Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 3 Chapter 466: tiger! tiger! tiger! (Act 7: Night of the Tiger)

The rising tiger roar gave the night sky on the south bank of the Hunhe River a layer of solemn, fearless color.

This is Wang Ai's 21st goal in the 15th regular international competition in the Chinese national team! But unlike all previous celebration actions after scoring, this time, Wang Ai did not laugh or high-five with his teammates. Instead, he sent a signal to the stand calling the tiger king to summon tigers.

Fans couldn't hear Wang Ai's "Tiger ~" call, but he could clearly see his mouth, and knew that Wang Ai was a special cheering voice that started to rise at the coaches' stadium accordingly. More than eight thousand fans spoke in unison, and at the same time gave their captain a response to their Tiger King.

This scene deeply shocked reporters from various countries and even the fans themselves. This is the power only possessed by players who are absolutely core and absolutely loved by fans. Just like Bebeto's cradle dance that year, caused the fans to gather accordingly.

Even higher than that.

In the coaching stadium, where Wang Ai personally designed and invested, on the land where Wang Ai started, invested, and was charitable in the northeast, in a country of 1.3 billion people in China, he played the captain's first battle in this Wang Ai and was injured in a friend. The decisive moment when you ca n’t play, everyone is concentric!

Wang Ai roared, which led to a collective response from the stadium. Wang Ai did not laugh, and the fans did not laugh. When Wang Ai ran back to his own half and was quietly looking forward to the game reopening, there was a quiet scene on his side. Xie Hui, Shao Jiayi, Li Xiaopeng, Zhao Junzhe, Zheng Zhi, Luo Tongliang, Dewey, Zhang Yonghai, Sun Jihai , Sweaty faces, facing the front court, standing quietly.

Even the Qatar referee was shocked by this momentum and took it twice before putting his whistle in his mouth.

The South Korean team made a mistake at the kickoff. When Li Tianxiu got the ball from Cao Zaizhen, he was not concentrated and was interrupted by Xie Hui. He immediately passed it to Wang Ai. Wang Ai got the ball without rushing to attack, but passed it back to Zheng Zhi.

On the sidelines, Ali Haan slowly breathed a sigh of relief. The scene that just happened on the field almost beat the heart of the Dutch old man. What he was most afraid of was that under the guidance of this momentum, the Chinese team was desperate. When he saw the return of Wang Ai's reason, he slowly relaxed his mind.

Zheng Zhi paid close attention to the layout of his teammates in the frontcourt. He was able to move forward and back, and after a year of training in Tubingen, he became more calm, rational, and full of perspective. When Wang Ai and Xie Hui, Shao Jiayi, Li Xiaopeng, etc. were found in place, they still did not rush to attack, but cooperated with Sun Jihai, Luo Tongliang and others in the backcourt, and kept falling down.

This is very dangerous, but it is also a manifestation of the self-confidence that Chinese football has lacked in the past. Therefore, both the coach and the fans are quiet, without any haste.

After letting Li Tianxiu do a slap and cooperate with Sun Jihai, he played Park Ji Sung and found that the opponent's formation had been pressed out. Then he suddenly blocked the ball once. Li Xiaopeng strode back and jammed Bai Zhixun. In the first block, the football suddenly changed its direction to the flank. After Zhao Junzhe ran two steps to catch up, it was a horizontal pass to the middle.

Wang Ai and Jin Dongjin came forward with their arms stuck in their arms, or Wang Ai shot first. Cameras from different countries gave Wang Ai close-ups at the same time. In the camera, Wang Ai's tiptoe was picked up against the ball, and the obedient football suddenly flew high. When Jin Dongjin inevitably looked up to watch the football track, Wang Ai didn't raise his head. When he turned around, he met Jin Dong. Back to back, and football just happened to fall.

This is an extraordinary way that Ronaldinho used occasionally in the game. It looks like playing, but it is very efficient, especially after Wang Ai, who has an excellent foot feel.

In this round of cooperation, the Chinese team is advancing too fast, and the South Korean team is vacant in the backcourt. Therefore, when Wang Ai bypassed Jin Dongjin, there were only Li Rongzhen and Xie Hui who had just started on the side. No team member is nearby.

The football fell and bounced, but this time it was hit by a tiger shoe halfway before the power was exhausted, then whistled straight ahead.

This time Wang Ai's power was not sufficient, and he could only do it from a small distance. But this time everyone knows that he has just turned around and his center of gravity has not been adjusted. It is very reluctant to shoot, so no one can realize that he can shoot after suddenly completing a very expensive technical action.

The speed of the ball is not fast, and the landing point is not biased, but Li Yun is staying like a chicken.

Prolonged, the "tiger" sound sounded again clearly.

This time, no fans murmured before Wang Ai was outstanding, so the roar of Wang Ai passed through everyone's ears clearly.

In the response of nearly 40,000 fans wearing tiger head hats, Zhao Junzhe, who assisted successfully, ran to Wang Ai, stretched his arms hard, his face was fierce, and the two yelled at each other.

Immediately, the two picked their lips slightly and ran back to the half court together, as if a group of tigers who had dismissed the beasts and dismissed them and returned to the mountains.

The live commentator Liu Jianhong breathed several times in a row, and then his voice trembled and explained, "Fans and fans across the country, this is a unique football game. In Shenyang, the hot land, and in the hometown of Siberian Tiger, we can clearly hear With the unanimous aspirations of the players and fans. This is the 22nd goal in the 15th national team game that Wang Ai participated in. We sincerely hope that this little tiger, this group of tigers can go further and fly. higher!"

Unlike Liu Jianhong's still subconscious prudence, at this moment, applause is already ringing in front of the large screens of countless outdoor plazas across the country, and the anxious young people in the bar have toasted. In the worker's dormitory of the Bird's Nest, in front of the China Millennium Monument, and on the campus of the Renmin University of China, people's hearts have opened up and smiles have bloomed.

3: 1, the World Cup is near!

The South Korean team launched a final resistance, fierce impact, the defenders were pulled to the middle circle. Under the leadership of Zheng Zhi and Wang Ai, the Chinese team was calm and strained, firmly suppressed the ecstasy of their hearts, opened their eyes wide, squeezed their physical fitness, and resisted the Korean team's tide-like offensive in desperation.

Time, in the endless jump of the fans in the stands of the coaches who could n’t bear it, in the countdown, in the anxiety of the game, constantly blocking the eyes, little by little, people have never felt that time is so difficult, Liu Jianhong Constantly reporting the remaining time.

And outside the stadium, countless squares across the country, people waiting for fireworks in the night wind, anxiously kept pressing lighters.

At this point, no one was seated, no matter where they were. Countless eyes stared at the picture on the court, stared at the watch, clock, and listened to Liu Jianhong's non-standard time signal.

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