After getting familiar with the various functions of the Ghost Suit, Gwen finally let Peter go.

Flirting like this between young lovers should be stopped at a certain point.

But now that she is in a secret base, Gwen certainly has to discuss some serious matters with Peter as a Ghost Spider.

So she told the information she had investigated in Oscorp during this period. She found that although the leader of the cross-species gene synthesis project was Dr. Connors, the mutant spider test project had always been under Dr. Connors' laboratory.

But when she looked through the laboratory's work log, she found that there was no record of any experiments on mutant spiders.

In order to find out the truth of the matter, Gwen used her superpowers to sneak into the office of the department responsible for purchasing experimental materials in Oscorp, and checked all the purchase lists in recent years.

After this effort, Gwen finally made a major discovery!

The reason why she couldn't find relevant test records in the log of Dr. Connors' laboratory was that Dr. Connors had never used spiders for experiments.

The purpose of Dr. Connors's research on cross-species gene synthesis technology was to achieve the regeneration of human limbs, so all the experimental subjects used were reptiles such as lizards.

There was another person who purchased spiders as experimental materials and created the mutant spider that bit Gwen that day.

What Gwen never expected was that the results of her final investigation showed that this person was actually Norman Osborn, the founder and chairman of Oscorp.

"Can you help me analyze what exactly is Mr. Osborn's purpose in doing this?"Gwen looked at Peter with a pleading look and asked.

Since this Spider-Man parallel universe does not belong to any Spider-Man work that Peter has seen before crossing, he cannot give Gwen an accurate answer. However, since there are certain similarities between parallel universes, if combined with the Spider-Man movies he has seen, Peter did come up with a guess that he thinks is very likely.

"For a wealthy man like Norman Osborn who has completely achieved financial freedom, there are only two things that can make them invest so much time and money:"

"What two things?" Gwen said at the right time.

"The first is to broaden the depth of their lives, in other words, to gain greater influence by spending money. However, Norman Osborn's goal is obviously not this."

"Why?" Gwen asked again

"Because if his goal was to gain greater influence, there would be no need to conduct experiments secretly behind the backs of Dr. Connors and other directors of the company."

"So his goal should be the second of the two things you just mentioned?"

"At least that's what I think. Peter nodded.

"So what exactly is this second thing?"

"The second thing, of course, is to extend their lifespan. Think about it, if you have more wealth than you can spend in your lifetime, would you be willing to leave it all behind and fall into eternal sleep?"

"If I really had that much money, I would probably be reluctant to do it. Gwen thought for a while and answered uncertainly.

"So most rich people think the same way, which is why so many rich people spend a lot of money on medical care and maintenance every year; some even want to cryogenically freeze themselves before they die."

"All of this is to be able to extend the length of one's life and gain more life in the present or in the future."

After listening to Peter's analysis, Gwen felt even more confused:

"But... even if Mr. Osborn wanted to extend his lifespan through cross-species gene synthesis technology, why did he choose spider genes? In my impression, spiders don't seem to have anything to do with longevity, right?"

Peter smiled slightly, and did not directly answer Gwen's question, but asked:"Do you know why Dr. Connors chose reptile genes for the cross-species gene synthesis project?"

Gwen said confidently:"Of course I know this, because Dr. Connors accidentally lost his right hand in his early years, so he hopes to help more people like him through his research.……"

Gwen suddenly froze in the middle of her speech, then looked at Peter with wide eyes in surprise and said:

"You mean Mr. Osborn has a disease that cannot be cured by modern medicine, and this disease is threatening his life. That's why he invested in Dr. Connors' research project and secretly created the mutant spider as a test subject!"

Peter nodded:"Yes. This is the most likely answer after my reasoning. And as the chairman of Osborn Corporation, Norman Osborn has every reason to conceal his illness."

"Because once this information is exposed, his competitors on the board will definitely kick him out without hesitation. And losing control of Osborn Corporation is undoubtedly equivalent to losing the possibility of continuing to live for Norman Osborn, who is terminally ill."

"So Gwen, you must be careful not to let Norman Osborn discover your true identity. If I'm right, he should have noticed your appearance in the news as Ghost Spider."

"The sudden appearance of the Ghost Spider and the strange disappearance of a mutant spider test subject of Norman Osborn are so close in time that if Norman Osborn is not stupid, he will definitely connect the two things together."

"Ghost Spider is the only successful case of cross-species gene synthesis technology in humans. In order to prolong his life, Norman Osborn will frantically investigate your true identity and even use any means to capture you."

Gwen didn't feel worried or scared at first when she heard Peter's reminder, but felt very warm in her heart.

Since she accidentally gained super powers and then became Ghost Spider, she was actually very uneasy because she didn't dare to share this with others.

Fortunately, she met Peter, and now she finally has someone with whom she can share all her secrets.

So although she knew that no matter what she said, Peter would definitely worry about her, she still patted her chest and assured;"Don't worry, I'm Ghost Spider, I will definitely protect myself!"

"You must do what you promised!" Peter said, while extending his right little finger to Gwen.

"Childish!"Gwen rolled her eyes at him helplessly, but she still honestly stretched out her little finger and hooked it with Peter's.

This is probably the sweet taste of love that single people can't experience.


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