Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 4 Chapter 21: Wang Ai and his friends (2)

"Okay, I'll just talk about it." Wang Ai watched the crowd laugh enough, then started the spirit of starting point: "You always think that I and Xiao Xu are male and female friends, isn't it? In fact, you misunderstood."

Xu Qinglian leaned against the window sill secretly in the kitchen and listened to Wang Ai drinking tea in the yard and chatting: "Actually, what is the situation of Xiao Xu now in our house? It belongs to a lodger. She was originally my pen pal, thinking I went to boarding school and just came to me and came to our house. From Liaoyang to Beijing, I was admitted to university. It happened that I have a home. It is convenient to do anything, or is it better to live at home? "

Holding a tea cup, Liu Jianhong kept saying "uh huh" in his mouth, but his face was "you edit! You then edit" the expression.

Wang Ai secretly made a threatening gesture to him, and then said, "So, Xiao Xu and I are very good friends. After all, I kept reading and practicing as a kid, and I did n’t have many friends. Almost all of them were there. This yard is here. She is one of my few friends of the opposite sex. You have to say that the sweethearts are too ambiguous. In fact, we have lived together in a family for a short time. You count, she arrived in Liaoyang in 1999. At that time I have already gone to college. She was admitted to the National People ’s Congress in 2002. At that time, I was at Tubingen University. In short, do n’t look at us as if we lived in a family for five or six years. In the ten days of summer, winter has to be considered as a winter break. And, how can I spend this summer and winter, in fact, you can guess. All kinds of training and competition can not be arranged, such as 87 national youths are now training me I do n’t have time to go, I do n’t have this physical strength and energy, and my personal business affairs are added together. It ’s messy, and there are fewer days to stay at home without doing anything, not a year. Ten days. "

When all the reporters heard this, they were slightly surprised, and then there was a look of admiration in their eyes.

"Well, do n’t look at me like you look at heroes. I said these are not complaints. In fact, I usually have free time in the league, but I am not always in a foreign country. If I am in a domestic league, for example Joined the Beijing team, in addition to a day of training and games, there are still many free time to accompany her. But isn't there no way now, in short, in this case, the two of us, better to say, should be called two small no guesses, always Until now, after all, we have developed from pen pals. In life, school, and work, there is support for each other. The two of us highly trust each other and are very, very good friends, but by no means men and women. So we are not Early love. "

Liu Jianhong rolled his eyes, but he witnessed the affection flowing out of the eyes when the two people looked at each other many times. It was not two little guesses, it was a sweetheart, and it even meant a bit of eyebrows. But Wang Ai insisted on saying so, and he couldn't screw it.

The right to speak is not his. From the perspective of Wang Ai's technology, physical fitness, development, education, career, etc., this is a guy who will be a man of the future for decades. Of course, for such a long-term meal ticket, old Liu would not want to sell it. A handful.

In fact, in the courtyard, except for the reporters of the China Youth Daily, no one believed Wang Ai's words, but no one disputed it. Then he listened to Wang Ai and said, "As for the problem of early love, I must say that, This is not a social issue, but a physiological issue. As we enter puberty, we have a second sexual appearance in physiology, and humans are gradually making good preparations to form a family and find a partner. This naturally affects the psychology. For example, the secretion of **** hormones , Will inevitably lead to interest in the opposite sex, so ah, this kind of thing can not be suppressed, it is simple and crude. "

"Isn't it caused by some irresponsible literary works? Including some film and television works?" Xinhua News Agency interjected.

Wang Ai shook his head: "So the problem is narrow. As Mr. Lu Xun once described," I think of naked body when I see a white arm "and so on. You can prevent the kissing lens from appearing in the movie, but you also have the lens with the arm exposed Do n’t you have it? You ca n’t let teenagers watch movies and TV shows, but can you say that letting cats, dogs, and pigs be improperly mated? ”

The reporters were shocked, and never expected that Liu Jianhong would say something casually and ask questions, really let Wang Ai say something new.

"Well, don't be too serious. I let go and opened up with you. Qinglian, the fruit is gone, and a few more plates."

In a white tight long dress, Xu Qinglian, who wrapped the perfect line, snorted and put out a few fruit plates, but just skipped Liu Jianhong. The old Liu was not angry, so he reached for it from the fruit plate in front of the Xinhua News Agency reporter. A Nanguo pear, overflowing with juice.

"Liaoshen Evening News" reporter thought: "Listening to you, the current method of controlling early love in our school seems to be useless."

"Yeah, it's useless." Wang Ai nodded: "This kind of coercion, which is popular today, actually originated in the era of revolutionary wars. At that time, the struggle was very difficult, and the country and nation were very dangerous. Adolescents think less in this regard, and it is easier to manage, and simpler ones will work. But now is the age of peace, and there is no such a heavy historical task for young people to save lives. "

Just after talking about this, Xu Qinglian was going to go again, was pulled by Wang Ai, raised his head and said, "Well, sit down and listen, listen to me."

Xu Qinglian snorted, still sitting behind Wang Ai, and Wang Ai was right: "From the physical development of the human to the social environment, it is decided that today's young people will have a good feeling and curiosity for the opposite **** in this period. Even from the textbooks and from the most formal books, such as Guan Guanjiu, such as the trouble of Juvenile Witt. Because in human history, love has always been a macro-proposition, running through, Confucius is not Is it true that food quality is the same? From the perspective of our political economy, there are two major missions of human society, one is population production, the other is material production, and population production is still number one, which is inevitable. It will make all aspects of our society welcome the issue of population production or love. This will not change due to the family planning policy that has compressed the population's production tendencies in recent decades. From the perspective of the entire history of humankind, we will promote population Increasing is the mainstream, and family planning tends to be countercurrent in recent decades. Although this reduces historical cost consumption, such as not through famine War, pestilence, to achieve the purpose of population control, but also because of this, the same strain of ancient times respected for love, was a result of puppy love can not be suppressed. "

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