since she got the ghost suit given by Peter, Gwen hasn't had the chance to wear this new suit and do justice on the streets.

This emergency that even the New York director had to go out to deal with might be a good opportunity for her to show her skills.

The other people at the table didn't know the content of the phone call just now, but those who had undergone mutation and enhancement Gwen heard it clearly.

A series of car accidents occurred on the Manhattan Bridge! If it was just a car accident, there would be no need for the chief George to be on the scene.

The real reason is that according to the information from the alarm call at the scene of the accident, the car accident was suspected to be caused by a terrorist from an extremist organization.

This made George, the chief of the New York City Police Department, pay attention to it. After all, New York has suffered a great loss at the hands of terrorist organizations.

If he falls into the hands of terrorists again this time, George's job as the chief of the New York Police Department will be over, and he will definitely be pushed out by those politicians to take the blame.

But no matter what, with Gwen Compared to the petty thieves on the street that they usually deal with, a terrorist from an extremist organization is definitely a challenge.

After a series of eye contact with Peter, Gwen found an excuse to send Peter home and escaped from her family's sight.

As soon as she left the house, Gwen couldn't wait to put on her ghost suit and rushed to the Manhattan Bridge.

While Peter quickened his pace to return to the spider's nest under his home, he synchronized relevant information that had appeared on the Internet with Gwen through the communication device he carried with him.

However, after seeing the on-site information circulating on the Internet, Peter's level of caution for this sudden incident tonight instantly increased to a higher level.

"Gwen, you must be careful this time! From the information I found on my phone, the source of this car accident was not a terrorist at all, but an unknown monster!"

After seeing the pictures and videos that someone at the scene took with their mobile phones and sent to the Internet, Peter already knew that what happened today was not simple.

Although both the photos and videos looked very blurry due to the problems with the shooting equipment and the ambient light.

But as a time traveler, Peter knew very well that there was no other possibility for the blurry figure in the picture, it must be the Lizard Man!

Who made the thick tail behind this guy so conspicuous?

Unless Frieza or Cell from the Dragon Ball world also traveled to this world, if that was the case, then Peter would not need to study any iron armor, he could just lie down.

After all, the combat power of the Dragon Ball world is not something that a mere Spider-Man parallel universe can touch.

Even Tony Stark's most advanced Mark 85 nano armor is most likely just a scum with a combat power of 5 in front of the Qigong wave.

So compared to believing that the figure in the photo is Frieza or Cell who traveled from the Dragon Ball world, Peter thinks it is more likely that Kurt Connors has become a Lizard Man.

【Anyway, now I can finally confirm that the guy who turned into a lizard man in Spider-Man's parallel universe is not me. I just wonder if it was because of my crossing that the original fate changed? Peter thought to himself.


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