Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 822: out of control

?Reborn Oligarch 11?

Ryomenko and Manikov have old friendships. \\w/ So he's not going to come over today. Guo Shouyun knew. This is the old general's prudence. He calmed his heart by doing this. But be honest. Even the old general came directly today. He didn't think there would be any rift in his heart either. After all, there are so many elderly people in the federal military today. Who has not had a chance to meet with whom. It can be considered from another angle. Guo Shouyun also felt that this behavior of the old general was normal. After all, after the Sijahoff incident. The generals of the Far Eastern military are doing things very carefully now. Especially when it comes to external contacts. They are more cautious.

"The people who came over from Moscow are all important military personnel." He threw out the same feeling that had just risen in his heart. Guo Shouyun frowned slightly. said. "Whatever we say here, we must have an equivalent representative to speak. Otherwise. How inappropriate is it for me to come forward alone? You go and contact the old general immediately. Let him come over quickly. Just say this is my intention.

"Okay sir." Polaninov nodded and agreed. Turn around and walk towards the parking spot.

Guo's Manor since the Guo family moved. It has never been abandoned. This is where Guo Shouyun used to entertain some distinguished guests on weekdays. Therefore. A group of soldiers from the Khabarovsk garrison remained in the villa area. in addition. in each villa. There are also dedicated servants. for several years. Guo Shouyun has to allocate a special fund almost every six months. It is used to maintain the manor. So many years have passed. This villa area is still not much different from the original.

Because Polaninov also practiced General Reomenko. Therefore, Guo Shouyun did not wait for him in the parking lot. Surrounded by several bodyguards. He crossed the road on his own. He walked into the house where he lived with Nina and others. According to the secretary. Manikov and Kazantsev were arranged here.

Kazantsev. This year is only sixty years old. Although he did not participate in any real war. But after all, he is an old general who has spent most of his life in the army. therefore. There was a kind of steadfastness and resoluteness about him that could be clearly perceived. When Guo Shouyun walked into the hall of the villa. He was sitting on the sand in the middle of the living room drinking coffee. Decades old. Fly all the way from Moscow. There was a look of exhaustion on his face.

And relative to him. Manikov, deputy commander of the troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. At this time, the spirit of the head is obviously good. In those pale blue eyes that were faintly glowing. Seems to be filled with endless energy. Looking forward. Can bring people an invisible mental pressure.

I saw Guo Shouyun in a coat walking in from the door. Neither of the two generals got up. They had faint smiles on their faces. Obviously waiting for the other party to speak first.

And Guo Shouyun. Naturally, he could also understand the intentions of the two generals. no doubt. in the eyes of the two old men. I am a young man. No matter which topic it is from, it should be brought up by him first.

"I heard from the secretary just now. The two generals came to Khabarovsk. They also asked to see me by name. I was thinking about unbuttoning the front of my coat. I went straight to the opposite side of the two generals and sat down. Guo Shouyun said a word. He didn't speak nonsense. He said directly. "What is the reason for this?

"Haha. Then I don't know what Mr. Guo thought?" The smile on Manikov's face was a little gloomy. he said.

"It's a pity. I'm a blunt person." He tore off his coat. Throw it directly into the arms of the bodyguard beside him. Guo Shouyun shrugged. said. "All the way here. Nearly twenty minutes. I didn't think of anything."

This is over. Guo Shouyun made a haha. He turned his head to the servant standing in the corner and said, "Why only serve two generals with coffee? There were some good wines before I remembered. Go and get those two bottles."

The estate naturally has a wine cellar. And almost every villa has a dedicated wine cellar in the basement. And in the courtyard of the villa area. There is also a larger shared wine cellar. However, the wine cellar was kept as an "arsenal", although it has long been emptied. But it has never been reused.

In accordance with Guo Shouyun's instructions. The servants naturally did not dare to neglect. Bow down in response. She trotted all the way down to pick up someone who likes to talk nonsense. It's not fake now. Seeing the figure of the servant disappearing on the side of the corridor. Kazantsev smiled slightly and said. "That's fine." It can be easier for us to talk. "

Saying so. He winked at Manikov beside him. That means. Just let the other party start.

"Mr. Guo. Speaking of which, this is not the first time we have dealt with each other." He hesitated a little. Manikov said. "Actually, we are here this time. There are three main things that need to be discussed with you."

"What's the matter?" Guo Shouyun took out a cigarette from his pocket. On the coffee table banging. Asked casually.

"That's the first thing. We mainly want your help," Manikov said. "I'm sure you know that. The situation in Chechnya is getting more and more complicated. The Chechen rebels led by Basayev. They left Polozkinovskaya a month ago. They broke into the southern part of Tajistan. District. And announced the establishment of the Muslim state of Tajistan.”

"I heard about this." Guo Shouyun smiled. "The news in Moscow was very timely. I did not hide the two generals. I had a private conversation with General Torymenko two days ago. According to him, Basayev now has only a few Thousands of people. And there are no heavy weapons. In this case. If General Kazantsev wants to. This little mess should not be difficult to solve. This mess is naturally not difficult to solve." Kazantsev One Listen to know what's on your mind. Honestly. Now Moscow knows a fact. That is, the Far East provided Basayev with a lot of military assistance in private. But then again. Not to mention that there is no hard evidence for this suspicion. Even with ample evidence. I am afraid that no one dares to openly stand up to trouble the Far East. Not for anything else. Just because the Far East is now on a scale. In the face of this unstoppable situation. Neither side in Moscow was willing to provoke the young man in front of him. Even the traditionally tough military. But the problem is. Now the Kremlin does not intend to let the Chechnya riots continue. They want to calm the turmoil over there. so. The military does not want the Guo Group to continue to provide any military assistance to Chechnya.

Honestly. Kazantsev's sentence is simple. But it contains two meanings: one. He is asking Guo Shouyun for funds. That is the military expenditure needed to fight against the separatist armed forces in Chechnya. And on the other hand. This is also a warning to Guo Shouyun in disguise. "Our military can ignore the past. But now we plan to attack Chechnya. Don't play your way of collaborating with the enemy. You can give us more money. There is no need to spend it on the Chechen rebels."

The other side's two meanings. Guo Shouyun knew it well. He smiled lightly. Said: "I understand what the general means. Do you have insufficient military spending? It doesn't matter. Although my Guo Group had a lot of troubles in the previous stage, but some funds were still available. Based in the Far East. But I don't want the problems in Chechnya to continue to worsen. So. As long as no one causes me trouble in the near future. How much you want. I will give as much as you want. Haha. This is my answer. The two generals feel Are you satisfied?"

In what Guo Shouyun said this time. It also has two meanings. What about the first layer. He was telling Kazantsev and Manikov. Guo did provide some kind of help to Chechnya before. But that was helpless. After all, there are people in Moscow who are not pleasing to the eyes of Guo. They hide behind. Caused a lot of trouble to the Far East. This is the second meaning. He was also telling the two generals. Now Moscow is going to attack Chechnya. It's easy. As long as they don't come to trouble Guo. Then this side can immediately cut off all contact with Chechnya. in turn. He is also willing to provide some financial assistance to the federal military.

"It would be great if Mr. Guo thought so." This time it was indeed Manikov. The old man stared into those eagle-like eyes. Said with a smile. "As I said earlier. The problem of Chechnya is urgently resolved. At this stage. All efforts must be diverted to this. Hehe. This is not just the opinion of the two of us. It is also the opinion of everyone. ."

These remarks made Guo Shouyun sensitive to catch something. He has reason to believe. This time Kazantsev and Manikov came to the Far East. It should not have been appointed by the Kremlin. Rather, it should be the expansion of the federation and the failure of Moscow's negotiations with the NATO bloc. At present, the strength of the military has begun to rise. in other words. They are already starting to lose patience with the Kremlin

Think here. Guo Shouyun began to ponder again. The kind of big discussion about territorial claims in the Arctic Ocean that appeared some time ago. Maybe not driven by the Kremlin. on the contrary. It should be operated by the military behind the scenes.

This is not a very good signal. Guo Shouyun felt a worry in his heart. To know. in political circles. The military factor has always been a very sensitive area. The Kremlin is fighting with the opposition no matter what. What a mess. It's still controllable. But once the military fully intervened. Then this problem is troublesome. It will get out of hand. Total out of control.

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