Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 5 Chapter 201: I just looked at (1)

After the family discussed philanthropy, the next step for the R Fund in Europe to cooperate with Wang Ai's new environmental fighters is to tilt more towards environmental protection, and maybe even cooperate with some environmental protection organizations. At this time, everyone started a small discussion meeting on Conse's birthday to help unify the mind.

After discussing this, everyone's topic changed. The women started again. The three men looked at each other and silently walked out of the living room. Regardless of the position, a woman's hobby is always good-looking, tasty, and fun.

That night, Xu Qinglian stayed in the bedroom a little absent, in her words: originally wanted to be with Sister Shi. When Wang Ai hugged his girlfriend's back waist and glanced at her shoulder, he was shaken, but still did not mention it. Just after running tens of thousands of kilometers, Wang Ai didn't dare to play too many tricks, simply busy for a while, and it was enough.

In the past few days, what Inter Milan has attracted the most attention from the outside world is not the return of Wang Ai, but the joining of Quaresma. This Portuguese has an extraordinary right-foot outer instep technique. He is quite skilled, unexpected and beautiful, so he has an exclusive noun called "trivela".

Quaresma is four years older than Wang Ai. He is also a juvenile genius. Even in Sporting Lisbon, he is more concerned than Ronaldo. It is just because of the existence of Wang Ai that Inter Milan’s value to Quaresma is more than 20 million He was hesitant, and got him at the last moment of the transfer window with 16 million + Bailey.

But because of some formalities, Quaresma also missed the first round of Serie A, but appeared in a friendly game a few days ago and even completed an assist. This also helped him get the starting position in the second round of Serie A.

Wang Ai, Ibrahimovic, Figo, Montari, Vieira, Quaresma, Maxwell, Materazzi, Burdiso, Maicon, Julio, this is currently Jose’s biggest replacement The formation of Zanetti, Cambiasso, Balotelli and Mancini are all waiting in the audience.

It rained lightly on the day of the official game. However, this did not extinguish the enthusiasm of Inter Milan fans. A big "WZ1" in the stands and a memory full of words were given to the visiting coach Zeng Jia. He and Inter Milan's current assistant coach Baresi used to be good partners. Inter played for ten years, 473 games.

Zanetti gave him a special jersey with the words 473 on behalf of the Inter Milan club.

The atmosphere is very warm. In addition to Zeng Jia's own resume, it is difficult for Catania under his leadership to pose a threat to Inter Milan, which is why Meazza has shown tolerance.

However, after the opening, the fierce game quickly washed away this warmth, Wang Ai repeatedly threatened the opponent's gate from the forward line, making Catania's defenders very embarrassed. With the help of stable Ibrahimovic and hard-working Quaresma, Wang Ai grabbed points in the 26th minute of the game and turned the score to 1:0.

Towards the end of the first half, Catania equalized the score, and then Quaresma approached the penalty area, a representative's right foot outside the instep caused the opponent's own goal and opened the score again.

But unexpectedly, it was about to take a break, and Montari suddenly broke out and slapped the opponent. After studying, the referee sent him off.

Jose on the sidelines shook his head, not swearing, after the intermission, he replaced Wang Ai with Zanetti. In times of crisis, after all, it is the veteran Zanetti who is relieved.

Therefore, Wang Ai watched the entire second half from the sidelines, chatting with his teammates from time to time, Balotelli also went off the court to replace Quaresma. Maicon was very active in the second half, and even had three consecutive as a full-back. Unfortunately, the referee did not recognize the opponent's own goal. Similarly, Ibrahimovic's header seemed to have crossed the goal line towards the end of the game and was not recognized.

After all, the score was 2:1. Wang Ai looked at Jose's face from the sidelines and knew that he was playing after the game.

Sure enough, at the press conference after the game, Jose pointed out directly: This game should be 4:1, or 5:1! Zeng Jia said that he would defeat us several times. What happened?

These two sentences made him work for Wang Ai because of the national competition. Originally, he hoped that the explanation of the half-time would not receive any attention. At the press conference, Zeng Jia's expression changed.

Sure enough, in the various newspapers that Wang Ai came back to buy in the morning, the Catania manager's words were published: "His teeth should be knocked out and let him go back to his hometown!"

Huh! No one has spoken to Jose like this for a long time. The media all over Italy are staring at Jose enthusiastically. As expected, Jose responded directly in a telephone interview by reporters that day: “Who is Lo Monaco? I know Monaco. Prince, I know that Bayern Munich’s spelling in Italian is similar to Monaco. I also know the Monaco Grand Prix, but who is Lo Monaco?"

In fact, Jose knew it. He deliberately pretended not to know, just to ridicule the other party: "If he wants to talk about my fame, please pay me the promotion fee. I am a sponsor, and the sponsor gives me money. But he didn't give me the money. Those who wish to report will always have a similar approach."

A few days later, when the Inter Milan team arrived in Greece to prepare for the first Champions League group match, this Lo Monaco responded: “I don’t care if it’s in the newspaper, but he keeps the money in my face. The humiliation of a small club like Tania. Inter Milan is great, but there is a woman with a long tongue as a coach. I think he will get out of Italy and will not let Serie A suffer any loss!"

Seeing that the other party got more and more scolding, Jose still shut up, obviously being rubbed, he was not stupid. However, Lo Monaco's remarks attracted a lot of criticism. After all, the violence of "breaking his teeth" and the xenophobia of "getting out of Serie A" still made many people feel uneasy.

Even the Minister of the Interior of Italy stood up and said that the Italian Football Association should punish him.

In short, in this round of scolding, Jose won a big win. If you count the previous ridicule of Ranieri: he won a Super Bowl at such a young age, the one that Wang Ai is familiar with makes trouble everywhere, no one is a bird, and he scolds Jose Mourinho, who started his coaching career. It really came back completely.

In Tübingen and during the National Olympics in China, Jose didn't say a word, and Wang Ai thought he had changed.

It turned out that it was not changed, but he was not serious!

Jose’s sponsors are also big-hearted. He offends people everywhere and pays him money... On the other hand, it may be because of his constant troubles and appearance in the media headlines that his commercial value is so high. In fact, I calculated that Jose’s scolding battle was partly character and partly commercial.

All Jose's scolding wars are both tricky and sharp. For example, he never said that someone's tooth was knocked out...

During the entire scolding war, Wang Ai didn't say a word, and he spent almost all day patting the newspaper. With Jose, the days after that will not be lonely.

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