Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 770: Kiriyenko

"Look, this is the most popular pleated skirt in Hong Kong this year." In the lobby of Guo's villa, Nina, who had returned from her trip, was particularly excited. She held a red and blue corset pleated skirt in her hand. Nikita swayed back and forth in front of her, and said, "I chose it according to your size, and each of us has one piece. Hehe, Nikita, you will wear it later to see if it fits."

"My sister chose a natural fit," Nikita took the dress with a smile on her face, compared her body, and said, "However, isn't this color too bright, I'm almost thirty, and then Wearing such a colorful skirt, you can't make people laugh when you look back?"

"Nonsense, you're two years younger than me," Nina said with a pouted mouth. "If you say that you're getting older, wouldn't I have become an old woman?"

"Look, the background behind this is Victoria Harbour," on the other side of the hall, Shana Riva was pulling Larisa to look at the photos, "I heard people say that this is the most beautiful place in Hong Kong at night, um, here, behind this This is the Tsing Ma Bridge, which has just been completed and is known as the longest man-made bridge in the world.”

"It's so beautiful, a scene like this can't be seen in our Far East," Larisa said with admiration on her face, she leaned beside Shanariva and said yearningly, "No, when I have a chance next time, I have to go check it out too."

It is said that one woman is equal to five hundred ducks, and four women who are chattering endlessly, plus a little Victor who is gags and nonsense from time to time, then there are 225o more ducks in this hall, then Shares lively. Naturally it is beyond words.

Hiding in the corner of the hall with Polaninov and Shoucheng, Guo Shouyun seemed to be living in seclusion in the busy city. He frowned at the documents placed on the table. Obviously thinking about some difficult questions to decide.

1.3 billion US dollars, which is a huge sum of money. At the same time, it is also the tax arrears owed by the Guo Group to the federal government during the past year, and it is still the arrears of taxes after various tax avoidance and the Far Eastern government trying to reduce or exempt the tax. . now. The federal government has experienced serious financial difficulties. Chernomyrdin intends to partially alleviate the financial difficulties of the federal government by starting from the tax arrears of large enterprises. But what about the Kremlin? On the one hand, he quarreled with Lao Jin, and on the other hand, he handed over this issue to several giants to discuss and ask for their opinions. What the **** does this mean? There is no doubt that the Kremlin's intention is only one, that is, the reform proposal to cut government staff cannot be passed. However, the old Yetou still hoped that this plan of making up the tax could be realized.

Money is a good thing, but layoffs are a bad decision, and that's what the Kremlin means. However, in the face of the influence of several giants, the old man didn't dare to say anything about recovering the arrears of taxes, so he came up with such a plan, while berating Chernomyrdin's decision. On the other hand, he hypocritically sought advice from several giants. what can be confirmed is. If several giants are unwilling to pay this part of the tax, then next. The Kremlin is going to borrow money from them again under various names.

On the other hand, since Chernomyrdin took up the post of the "Coordination Committee of the Alliance of Progressive Forces". The connection between him and the major political forces in the Federation is strengthening day by day. In other words, he is now a good man in the federal political arena, no matter whether he is a rightist or a leftist, he is not guilty, and more often, he It also played a role of peace between the two, reconciling the contradictions and struggles between the forces of all parties. In this case, what he has done will naturally lead to dissatisfaction in the Kremlin - what does the president need now? What he needs is a constant struggle between the left wing and the right wing. Only in this way can he have the opportunity to profit from it and further strengthen his position.

In this way, there is a contradiction between the federal government and the Kremlin again. According to Korzakov, now the president intends to remove Chernomyrdin from the post of federal prime minister, and the appointment is not very talented, but he is sure. The obedient Mr. Kiriyenko became the Federal Chancellor.

Who is Kiriyenko? Guo Shouyun knew very well in his heart that this kid and Khodorkovsky were actually from the same background, and later he was a former Youth League Committee of Moscow, and he was a former Youth League Committee of Gorky Region. Later, in the process of the reform of the Soviet Union, he went to the sea to do business and embarked on the road of a business giant, and he did the same, but this guy's mind was not as easy to use as Khodorkovsky, so the one he created The "guarantee" social commercial bank in Nizhny Novgorod has been operating bleakly, and it has been difficult to make it to the top. In addition, there is news that this guy has been very close to Berezovsky recently. There is no doubt that the appointment now planned by the Kremlin must be inspired by "Bie Zong".

"Shoucheng," Guo Shouyun put aside the tax arrears report submitted by Yuanshang Bank after watching for a long time, and turned to his younger brother who was sitting beside him, "How much money is still on the books of the trading company?"

"I took a look before I came, and there are still about 780 million, but the money is all purchase money," Shoucheng replied, "It's already September, and the big purchase period in autumn is coming soon. If you miss it This season, our losses will be huge, so I think it's better not to move the funds from the trading company. Well, other than that, I did some calculations, and the funds that can be moved on Yuan Commercial Bank's books are still there. There are many, the long-term savings deposits are as high as more than 40 billion yuan, if Big Brother wants to make up this part of the tax arrears, it is better to borrow from a long-term commercial bank.”

"You can't move the money from Yuan Commercial Bank," shaking his head, Guo Shouyun said, "That's the money I set aside for Khodorkovsky and Vinogradov to save their lives. They are living a very difficult life now. , As friends, we can't say anything without dying."

"Sir, ask me to say, now that the group has financial difficulties, we might as well raise a little from the education fund for a while," Polaninov said after thinking for a while, "I looked at it some time ago, and in the past two years , the pre-deposit in the education fund has reached more than 3 billion, and in the near future, this money will definitely not be used, in this case, why don't we?"

"Hehe, this is a bad idea," Guo Shouyun laughed, he shook his head and said, "My Comrade Polaninov, you have run south with me so many times, didn't you see the slogan written on the wall there? Education is the foundation.

Those who are suffering can’t suffer children, and those who are poor can’t be poor in education. Maybe you are right, those education funds will not be used in the short term, but the problem is that we can only solve the short-term lack of funds by using the money. But what is lost is the people's hearts in the Far East. Money is worth every penny. After all, it has a price, but people's hearts can't be measured by price. "

After saying this, Guo Shouyun lowered his head to think for a moment, and then continued: "I think otherwise, Shoucheng, you can hang up the phone in New York later, and let the old man find a way to raise it, I don't want too much, The emergency fund of 400 million is enough, and I will find a way to raise the rest. All in all, even if it is rummaging, we will have to collect the billions in arrears of taxes."

"Brother, are you really going to accept the Kremlin's plan?" Shoucheng was silent for a moment, then said, "I think the current situation is very obvious, the Kremlin's policy is beginning to tilt towards Berezovsky and the others, if The relatively neutral Chernomyrdin really stepped down, so Kiriyenko, who came up next, will definitely come up with more moths to deal with us. At that time, our money will not be spent On the opponent's body?"

"Oh, hehe, I said brother, since when did you start thinking about these filthy political issues?" Guo Shouyun said with a smile, "Yes, yes, this is not a small improvement, but then again, your consideration is still a bit self-indulgent. Now, politics is sometimes not as clear-cut as you think. To put it simply, if you spend the same amount of money on your opponent, it is actually a malicious acquisition investment. Today, I will make up the 1.3 billion tax payment for him, then tomorrow I will recover the money doubled in another aspect. In addition, I have to let him Kiriyenko, there is no way The Prime Minister's throne is settled, do you understand what I mean?"

"I don't understand," Shoucheng shrugged and said bluntly.

"Hehe, it doesn't matter if you don't understand, as long as you have the patience to look at it," Guo Shouyun said, "I am here to tell you a prescient word, even if Kiriyenko is on the throne of Prime Minister, he It won't last long, if Berezovsky can send him up with the front foot, I can kick him down with the hind foot, just wait and see."

"As for what we need to focus on now," Shen Shen, Guo Shouyun continued, "it is still an economic issue. From my point of view, the financial turmoil in Asia is bound to affect these two The Federation was attacked within a month, and for a while, Berezovsky's life was not easy, Khodorkovsky's life was not easy, and we will definitely be under a lot of pressure. Therefore, At this juncture, we all have to be full of energy, wide-eyed, and ready to deal with difficulties from all sides, um, especially the difficulties of shortage of funds. Hey, stick to it for a while, as long as this period of time passes, We can live comfortably.”

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