Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 764: sniper won

?It is precisely because of this almost protectionist monopoly economy that large Korean companies do not have external competitive pressures, and the absence of competition means more profit opportunities for large companies, which means that the wages of employees in these companies can steadily increase. , At the same time, it has led to a steady rise in animal prices. . qβ5, (Provide the latest chapter reading>. People familiar with the economy should be able to detect a problem from this economic growth model, that is, the emergence of monopoly and the development of family-owned industries, and another result it brings is a large number of ordinary people. The general poverty of the people, they cannot afford imported goods with high tariffs, and can only buy domestic goods with lower prices. In this way, families are poor, enterprises are surplus, there is no market for imported goods, and export goods are highly competitive, day after day. , Year after year, South Korea's economy has grown significantly in the past thirty-five years. However, with the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the spread of economic globalization, the shortcomings of South Korea's economic system are revealed day by day: overseas There are too many unproductive assets for financing, which is the largest in Asia; the banks directly affected by the government are extremely unreliable and lack credibility; the return on investment of assets under the control of large families is too far from the cost of capital, which is a problem on this point On the other hand, South Korea is more troublesome than almost any other country; the country is too concentrated in a few economic sectors, such as steel, automobiles, electronics, etc., and this too single economic sector development model is extremely vulnerable to changes in the export trade cycle As well as the blow of overcapacity in the sector; the monopoly of domestic production industries, under the influence of economic globalization, is vulnerable to the impact of cheap goods from other countries. Previously, the impact of "Made in China" on the Korean market can fully explain this. a little.

Fourth, there are many problems in the operation of comprehensive financial companies in South Korea. At present, the comprehensive financial companies in South Korea are all large-scale financial investment institutions that were transformed from investment financial companies in 1994. They operate with privileges in China and use various unreasonable means to make huge profits, and they enter the international market after they enter the international market. It simply cannot adapt to the western financial investment environment. Statistics show that in the past three years. Twelve large-scale comprehensive financial companies in South Korea have lost a huge sum of US$100 billion in the international financial market, while the foreign exchange reserves of the Korean government are currently only US$30 billion. Fifth, due to poor management. And due to the impact of the Southeast Asian financial crisis, several large banks in South Korea are now plagued by huge amounts of bad and bad debts. According to data from Warner’s survey, there are nearly $50.7 billion in bad and bad debts among the total loans of South Korean banks. , which already accounts for 16 percent of its total loans. influenced by. APEC, along with Asian banks and the International Monetary Fund, are urging South Korea to undertake financial reforms, and in the short term, the chances of South Korean banks continuing to apply for loans from these organizations are extremely slim.

Based on the above five reasons, Warner decided to take advantage of the spread of the Southeast Asian financial turmoil to reach out to South Korea, a powerful economy known as the land of the four tigers in Asia. He would use 20 billion US dollars of funds. Pry this piece of steel. Included in South Korea's 35 years of economic construction achievements.

As to say, in order not to take a safer path, continue to follow the route that the international hot money may launch sniper battles one by one. Warner also gave his reasons, in his opinion. After the international hot money has defeated the resistance of the Philippines, they continue to carry out battles in Southeast Asia. They are no longer just to defeat the target. They are attacking the periphery of the Hong Kong economic enclosure, thus officially launching the sniping against the Hong Kong dollar for them. Prepare in advance. As their opponent, Warner believes that the Wanlong Fund does not need to lead them again, because it is tantamount to creating trouble for itself.

After listening to Warner's explanation, Guo Shouyun didn't make any statement in this regard. He just announced calmly that no matter what the outcome of this sniping campaign against the Korean won, the Wanlong Fund's total income will be 50%. , belongs to Warner personally, which means that in the Korean Won Battle, the Wanlong Fund's income is 4 billion, and 2 billion is Warner's personal income.

As a result, after reaching a consensus in the field of speculation, Warner started in early July and arranged a full set of strategies for sniping the Korean won.

Undoubtedly, in the field of financial speculation, Warner is not only a genius, but also an extremely despicable character. In the process of sniping against the Korean won, he did not directly target the Korean won speculation market, but first. A series of mergers and acquisitions were announced with great fanfare.

On July 7, the spokesperson of Wanlong Foundation announced in Singapore that the foundation has concluded after careful investigation that Sunsan Industries, one of the top 100 Korean companies, had previously carried out the "Forced Merger of Canada's Stell Shipyard". , causing losses to the Sder Foundation of the Wanlong Fund. In retaliation for the other party's non-compliance with economic rules, the Wanlong Fund will spend a huge sum of US$37 billion from now on, including Shunshan Heavy Industry Group. Fourteen affiliates of Shunshan Industry, including them, launched a comprehensive acquisition.

As soon as the news came out, the stock price of Shunshan Industrial skyrocketed overnight, from 4,700 won per share on July 7th to 6,400 won per share on July 9th. Someone wants to buy Shunshan, but its stock price has skyrocketed. This is the abnormality of the stock market, and a major problem it can reflect is that people are generally optimistic about the Wanlong Fund, but the shareholders of Shunshan Industrial have nothing to do with it. interest.

Affected by this good news, Sunsan Industries, which was in financial crisis due to the acquisition of Canada’s Sder Shipyard, became very proud overnight. Korea Sunri refused to provide loan assistance to Sunsan because of its heavy debt burden. The bank also announced on July 12 that it would provide 1.8 trillion won in loan support to Sunsan Industrial to help it tide over the difficulties.

On the surface, Warner’s acquisition plan is like helping Shunshan Industry. If there is no such acquisition, this large-scale enterprise group in South Korea will have to declare bankruptcy in a short time. But in fact? As a shrewd financial speculator, Warner will naturally not do the stupid thing of shooting himself in the foot. The main purpose of his shot this time is not to acquire any Sunsan Industries, but to target South Korea's lack of trust He started with the banking industry, and his target was Shengli Bank, a commercial bank that has business links with 30 large enterprise groups in South Korea.

Previously, after a thorough investigation, Warner learned that Shengli Bank had caused non-performing loans of US$14 billion in the past business process. The funds used by the bank to pay off this bad debt are all remittances from enterprise groups in the process of circulation and the savings of a large number of depositors, and the remaining part is the large amount of financing obtained from the stock market. Now, Warner needs to leverage the small wooden board of Shengli Bank and use it to promote the collapse of the entire Korean financial industry, so as to fundamentally attack the Korean won market.

"Leading the line with the dots, pulling the surface with the line, and making a fortune," this is the most fundamental strategy and tactics adopted by Warner in the process of sniping the Korean won, and now, through a simple trap, Shengli Bank has been caught. Then, what Wanlong Fund needs to do next is to completely lower the shares of Shengli Bank in the Seoul stock market.

On July 18, the third day after Shengli Bank provided a loan of 1.8 trillion won to Shunsan Industrial, the spokesperson of Wanlong Fund broke the news again, claiming that Wanlong Fund had received news that Shunsan Industrial’s The market value has been seriously overestimated by the Bank of Korea and the Korean government. In the past two years, this large conglomerate, which is known as the 14th largest enterprise group in Korea, has been losing money. Its annual loss in 1996 is as high as 1.2 billion US dollars. Moreover, the nearly $3 billion in loans owed to Shengli Bank has long since been insolvent. To this end, Wanlong Fund will completely withdraw from the acquisition of Shunshan Industrial, and at the same time, it will reserve the right to sue the company and Shengli Bank for commercial fraud to the arbitration organization.

On the same day, the share prices of Shengli Bank and Shunshan Industrial plummeted. As of the close, the two share prices fell by as much as 4% and 6.27% respectively. Of course, this is only the "result" of the first day. , With the hype of Wanlong Fund later, it is only a matter of time before they were forced to stop trading and withdraw from the stock market.

At this point, Warner's plan has been initially realized. Since July 18, Shengli Bank's stock price has plummeted, and on the other hand, depositors have jumped into deposits. The court applied for a protection order, announcing that it had entered a period of bankruptcy protection. At the same time, the Bank of Korea ordered the Bank of Korea to suspend business due to serious financial problems. During the rectification period, tens of thousands of depositors were crowded around the bank. At the door, they waited for the last chance to come up with their savings.

Also from the 20th, Warner officially launched a sniping campaign against the Korean won exchange rate. On the first day of entering the market, he shorted two billion won in one fell swoop, thereby reducing the exchange rate of the Korean won to the US dollar by 0.4%. While making the official sniping, Warner did not relax the auxiliary means.

On July 21, "International Herald Tribune" published an article by David Roach, managing director of **Strategy, a global investment research consultancy firm. , the South Korean economy is doomed to deteriorate. On the same day, Hong Kong's "Asian Wall Street Journal" published an article titled "South Korea's Foreign Exchange Reserves Are Growing Concerns", which claimed that the serious problems encountered by South Korea's weak financial sector are becoming more and more obvious, and over time As time goes on, the risks posed by them may increase. The biggest risk right now, he said simply, is that the amount of South Korea's hard currency won't be enough to protect the won to support failing banks and pay off its overseas debts. .

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