Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 3 Chapter 418: Charge towards the World Cup! (two)

Late March is the global national team game day. The five major leagues have ushered in a half-month holiday. The Chinese Super League, the J-League and the Korean League have also interrupted their schedules to create conditions for the preparation of national team members. In the first round of the quarterfinals, the Chinese team defeated Korea 4: 2 in Seoul, while Saudi Arabia tied with Uzbekistan.

It is March 22 that Wang Ai returned to Shenyang, and Uzbekistan ’s opponent in this round has arrived in Shenyang for a week.

If it wasn't for Laco's game against Barcelona, ​​Wang Ai should have returned early.

The coaches stadium has temporarily become the resident of the national team, the Liaoning youth team volunteers to be a sparring team, and the first team is on vacation like other Chinese Super League teams. The Chinese Football Association contracted the Samsung Hotel attached to the Liaoning Football Federation as a venue for temporary command, office, and meetings, while Uzbekistan stayed in a hotel in Shenyang.

Wang Ai came back with Lao Hao and the big head. First went to the hotel to report to the Football Association, and then quickly found a room and rested for more than an hour. Although the entire commanding stadium is Wang Ai, as long as he is in the national team, he still has to Obey the discipline and assign a double room according to the rules, but there is no one in the same room. It is said that the arrangement is wrong. Well, the hotel management played a trick to give Prince Edward a better staying experience.

Of course, Wang Ai was unaware of this. He was very busy playing football every day. He couldn't think of these small things. I got up at 5 o'clock in the afternoon, washed a little, and went to the hotel's second-floor group for a meal. I haven't seen each other for several months. They are all acquaintances and lively with each other. The Football Association sent Nan Yong to sit in Shenyang, and did not care about everyone's trouble. In the evening, representatives of enterprises, fans and representatives from all walks of life came to the hotel to express condolences to the national football team, and it was lively for more than two hours.

In the final stage of the last World Cup qualifier, Wang Ai just watched a ball, not as deeply as he is now, with a smile on his face, whether it is a huge net worth or ordinary people, the enthusiastic heart has no cover up, a pair Holding both hands conveys the strong desire of all sectors of society to expect the national football team to enter the World Cup again.

The Chinese star football team also came with it, whether it is a big-name singer, movie star or laughter, all are people-friendly. The biennial World Cup, at this moment, the national football and the members of the national football are always the most concerned, no star can compare. Because in the land of China, it is the biggest star who wins the glory for the country. The Chinese are sober about this. No matter how much they are obsessed with performing arts, it is really a big deal. Whether driven by others or consciously, their eyes are always Is following the direction of the flag.

And the massive and invisible pressure is also accompanied by the expectations of all sectors of the society to be cast on the international team members. Even the carelessness of Wang Ai is in it, feeling breathless and uncomfortable. .

The leadership encouraged, the business sponsored, the fans came, men, women, young and old, everyone around, up, down, left, right, left, right, and left are looking forward, all looking forward to it. If they do n’t play well, how can they be worthy of so many people? Worthy of so many people who are completely unknown and totally sincere? If you do n’t play well, how can you go out and meet someone?

The international team is also a group of ordinary people, and they also have a sense of shame. Moving to another place, Wang Aicai deeply realized why some international players would be "numb". The expectations of the society are too high to achieve their goals, and they cannot hide at home. They can only bury the shame deeply in their hearts and see people with a thick face. What else can I do?

The last time he went to the World Cup, if Wang Ai had never been born, it would have been a cover for the football association ’s game organization and preparations. It was not good at all, and it was full of problems. Back from the World Cup, in addition to Wang Ai ’s words The opinions and suggestions of various circles almost drowned the Football Association. One of the most important criticisms is that during the game preparations, too many commercial activities were arranged, which distracted the team's attention, player energy and physical strength.

If this World Cup fails to reach the finals of the knockout round, these summary experiences will not be used naturally, but the prospects of this qualifying are becoming clearer, especially after the first 4: 2 victory in South Korea, from all walks of life and professional football professionals The reminders and warnings constrained the Football Association's urge to "collect money", and honestly cut the relevant business activities in half, prescribing each game before and after the game.

Therefore, the sympathy before the game almost poured in all kinds of representative figures.

At night, Wang Ai sat on the bed in front of the hotel window, looking at the silhouette of the coaches who still looked fierce under the lights outside the window. There was always an urge to rush out to kick the ball.

Wang Ai knew that he was nervous, not even playing the World Cup three years ago. Fortunately, Wang Ai quickly found the cause and solution of the problem, and found a copy of the Tao Te Ching from his schoolbag. He wanted to enter the world of inhumaneness described by Laozi to remove excessive emotional pressure.

Unfortunately, the effect is average. Reading the book and profound theories for 20 minutes barely played a small role. In Yan Zhu's prudent eyes, Wang Ai shook his head and got up. He walked into the shower, and a cold splash of water splashed on Wang Ai's naked chest. Wang Ai took a few slaps and turned off the shower head. Looking at the mirror in the shower.

The man in the mirror is also looking straight at him, and the continuous water drops fall from his head. Wang Aiqiang remembered himself before he was reborn. At this time, he should have just been in high school, about to be in high school, and the future is blank. There is no lack of joy around him. Today, after his rebirth, he has become the main force of the national team, the hope of Chinese football, and the leader of the biggest faction of the national football team.

Wang Ai subconsciously raised his hand and touched the mirror. In the impression, his height should have just reached 165 cm, and now it is almost 180 cm. His body is a bit muscular in the impression. But he is far less developed than in the present, and he has a round face in the impression. , And now the face is a bit thin. Wang Ai suddenly remembered that his primary school playmates, junior high school classmates, and high school friends had never met in this life.

Oh yes, there is only one Li Jun. This guy said in the last call that he had become a member of the three high school team or the main center. Oh, I should find some time to meet him, and also to see the teachers and classmates before rebirth. But I don't know when I have time.

In this life, I have obtained an immeasurable wealth. I have also raised the goddess in my heart at home. I have also met many international players, leaders and friends, as well as Leoni, Constance, and Laco. Lost too much and got too much. Sometimes Wang Ai also thinks about his own experience. Maybe what he experienced is real history, or parallel time and space; then, what is it like in the other time and space?

"Wang Ai, how are you doing?"

Outside the shower, Yan Zhu knocked on the door, greeting with concern.

"Oh, it's okay. I took a cool shower and got calmer."

Opening the door, Wang Ai, who was clear again, came out with a smile.

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