Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 80: Peep through

"Don't get too happy so early.

Limov was slightly taken aback. But quickly reacted. He moved the **. Get close to Guo Shouyun. laughed. "Of course. It's in our benchmarks. Whenever we get paid, we do as much as we can. Of course. The reverse is also true. How much we get paid. Naturally, we do for others. But this premise. It must be something we can do.”

"Haha. You can always deal with murder, right?" Some people dislike the bad breath of the other party. Guo Shouyun frowned slightly. Lean back slightly. Said calmly.

Of course it can be done. "Kalimov seems to be a little puzzled. Fifteen million is a murder? That sum of money should be converted. It should be able to save a lot of lives. "But the problem is. How many people do you want to kill sir? Kill who? "

"An ordinary person." Guo Shouyun said casually. Immediately reach out. He pulled out a photo from his jacket pocket. Hand it in front of the other party. "It's him. A Chinese who hasn't officially become Canadian."

"Ordinary people?" Khalimov's doubts deepened. he asked with a frown. "Does Mr. Guo have his exact information?"

"Polaninov." Guo Shouyun lifted his eyelids. said without hesitation. "Take out the document in the filing cabinet. The one in the red envelope."

"Okay sir," Polaninov agreed. Sideways took out the red file bag the boss said from the encrypted file cabinet in the carriage. Handed it to Khalimov.

"Liu Ran? Nobody..." Khalimov opened the file bag. I skimmed through the five or six pages of the document inside. Said suspiciously. "Sir. Your fifteen million. Just to kill such a small person? No other demands?"

"What. Can't do it?" Guo Shouyun said indifferently.

It's not like worrying about the other party's repentance. Khalimov neatly folded the check with Liu Ran's photo and information. Put it in the pocket of the shirt. At the same time, he said with a smile. "This matter is too simple for us. Don't worry, sir. It won't take a week. We can get this done for you. You can wait for our good news."

"Don't agree so easily." Guo Shouyun smiled lightly. reminded. "You should understand my principles. I'm a serious businessman. It's like those who kill people and steal goods. I never stick to my hands."

"That is. That is." Khalimov agreed.

"Where's Liu Ran. Although he is an inconspicuous little person. But his death will definitely attract some attention." Guo Shouyun ignored the flattery of the other party. He continued. "So. I don't want you to take this too directly. Better... better let him die more like an accident. Like. He's going to start a business in Canada. There's sure to be some money on hand. . Maybe even some commercial competitors. You can...I mean you get the idea?"

"Understood. Understood." Khalimov was a bandit. But the mind is by no means simple. if not. It is also impossible for him to become one of Basayev's right-hand man. "Don't worry sir. My people will keep this as clean as possible. It won't cause any trouble. Hehe. We can even design a suicide for him. Or a business dispute or something. Cause of death. Even the Canadian police. Couldn't have given too much attention."

"I hope so." Guo Shouyun nodded. Said unequivocally.

"Mr. Guo." Khalimov stuck out the tip of his tongue. He licked his slightly chapped lips. And then he continued to speak nervously. "Actually. The reason why the leader arranged for me to come this time. Apart from the money thing. There is another request that I hope you can accept generously."

He turned his head and glanced at each other. Guo Shouyun snorted coldly: "Mr. Khalimov. Don't you think your leader is too greedy? I told him long ago. Our cooperation is based on my interests. In other words. In other words. Before I made a transaction request. You can't ask me. On this point, Mr. Basayev agreed. And now, our cooperation has just entered a relatively good state. Why? . He just wanted to change his mind?"

"Don't get me wrong, sir." Khalimov waved his hands again and again. explained. "Leader, he didn't change his mind. Of course. He didn't want to go against your intentions, sir. On the contrary. For our cooperation. He attaches great importance to it. Most of the time. We would rather harm our own interests. Don't want to attract Mr. However, the situation this time is indeed a bit special. Therefore, we should not shamelessly come to seek help from Mr.

"It's quite touching." Guo Shouyun let out a cold snort from his nose. "Never mind. Now that Mr. Basayev is in real trouble. As a friend. It doesn't seem to make sense if I'm too stingy. Say it. What's the trouble with you this time?"

"That's Mr. Guo." Khalimov hurriedly entered the topic. he said. "I'm sure you know. At this stage, the ambitious guy from Maskhadov got support from Moscow. So. His political prestige in the Chechnya district has never been higher. In this case. We are here. One side has been oppressed by Moscow and Grozny government forces one after another. Now, Grachev has cut off contact with our side. At the same time, the commander of the Caucasus Army has also been replaced by Ballaro, who has always hated us. Husband. In this situation. The leader thinks that we can no longer think about continuing to make small fights like that. Expanding our strength as fast as possible in the shortest time. It is the only correct and feasible solution."

Shouyun frowned. "What do you mean. You still need a batch of ammunition?"

"Mr. Guo is really wise." Khalimov did not hesitate to flatter himself. he laughed. "Exactly. In addition to the weapons and equipment that Mr. gave us some time ago. We probably need..."

"Are you sure this is what Mr. Basayev wants? Not an opinion you made in private?" interrupted the other party. Guo Shouyun said expressionlessly.

Of course. "A trace of unease flashed in Khalimov's eyes. He said forcefully.

"Really?" Guo Shouyun stared at each other for a while with a half-smile. Then don't say anything meaningful. "Since this is the case. Then I can agree to your request. As a friend. This time I can not only provide you with the weapons and equipment you need urgently. I can also arrange for someone to transport you to the specific handover point. In a word. That is all based on the convenience of you. Hehe. Mr. Khalimov. Although we met for the first time today. But in my opinion. You seem to be more trustworthy than Mr. Basayev. Maybe you don't know I just had a conversation with Mr. Basayev two days ago. How should I put it? His attitude is very bad. If it weren't for your sake. This batch of arms. I would never give it to me anyway. Do you understand what it means?"

"Understood. I understand. Sir's kindness. I will always remember Khalimov." Khalimov was a wise man. He could hear the deep meaning hidden in the other's words. "Sir, don't worry. The leader has been busy with official business recently. Maybe he's not in a good mood. Therefore, his attitude towards Mr. is a little too much. It should be understandable. Haha. Of course. Compared with the leader, I am a lot more leisurely. So. No matter when. My attitude towards Mr.. will be the same as it is today."

"Haha. That's good. That's good." Guo Shouyun smiled knowingly. said aloud. "To have you as a friend. I'm so lucky. At least. When Mr. Basayev has an aversion to me. I can still be in Chechnya. It's like having someone who can be honest with you. Well. As a gift. The weapons and equipment you need this time. I won't charge you. Haha. But then again. I also hope that Mr. Khalimov can give me a word to your leader, Mr.

"Sir, please. I will bring it for you." Khalimov's tone was even a little humble.

"What about these weapons. I hope he can make good use of them." Under the humility of the other party. Guo Shouyun's attitude was much more affectionate. he smiled. "You know. Since I can provide him with these things. I can also provide others. I can even provide a staggering sum of money to the impoverished Caucasus Military District. If he doesn't want to get himself into any trouble. It's better not to provoke me. Otherwise. I'll make him regret it."

"Don't worry, Mr. Guo. I will definitely bring this sentence to you." I don't know why. After listening to the other party's extremely disrespectful words. The smile on Khalimov's face grew even stronger. He reached out to support Guo Shouyun's knee. Tap lightly. smiled.

"That's good." Guo Shouyun closed his eyes. Lie down in the back of the seat. The big hand waved slightly. said. "Okay. I'm tired. Go and do your own thing. If you have any requests in the future, feel free to ask me. I will do everything I can to help you."

"Thank you sir. Then I'll go first." Khalimov bowed shyly. Then owe **. He exited the carriage slowly.

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