Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 787: bright moonlight ditch

?Khabarovsk in the dark of night presents a unique tranquility after a crisis. On the secluded road leading to the railway station, Lotkin walked in a hurry. As the head of the Far East Bureau of the Cheka Club, since he entered the KGB, He has never felt so restless as tonight. After coming out of his hidden residence and walking all the way here, he always felt that someone was following him, but every time he looked back, he found nothing.

"Psychological effect, maybe psychological effect," Lotkin glanced behind him once again, tightening his big hand gripping the handle of the purse. The dark night shrouded everything, and there was not even the slightest light on the secluded path. .

For the current Lotkin, he just wants to leave the Far East as soon as possible, and leave this place full of murderous intentions, whether Moscow or Volgograd, no matter where it is, as long as he can leave here, he will Go over without hesitation. \\

This time, the club has completely torn its face with Guo Shouyun. Today, under the leadership of Polaninov, the Khabarovsk Internal Affairs Department Police Headquarters dispatched thousands of police officers to launch a campaign against the club's four contact points in the city. After a comprehensive investigation, although the club had withdrawn from these four places before, they were only able to escape the detection of the police, but they could not escape the eyeliners of the Guo Group that were densely distributed in all corners of the Far East. In this way, this afternoon, the twelve secret agents under Lotkin were confiscated. Among these people, except for two who were sent to prison, the rest were all arrested by the Far East Gang. Those little **** hacked to death. \\

The situation here must be reported to the club headquarters as soon as possible. This is something that Lotkin was still planning during the escape process. He had already obtained accurate information through informants. The Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Security, the General Prosecutor's Office and other judicial powers of the Far Eastern Republic are preparing to submit an application to Moscow to make the existence of the Cheka club public, and at the same time. The members of the Far East Federal Duma will also submit a motion in the parliamentary session to rule the Cheka club as an illegal organization, and then stifle this organization within the federation. Now, in the process of dealing with the Kremlin, the Far East, to be precise, the Guo Group has mastered the absolute initiative. The most important thing is that Guo Shouyun is in contact with the largest opposition party, the Russian Communist Party. \\Faced with such a situation, it is almost impossible for the Cheka club to escape its doom. For the sake of preserving its strength, Lotkin felt that there were only two ways to go. First, bow to the Guo Group, and second. . Temporarily dissolve the organization and hide its traces. If you choose the first way. Then there is no doubt. The Cheka club will face a series of harsh conditions, it is no exaggeration to say. After such a blow, the club will lose its independence completely. Become a vassal of the Guo Group. If the second path is chosen, then after the organization is temporarily disbanded. The members of the organization who have lost close contact with each other will have to face the slaughter of the Far East killers at any time. According to the information obtained by Lotkin, this time the incident completely annoyed the always ruthless Shana Riva, this woman is calling the Far East gang all over the place. The killers of the secret training school are going to assassinate the members of the club one by one according to the list provided by Polaninov. \\

"Click, click," the leather sole made a clearer and more audible sound when stepping on the concrete floor, and the sound became clearer in the gloomy night. Even though he knew that the footsteps belonged to his own, Lotkin still felt It sounds scary, like, like...

"No, it's too passive," Lotkin said to himself after glancing behind him again, he could conclude that there was a follower behind him, but the other party was obviously a master in this area, so that his situation was completely different from the beginning to the end. So passive. \\As an experienced agent, Lotkin doesn't like this passive situation. He wants to turn the game around, at least, to find out the stalker behind him.

With such a plan in mind, he slowed down, and while pretending to be nonchalant, he carefully checked the surrounding terrain. This small road is located on a side street, and the area is relatively secluded. On both sides of the street, in addition to the single row of garden nurseries, there are two rows of towering poplar trees and an old building facing the street.

Because the night was too dark, Lotkin could not see the environment in the distance. All he could see was the environment in the small surrounding area. Among them, a small section of the wall next to the fenced flowerbed attracted people's attention. his attention. \\

With a cough, Lotkin paused, then twisted his body to the inner corner of the wall. He first put his handbag on the railing of the flowerbed next to him, and then made a false move to untie his belt. In a dazzling time, he slammed under his feet, jumped up, and climbed up the ridge of the wall with both hands. With such a beautiful overturn, he had already rushed to the other side of the wall. After finishing this masturbation, Lotkin didn't stop, he just squatted down, rolled on the spot, and rotated two times in a row, the whole person has been hidden in a poplar tree without knowing it. after the trunk.

Hiding behind the tree trunk, Lotkin took a long breath, then pressed his entire back tightly to the tree trunk, and carefully probed towards the secluded path. \\

The night was still so dark, and there were no half-lit paths, and no one could be seen at all. But as an experienced agent, Lotkin knew that this was just an appearance. It was inferred from common sense that the tracker should be sneaking in at this moment. In a place that is not easy to be noticed by others, now everyone is more patient, no matter who appears first, it will be immediately noticed by the other party.

Time passed little by little, and during the minutes-long confrontation, Lotkin never noticed the slightest movement.

"Is it an illusion?" With such a question, he stuck his head out from behind the tree and glanced at the left and right sides of the path. \\

"Not good!" At this moment, Lotkin's heart trembled, and he didn't realize until this time that the handbag he had just put on the guardrail of the flowerbed had disappeared.

"Do you want to avoid my eyes?" Before he could go further to check the situation, a clear but indifferent voice sounded from behind, and immediately, Lotkin felt a chill in his neck, and at the same time, an iron object and The "silk" sound of cartilage rubbing came, and the painful suffocation feeling enveloped his whole body in an instant.

The mysterious female killer obviously didn't intend to let Lotkin die immediately, so instead of cutting his neck artery, she only cut his trachea.

Looking at Lotkin who was lying on the ground twitching violently, his throat screaming "hehe" due to suffocation, the female killer slowly squatted down, first reached out and patted his Zishang face, and then said indifferently : "Mrs. Sanariva asked me to greet you.\\"

After saying a sentence, the woman stood up again, strode unhurriedly, and slowly disappeared in the dark night.

The death of Lotkin means that the branch organization established by the Cheka Club in Khabarovsk was completely destroyed, and Guo Shouyun, who was a decision-maker, was naturally not satisfied with such a result. Khabarovsk will wipe out the strength of the Cheka Club, and will also root out the remaining power of this club in the entire Far East. \\To deal with an organization that is active on the hidden front, the best way is to dispatch another more hidden organization. Therefore, the direct person in charge of this matter has become the long-held Shana Riva, And those who directly kill are the "killing tools" carefully selected by the Far East Gang in various secret service schools.

Since he wants to further consolidate his power in the Far East, and since he intends to further spy on power, then one cannot worry about making enemies, and of course, he cannot have pity on his enemies. At this stage, Guo Shouyun has only one plan, that is, in the entire Far East. Within the range, thoroughly clean up those guys who are not loyal enough to themselves.

After getting rid of Sijakhov, killing the clown-like Sarkolenko, and then clearing the secret mines buried in the Far East by the Cheka Club, Guo Shouyun felt a little more at ease---I don't know why, with With the further improvement of his status and prestige, Guo Shouyun not only did not feel much sense of security, but felt that his own safety was more difficult to guarantee. Deep down, he even felt that anyone who holds power in the Far East, All can't be trusted...

One general, three lieutenant generals, and six major generals were removed; five members of the Duma died mysteriously, six ministerial officials resigned, and more than 20 members of the National Assembly were dismissed; Major adjustment... In less than a month, Guo Shouyun hid behind the scenes and carried out a thorough cleaning in the entire Far East.

At the beginning of June, Beiyuan Group, which had been silent for a long time, finally responded. On June 4, Beiyuan President Liu Haitao went to Khabarovsk to try to repair the trade relationship with Guo Group, and then restart bilateral cooperation. In the face of this incident, Guo Shouyun's attitude was very calm. He warmly entertained Liu Haitao, a friend from the south, in his villa. At the same time, he also specially invited him to watch a movie----"Party A and Party B" ", during the four-hour meeting between the two sides, Guo Shouyun was quite enthusiastic, but he never mentioned the issue of restarting cooperation. Finally, when the meeting was about to end, he said to Liu Haitao that he had never been in a previous life. The words stolen from the movie: "I would have my heart to the bright moon, but the bright moon illuminates the ditch."

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