Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 814: mature politician

"You form a political party that belongs to us?" Guo Shouyun was stunned by the words of his old friend, and then he thought of a lot of problems. /w/

To a certain extent, this idea is indeed very tempting to form a federal opposition party that is manipulated by the Big Three and has spheres of influence throughout East, West Siberia and the entire Far East, so as to legally seize state power in the form of party politics. , but also has a strong feasibility.

Since the revision of the new federal constitution, the Russian Federation has become a relatively centralized presidential system. The election of the federal president does not depend on the election of a certain political party, but through the election of all citizens. In addition, as the federal government Although the State Duma of the House of Representatives can decide many important affairs of the Federation, it cannot influence the decision-making of the President. The President of the Federation has the right to dissolve the Parliament for re-election under certain circumstances. From this point of view alone, the formation of a political party does not seem to play a decisive role in the overall political situation of the Federation, but this is only a superficial phenomenon after all. Behind the parliamentarians, they all control the public opinion in a certain area. Yeltsin has been in charge of the Kremlin for so many years, and he has clashed with the Duma several times, and even directly dissolved the parliament, but what happened in the end? After several re-elections, this state institution, controlled by the opposition party, has never compromised with the Kremlin. From this point of view, it can be said in a responsible manner that although the Federal Parliament cannot influence the powers of the President, the President cannot influence the decision-making of the Duma Parliament either. balance relationship.

For the alliance of the three giants with Guo Shouyun, if they want to leverage the core of power in Moscow, and if they want to stand up and dominate the overall trend of the federal political situation, then the choice should naturally be to find a breakthrough. A breach that can cause more harm to the Kremlin, and the choice for this breach is naturally the non-State Duma. In addition, oligarchs are involved in politics, which is a rather sensitive topic in every sense. If there is no political party that can exist for a long time to rely on, even if Guo Shouyun and the three seize the state power by their own strength, then in a few years. Chances are they will pay for what they did today. And with the political party as the backing, that is another situation. Guo Shouyun and the others are party members of a political party. Even the leading figures within the political party, they have a very reasonable identity in the process of leading the state power. Also, once this political party is formed, it has a temporal continuity, and at the same time, all the politicians who join this political party. There is a common interest problem. Under this circumstance, even if something goes wrong with Guo Shouyun's three giants one day in the future, in order to preserve his political life, the entire caucus members will be tied together. Make every effort to obstruct the state machine's inspection of them.

In a so-called democratic country, party politics has one of the greatest advantages, that is, it can ensure the relative continuity of the policies of several national rulers. Similarly, party politics also has a biggest disadvantage, that is, the protection of the party and the The ugly phenomenon that breeds. Therefore, from this point of view, the proposal of Khodorkovsky and Vinogradov is obviously the safest and most feasible.

But having said that, with the aim of paying attention to everything and doubting everything, Mr. Guo Da is at this time. Facing the suggestions put forward by two old friends Huo and Wei. We have to think more deeply about an issue that others generally do not consider, and that is the formation of a political party. Will it have a disproportionate impact on my own interests?

Friends are friends, interests are interests, this is a basic principle of life, Guo Shouyun probably will not give up at any time, and on the issue of forming a party group, he also considered some unfavorable factors for himself, of course, A bigger part of this is speculation about the thoughts of the two old friends.

According to the suggestions of Khodorkovsky and Vinogradov, they want to realize the ambition of the three giants in the state power in a legitimate form, then in this case, once the political party is formed, it is bound to be When it comes to the establishment of the prestige of the leading members of the party, who will be the party? Who can become the spiritual leader of the caucus? Who will come forward to manipulate personnel issues within the party? Who will be responsible for reconciling the interests of party members? The party's program, main goals of struggle, how to formulate policy decisions, etc., etc., all these tedious problems need to be solved, and in this process, Guo Shouyun, as the president of Guo's Group and the powerful manipulator in the Far East, he will definitely not. He may hold all the power in the party with one hand, and because he is rich and a yellow race, unexpected party members in the Far East will definitely have certain scruples about his ambitions. When such factors are combined, there will be a situation - this party will become the most powerful tool for the three giants to check and balance each other. To put it more bluntly, that is, once the party is successfully formed, Khodorkovsky and Vinogradov will be able to compete with Guo Shouyun in politics, and they don't even need to spend much effort. Unify the political forces within the party in the non-Far East.

What is wishful thinking? There is no doubt that this is the wishful thinking that politicians are most proficient in dialing, and Khodorkovsky and Vinogradov, whether or not they are playing this wishful thinking now, at least, their A proposal has essentially played a role in limiting Guo Shouyun's power.

Now that he can realize the "sinister intentions" of the other party, what kind of decision will Guo Shouyun make? Reject the proposal of the two old friends? That is obviously impossible, not to mention whether the other party really has plans in this regard, even if they think so, Guo Shouyun obviously must make certain compromises, because once he proposes, it means the complete split of the three giants. The two of Hovey, who are already dissatisfied with him, at least remain vigilant, will no longer trust him as a friend, and parting ways will be their only way out. \\

Frankly speaking, as far as Guo Shouyun is concerned, he still cherishes the friendship between the two of them. You must know that in the field of political interests, it is too much to find two friends with the same political views and goals. It was difficult, and he didn't want this hard-won friendship to come to an end so quickly. In addition, from the bottom of his heart, he also felt that he owed a lot to the two old friends. From the past, his incompetent friend once made Huo Wei suffer a big dumb loss. At that stage , Khodorkovsky and Vinogradov even embarked on the road of depression and decadence. Ten years in Hedong, ten years in Hexi, even if Feng Shui turns around, it's time for Guo Shouyun to pay back. Furthermore, based on various memories of past lives, coupled with what he saw and felt in this life, Guo Shouyun also deeply realized a problem, that is, in the current era and environment, no matter which country one is in, it is no longer realistic for one person to centralize power. In more cases, and in more secure cases, the centralization of an interest group is the most feasible. Then, since the power of the country is dominated by an interest group, it is bound to involve the issue of power distribution within a group. Guo Shouyun, as the actual control of the Far East, has no illusions about the position of the federal president. It is enough that the political and economic decision-making of the Federation has the maximum influence, and in this case, he does not care how much power in the party is taken by Khodorkovsky and Vinogradov.

From the perspective of power, the current Guo Shouyun is indeed quite mature politically. To put it bluntly, if Yeltsin had such an idea a few years ago, then now the Russian Federation will never messed up like this. Back then, Old Man Ye, who was the father of federal democracy, had to take care of everything, and he would not give up any power. The results of it? Rutskoy, Hasbulatov and others parted ways with him one after another, and the entire radical democrats ended up torn apart. Former comrades in arms became enemies on the battlefield, and in order to defeat these enemies, old man Ye had to. Bowing his head to another group of opponents again and again, transferring his power little by little... To put it bluntly, the process of Old Man Ye's centralization of power is actually a process of a bear breaking a stick: In order to defeat a political opponent and transfer some power to a "friend", the old enemy was defeated, and the friend he just made became an enemy again. In order to defeat this enemy again, he wanted a "friend" to transfer some power. ...... This goes on and on, endlessly, and in the end, the entire federal political arena is full of flames and blossoms. He himself, a figure who dreams of centralizing power, has become the most powerless and powerless commander.

In the past few years in the Federation, Guo Shouyun has heard and witnessed all the dirty deeds in the political field. He is the teacher of the past and the future. As a shrewd person, he does not want to make the mistakes that Old Man Ye made in the past. Therefore, , For Khodorkovsky and Vinogradov, he really hoped to build that kind of harmonious alliance with each other, instead of trying to point fingers at them and make them follow his own path.

"This idea is very good," Guo Shouyun nodded and said after considering all the interests in a very short period of time, "I fully agree, but some details, have you considered it clearly?"

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