Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 779: Southeast Asian billionaires

?In the night, Johor Bahru County has a little bit of tranquility and peace that are unique to seaside cities. , qβ5. c0m/ An area that is the southernmost part of Malaysia. Looking south from the beach in Johor Bahru. You can see the gorgeous lights of Singapore. but. For the people of Johor Bahru. The prosperity of Singapore does not seem to be worthy of envy. Because it's on their own heads. There is also a top-ranked billionaire in the world - Guo Lingcan, the head of the Hong Leong Group in Malaysia.

To mention Hong Leong Group. Then let's not talk about the Hong Leong Group in Singapore. actually. Fundamentally. The two groups were originally one. It was owned by the Guo brothers of the year. Founded by brothers Guo Fangfeng and Guo Fanglai. later. The two brothers separated. The Hong Leong Group is also divided into two. It has become today's two large-scale financial, industrial and entertainment consortiums in Malaysia and Singapore. now. The older generation is gone. Stand up and act as the head of the two Hong Leong respectively. They are Singapore's rich Guo Lingming and Malaysia's rich Guo Lingcan. Say without hesitation. Just this Guo family. The location in Malaysia and Singapore. That's definitely enough to make anyone envious.

Whether it is Guo Lingcan or not. Guo Lingming is also worth mentioning. They are the generation that grew up after the war. therefore. to this year. They can be said to be in their prime. Because of the grievances caused by the parents' generation. The two brothers had no relationship at all. Even if they meet on specific occasions. The two couldn't help but sneer at each other. But then again. Today's situation is very special. The two brothers not only got together. And the atmosphere of getting along with each other is also harmonious. at this point. Maybe someone will ask why. In fact, the reason is very simple. On the one hand because they have something to do tonight. on the other hand. It is because of the living room full of Malaysian style. There was also an old man who was over eighty years old and had a somewhat bald head. And for the two brothers. The old man is the elder. It is also the biggest helper in business. so. in front of him. No one dares to be too presumptuous.

If it comes to the Chinese business circle in Southeast Asia. There is a person whose name is absolutely known to the world. And this person. In the mid-to-late 1990s, Lin Shaoliang, an Indonesian Chinese, was known as the world's 12 largest bankers and one of the world's top ten richest people. The creation of the Lin kingdom. Started in the Indo-Dutch War. during the war years. He used to be in his own home. Hiding an Indonesian Republican Army leader for a year. And the man who was hidden was named Harding. Mountain. Harding. Mountain? This name may be unfamiliar to most people. But this person has a son-in-law who is known to everyone in Indonesia, the president of Indonesia, Sukarno.

When Lin Shaoliang was a teacher from Sukarno. support him wholeheartedly. to him. This is an investment process. As for the time to earn. It was after the war. Because of the support of Sukarno. The Lim family grew rapidly in the decades after the war. There are more than 640 companies under its name. in almost all economic sectors in Indonesia. All have the existence of Lin's investment. Therefore. Lin Shaoliang is also known as the "red-topped businessman" in Indonesia.

"Lingcan. Is the person you arranged reliable?" Sitting on the sand in the middle of the living room. Lin Shaoliang fiddled with the delicate purple sand teapot in his hand. He glanced sideways at the falling clock in the corner of the living room. He asked with a calm face. "In terms of time. They should be back by now. Why can't I even see a person?"

"Lin Lao don't worry." Guo Lingcan called a guard behind him. motioned him to refill the old man's tea. said at the same time. "As long as the eldest brother can arrange the marine police in Singapore, there will be no problem with my people. However, I heard about the guest from the Far East. I also brought some personnel. I estimate. I want to recruit His trust. It will probably take some time."

"Well. I hope everything is as you said." Old man Lin narrowed his eyes. said. "This time it's a big issue. If it's not handled properly. We'll all have troubles that we can't get rid of. In the end. Not only will we not be able to eat fresh mutton. It's very likely that we'll get into trouble. So ah. Until now My heart is still hanging."

"Old Lin. My little nephew is the same as you. Right now, my heart is hanging." Guo Lingming, who was standing in the corner of the hall, said at this time. "According to what you said, the Far East is currently an investment treasure. If we can win over Guo Shouyun's relationship, the benefits we can gain in the Far East in the future will be quite astonishing. But the problem now is. I did some research. Judging from his past behavior, he is not the kind of person who can easily pass on his benefits to others. And when it comes to the Far East, he has always been very stingy. . . . Oh. Of course. In the process of Hong Kong's financial crisis, his performance is indeed eye-catching. But in the final analysis. That is a statement he made in terms of political investment. In this case. I am careful about our It's not an action. I'm afraid there won't be any really worthwhile reward."

"Haha. Lingcan. What about you. What do you think?" Lin Shaoliang did not answer the question raised by the other party. He turned his head. He glanced at Guo Lingcan, who was facing him. smiled.

"This... I have the same opinion as my elder brother. This Guo Shouyun... should not be so easy to deal with." Guo Lingcan thought for a while. said hesitantly.

"Haha. You guys. This experience is still too shallow." Lin Shaoliang shook his head and smiled. said. "As you said. This Guo Shouyun may not be so easy to deal with. But the problem is. He is now dealing with some Far East issues. He has begun to change his attitude. Hong Kong financial crisis. He lost 20 billion. At the same time, the Far East began to attract foreign investment on a large scale. He even listed his family-owned Guo Group. What does all this show? Also. For a long time in the past, the Guo Group The controlled Far East. It has been swaying back and forth in the relationship between China, the United States, and Russia. And these three parties. On the one hand, they are trying to win him over. At the same time, they turn a blind eye to his existence. But at this juncture now. Beijing, Washington , Moscow. To join hands to kill him. What does that mean?"

face these two problems. None of the Guo brothers said anything. It is clear. They don't yet see what's at stake.

"Hey. Everyone has ambitions. Although Guo Shouyun has never been in direct contact with him, but judging from his past actions, his ambitions are probably not something that ordinary people can fathom." Lin Shaoliang didn't seem to have any plans either. What is the answer from the two Guo brothers? He continued to speak to himself. "Now. The political situation in Russia is very sensitive. In the face of this sudden financial turmoil. The ruling forces led by Yeltsin are powerless. Previous polls conducted by Americans there showed that the Kremlin's public opinion rate Less than 16 percent. Then. According to the constitution of the Russian Federation. The time for one person to serve as president continuously. Not more than eight years. That is two terms. That means. More than one year. Russia The Federation will face a situation of a comprehensive political reorganization. Political forces in all aspects. Will be reshuffled. This will redefine the political structure of the Russian Federation for the next eight years.”

"But what does this have to do with Guo Shouyun? I think. Even if his ambition is to fight again, it is impossible to fight the idea of ​​​​the President of the Russian Federation, right?" Guo Lingming said with a frown.

"He will not directly attack the president of the Russian Federation. But he will attack the president of the Far Eastern Republic." Lin Shaoliang smiled slightly. "In today's Russian Federation, the Far East's position is too special. It is affected by high economic growth. Guo Shouyun starts from the perspective of economic governance. His political influence has radiated to almost the entire Russian Federation. In the minds of Russians China. The Far East is a desirable party. And Guo Shouyun, who really controls the Far East's economy behind the scenes, is a mythical figure. According to a normal person's thinking mode, he can infer that in just a few years. . To govern the Far East in an orderly manner. Then is he incapable of bringing the entire Russian Federation to prosperity? And under the **** of this psychological effect. When the next election of the Russian Federation comes. If Guo Shouyun suddenly announced that he would abandon business and join politics. And won the presidency of the Far Eastern Republic in one fell swoop. Then in the next eight years, what will happen to the political arena of the Russian Federation? There is no doubt. It is dominated by public opinion. The newly elected federal president. I am afraid that he will live for two consecutive terms. Under the shadow of Guo Shouyun."

"Old Lin. You mean. Guo Shouyun has made so many amazing moves this time. The real purpose is to take the position of President of the Far Eastern Republic in person at this time next year?" Guo Lingcan was shocked. He lost his voice.

"What do you think?" Lin Shaoliang smiled lightly. said. "20 billion. Plus close cooperation with Hong Kong businessmen. If I read correctly. On the one hand, he intends to gain a foothold in the Chinese circle. On the other hand, it is also to further enhance his prestige in the economic field. Finally I am afraid he is also trying to show goodwill to Beijing, so as to seek political support from there? Hehe. Unfortunately, his tentative step is still wrong. You know. In the eyes of China, the United States and Russia. Guo Shouyun's best choice is to stand still in the Far East. But if he intends to take another step forward, then no one can tolerate him. Even if he just exposes such an ambition."

"Lin Lao. Listen to you. Isn't our plan this time very dangerous?" Guo Lingming said with a frown.

"Haha. Benefit at risk." Lin Shaoliang patted his knee. laughed. "Which investment is not more risky and more profitable? What's more. We don't need any investment this time. We just need to send him Guo Shouyun back to the Far East quietly. That's enough. The most important thing is. I'm 80% sure. Guo Shouyun won't lose this time."

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