Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 767: robbery

?In this way, according to Guo Shouyun's decision, Warner officially entered the field in early August. \\, qβ5.\\.

This time, Warner did not take any concealed measures. According to him, in the eyes of the international hot money parties who are full of supernatural powers, there is no secret to any troubles in finance and the stock market. Therefore, it is necessary to Wanting to play a sneak attack in this stock market sniper battle is tantamount to fooling around. Under such circumstances, instead of sneaking into the market and ending up with a laughable and generous result, it is better to open up the market and enter the market in a grand manner. In this way, with the backing of Wanlong Fund's strong funds, plus the previous paragraph They can at least deter part of the international hot money with the residual power accumulated when time sniping at the Korean won, thereby reducing the burden for a period of time in the future.

Warner's entry was very strategic. He did not invest a large amount of money at one time. Instead, the day after he announced that Wanlong Fund would enter the Hong Kong market to support the market, he made the investment in batches. According to him, this is also a point-to-face tactic. By absorbing those blue-chip stocks that have been severely beaten, it can effectively stimulate the rise of some stocks, which will lead to a certain extent. The broader market rose. Most importantly, adopting such a strategy can minimize the risk of the fund and preserve its own strength.

As announced by the Hong Kong government, the current economic situation in Hong Kong is still very good. Therefore, in the case of a stable economic market, the sniping of the Hong Kong stock market and currency by international hot money will inevitably not last, and those blue-chip stocks that are suppressed by international hot money will not last. . Even if there is a downturn in a short period of time, as long as time passes, these stocks will rise rapidly after the panic in the hearts of Hong Kong people has passed. To this end, Warner’s plan is to increase the amount of blue-chip stocks that have plummeted in the initial stage of entry, so as to drive the stock index market, and then wait until the hot money counterattacks, especially when some blue-chip stock prices rise. Wanlong can release this part of the stock step by step, so as to achieve a process of returning funds. In other words, this is equivalent to devouring the international hot money little by little.

From August 5th to August 12th, in just one week, Warner invested about 15 billion US dollars in this area, but only the Hutchison Whampoa and Wharf he ate. The group's shares are as high as more than 4 billion. But then again, because the strength of the hot money side is too huge, at the same time. Coupled with the continuous increase in the interest rate of Hong Kong dollars, the huge investment of Wanlong Fund is like a small pebble in the ocean. In just seven days, Wanlong Fund lost 1.9 billion yuan, and according to Warner, this is just the beginning, and more violent storms are yet to come.

It was the first time in Guo Shouyun's business history that he lost 1.9 billion in seven days. Not to mention anything else, even Khodorkovsky, who was informed of the news, was taken aback. These giants started from the day at home. I don't know what his mother's loss is, let alone such a large amount of compensation. The worst thing is that at this juncture, Warner made a new decision. He decided to take a large amount of financial stocks that were beaten by hot money, and the main goal of taking in was HSBC Holdings and Hang Seng Bank. branch.

Financial stocks, as the name suggests, are shares in the financial industry. And at this stage. Due to the negative impact of international hot money on the Hong Kong dollar and the negative impact of high interest rates, financial stocks in the broader market fell the worst. Frankly speaking, stocks in this space. Basically, they can be classified as junk stocks. Anyone who intends to buy similar stocks at this time must be prepared to lose.

In the face of Warner's proposal, Guo Shouyun hesitated, which was his first hesitation in this financial turmoil.

That night, in the president's office at the headquarters of Guo's Group, Guo Shouyun and Warner had an all-night talk. Previously, when it came to investing in the lifting of financial stocks, there was a biggest concern. There is a big problem. Some commercial banks with bad intentions are raising funds behind the scenes to lower the Hong Kong dollar. The reason why Hong Kong has raised the interbank interest rate is to prevent this from happening. Now, if Wanlong Fund spends huge sums of money to drive up the financial stock market, then it is equivalent to providing foreign exchange speculation funds for these ill-intentioned banks, and they will in turn use these funds to stir up Hong Kong dollars, thereby making Wanlong Fund a success. Efforts to go out into the water.

On the same issue, the latter Warner also has his own views. He believes that one of the biggest problems with the Hong Kong index and the Hong Kong dollar exchange rate is that the Hong Kong government cannot forcefully enter the market in the name of the government due to its name as an international financial center. Intervention, therefore, they are unable to stabilize the exchange rate and enhance the synchronization and coordination of the two tasks of the Hong Kong index and the broader market, thus creating conditions for the international hot money to launch a "guerrilla war". In the previous stage of the sniper campaign, the tactics of the international hot money parties were obvious. They roamed back and forth between sniping the exchange rate and sniping the Hong Kong index. , no matter where they start, they can have a cascading impact on the exchange rate of the Hong Kong dollar and the broader market of the Hong Kong index. In this way, in front of Wanlong Fund and the Hong Kong government, two bottomless whirlpools appear. If these two whirlpools cannot be eliminated, the funds of the two parties will be evacuated little by little until the end. The last drop of bone marrow was sucked dry. For this reason, Warner chose to attack financial stocks, because these stocks are also closely related to the stock market and foreign exchange market. Only by grasping them can Wanlong Fund form a positive confrontation with the international hot money parties, so that the other party cannot fight guerrilla warfare. .

The conversation between the two all night ended with Guo Shouyun’s concession. As soon as the market opened the next day, Wanlong Fund adjusted its strategy and made a big push into financial stocks. In one day, it invested 5 billion US dollars, including Hang Seng. Six stocks, including banks and HSBC Holdings, increased by four percentage points, thus creating the second upward trend in financial stocks in the Hong Kong index since the financial turmoil.

Frankly speaking, entering the financial stock market was the moment when Guo Shouyun was hesitant in the whole sniper battle. Similarly, this decision was the one that caused Wanlong Fund to suffer the most losses during the battle. From that day to the end of August, the Wanlong Fund lost as much as $4.3 billion on its investments in this area. But having said that, this decision is also a crucial part of this sniper campaign. Since this day officially started, the attention of the entire international community has been attracted. Everyone believes that this time Wanlong Fund will defend Hong Kong. The determination to refer to the broader market is unshakable, and in order to achieve this goal, they are not even afraid of losses. On the same day, Guo Shouyun received an invitation from Liu Haitao, president of Beiyuan Group, from Hong Kong. He hoped that representatives from Guo's Group could go to Hong Kong in the near future and discuss with Chinese chambers of commerce from various parties to stabilize the economic situation in East Asia and Southeast Asia. of several issues.

Also in this invitation, Liu Haitao mentioned a request, that is, he hoped that Guo Shouyun could bring certain industries under the name of Far East Guo Group to Hong Kong in the name of listed companies at this critical moment, so as to realize a The tricky process of "overseas registration and listing in Hong Kong", and with the reputation and good operating conditions of the Guo Group, led to the recovery of the Hang Seng Index. As mentioned earlier, after receiving such a request, Guo Shouyun and Warner and The Kuo Group think tank team negotiated carefully for a period of time, and according to the opinions given by all parties, he finally decided to propose the Computer Industry Group, Far East Airlines, Far East Mobile Communication and Network Service Group under the name of the Guo Group, and take them. listed in Hong Kong.

Perhaps it was a benign response to the decision of the Far East. Soon after, the Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission issued a new "red chip" market, and several mainland listed companies, including China Telecom, CITIC Pacific, Shanghai Industrial, and Bank of China Holdings, were listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. The tray was listed, followed by a press release from the Chinese Premier of the State Council. On the one hand, he announced the strong determination of the Chinese government to maintain the economic stability of the Hong Kong region. Increase the amount of foreign exchange reserves and ensure the strength of the RMB, thus supporting the economic stability and recovery of Hong Kong and the vast regions of Southeast Asia and East Asia.

At the same time, just as Guo Shouyun was about to leave for Hong Kong, the diplomatic consul of the German Consulate in Khabarovsk sent a secret letter of advice to the board of directors of Far East Commercial Bank. The International Petroleum Group hopes to participate in the newly launched offshore oil and oil and gas field development project in the Far East Republic, namely the Sakhalin No. 2 Offshore Oil Development Project, and in order to win this project, OP International Petroleum Group is willing to invest 27 billion Deutsche Marks , to buy a 43 percent stake in the project. The most interesting thing is that in this consultation letter, the Germans specifically stated that as long as the Guo Group can sign a share transfer agreement with OP International Petroleum Group, the 27 billion Deutsche Mark shares from the Bundesbank will be Disbursed within a week.

Taking advantage of the fire, this is his mother's naked taking advantage of the fire. After receiving the feedback from the board of directors of Yuanshang Bank, Guo Shouyun can understand the real intention of the other party without thinking. Therefore, the most reply, he only said a very Chinese characteristic - - "Fuck your motherfucker!" Perhaps it was also influenced by this. When the Sakhalin No. 2 offshore oil project held an open international tender, all four German oil companies were blocked for no reason. Outside the door of the tender hall. .

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