Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 777: incident

?Ubin Island, this island outside Singapore called "Stone Island", is a very famous tourist destination. Guo Shouyun has heard the name of this place before, but he has never been there, but this time he is here , flew over from Khabarovsk on a special trip, and what awaits him here is a dead end set for him by his opponents. /. qβ5. (Provide the latest chapter to read>.

"Sir, this is the last ferry to Ubin Island, the conditions are not very good, you can take it easy." Helping his boss, he stepped on the deck of the ferry, and Polaninov turned to go While helping little Victor, he did not forget to say such a sentence.

As he said, this ferry is really bad right now. The warehouse is old and the noise is harsh. The whole deck is still dirty, and there is a stench of dead fish and rotten shrimp everywhere. You are welcome. In other words, if it was in the Far East, even if Guo Shouyun wanted to take this ship, Polaninov would not agree with him.

"It's okay, I feel pretty good," Guo Shouyun held his breath and said angrily, turning around to hold little Victor's tender hand, "It won't be long anyway, and you'll be there if you endure it."

When the man beside her grabbed her little hand, little Victor felt a little warmth in his heart, but this warmth could not replace the irritability in her heart. She faintly felt that there seemed to be something wrong with the ship, because From the moment she saw it for the first time, there was a kind of bloodthirsty, blood, red dazzling blood in her heart. She felt that this deep red color was condensing in front of her eyes, and it became more and more obvious.

"Several gentlemen, please hurry up," shouted a middle-aged man standing at the stern of the boat, "this is the last boat, and it's time for us to call it a day."

The middle-aged man looks Chinese. The Chinese he speaks is not so authentic, but fortunately, Guo Shouyun can still understand a little bit.

"Quick, let everyone hurry up," thinking that Siquina was on the opposite island. Guo Shouyun also felt a little urgency in his heart. He turned around and said something to the bodyguards who were packing their bags.

According to his instructions, a dozen bodyguards sped up, and the simple luggage was put on the deck in just a few minutes, while a few sailors were busy pulling down the cables. Shortly thereafter, the dilapidated ferry slowly left the dock. With a wisp of the sea breeze at dusk, it slowly sailed towards the faintly visible island in the distance.


Just less than ten minutes after the ferry left the dock, in the suitcase that was less than four or five meters away from Guo Shouyun. Suddenly there was a clear and audible beeping sound, which was familiar to everyone present, because that was the sound of a high-frequency telephone unilaterally calling.

"Not good!" Suddenly, a warning sign appeared in Guo Shouyun's heart when he heard the chirping of a high-frequency phone. He realized a problem, something happened to the Far East, otherwise, there would never be a high-frequency phone call to contact him at this time. "Sir, it's the frequency band over Khabarovsk." Sure enough, when a bodyguard took out the communicator, he gave an accurate answer, "You..."


Just when the bodyguard had not had time to turn on the communication button, the entire ferry suddenly turned off in a violent shaking. Immediately after. I saw a few sailors who were busy in the cabin, swarming onto the deck like a swarm. It's just that compared to just now, these people have something more in their hands—weapons.

"Don't move. We are Interpol!" The seemingly friendly middle-aged man just now had a different expression. He stood on the deck near the hatch and said expressionlessly, "Mr. Guo Shouyun , I am Inspector Huang Kelian of Interpol's Asian Headquarters. I would like to officially inform you that you have been involved in twelve international arms smuggling cases, forty-two murder cases, six mafia cases in the past six years.. ..."

"It's you again," Guo Shouyun said with disdain while signaling his bodyguard to continue answering high-frequency calls before the other party could finish his words, "Tell me, what are you going to do this time? Arrest me? Do you know how stupid this is?"

"Don't move!" Just when the bodyguard guarding the suitcase picked up the communicator again, an Interpol dressed in a sailor's costume raised his gun in both hands and shouted sharply, "If you move again, I'll shoot!" Guo Shouyun's bodyguards are all former KGB agents. Although they are not long-lived, their tough psychological qualities are unmatched by ordinary people. Facing the dark barrel of the gun, this bodyguard does not even blink his eyes. After a while, he pressed the communicator on his own and connected the communication link with the Far East.

"Mr. Guo, the waters in this area have been controlled by us," Inspector Huang Kelian gestured to his own people and said, "You can't escape, so I hope you can cooperate with my work. , on the one hand, any unnecessary troubles arise."

"Haha, isn't it? So, your plan should be complete," Guo Shouyun had already realized that he was caught in a trap by this time, he glanced at the other party indifferently, and said, "Then tell me frankly, hope Is Quina in your hands?"

"I'm sorry, I don't know Miss Xiquina," Huang Kelian said. "The task I received is to arrest you and then extradite you to Russia, so that you can receive a fair trial under your country's laws."

"Then what if I don't plan to accept your arrest?" Guo Shouyun said calmly.

"I'm afraid it's up to you now." Huang Kelian glanced at the sea in front of the right, with a contemptuous smile on his stern face. Just as he could reach it, two speedboats with headlights on were rushing towards this direction.

"Sir," also at the same time, the bodyguard who answered the high-frequency call opened, and he said softly, "There is an accident in the Far East, and Sijakhov is conspiring to do something wrong. He, he put Mrs. Nina under house arrest."

"What did you say?!" Guo Shouyun was taken aback. He finally understood that the trap set by his opponent this time was really big enough.

"Inspector Huang, that's not ours!" Just when Guo Shouyun exclaimed, the Interpol led by Huang Kelian also encountered something that shocked them. As the two speedboats approached, they were surprised to find that the people on the speedboat were not their buddies, but mysterious people with assault rifles and black masks on their heads. As for the speedboats they were riding on, they were not Police patrol boats, but... but the "armored airships" most commonly used by pirates in the Straits of Malacca all year round.

Just when Guo Shouyun encountered the biggest crisis in his life, the chaos in the Far East was spreading step by step. In the villa of Guo's Manor, since the afternoon, Shana Riva's heart was beating extremely violently. She didn't know that this time. What kind of situation will the Guo Group face, but it is foreseeable that this crisis may not be so easy to settle.

Next to Shanariva sat Sarah, who was pale and had gauze wrapped around her shoulders. This ruthless girl, this time, suffered a serious crime. She came all the way from Magadan and was intercepted four times along the way. Kill, if it wasn't for being alert, and with more than a dozen good hands from the gang by her side, then she might have died sitting here now. Of course, compared to the twelve leaders of the gang, her current situation is considered to be the best. At least she can take a breath and continue to live. The twelve first-line leaders of the gang have already turned into icy corpses.

Nina was placed under house arrest, the main leader of the gang was assassinated, the head of the Khabarovsk Police Headquarters was killed in a car accident, General Tiomenko could not be contacted, and General Sironov was still in Vladivostok. happened on the same afternoon, what does that mean? There is no doubt that this means that someone has to fully attack the Guo Group.

Frankly speaking, if Sijakhov was by his side now, Sanariva would have thought of eating him alive. How much benefit has this **** received from the Guo Group in the past few years? But even so, he still couldn't feel satisfied. Taking advantage of this opportunity when Guo Shouyun was not in the Far East, he actually rebelled.

When Yelena walked into the main entrance of the living room, Shanariva was still waiting for a reply from her husband, although she knew that the chance was very slim, but it was better to have such expectations than nothing.

"Yelena, you're finally here," Shana Riva looked happy when she saw the woman who had been snuggled by her husband into the door, she stood up, hurried up to meet her, and said, "You said... .."

"Don't panic, don't panic, now is not the time to panic," Yelena waved her hand and said solemnly before the other party finished speaking, "I already know the basic situation, and the most critical question now is, I don't know what's going on with Shouyun."

"I've contacted him just now," Shanariva said. "They got the signal, but they haven't responded. I don't know what that means."

"There is an answer but no reply, which means that there is a situation on Shouyun's side, but it is not very dangerous," Yelena made a judgment without hesitation, she said, "However, if you want him to come back in the short term, I am afraid It is impossible, since the opponent has chosen such an opportunity, they will definitely try to prevent him from returning to China."

"Then what should we do now? Nina has been placed under house arrest by Sijahov, and I can't get in touch with the gang for the time being. The current situation shows that there is a problem with the Cheka club. Shouyun and Polaninov is not here, we are no different from the blind and deaf," Shanariva said, worried.

"There is no good way now," Yelena said, "The first thing, we must gather everyone together, you can contact Shoucheng, Nikita and the others, and ask them to come to the villa area as soon as possible, don't be caught by the other party. Take advantage of it.".

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