Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 762: can afford to let go

? Fourty-seven billion US dollars, this huge sum of money is an amazing wealth for any person. It is blunt to say that for the vast majority of people in the world, such a figure can only exist. In words, not to mention anything else, I am afraid it is an honor to have the opportunity to see so much money with my own eyes in this lifetime. Quan/Ben/Xiao/Said/Net. As for Guo Shouyun, this sum of money is also hard-won. This is his family background. In the past few years, what he has hoarded by extorting Soviet state materials is his own money.

Speaking of which, the savings of the Far East Commercial Bank, the fiscal revenue of the states in the Far East, the comprehensive assets of the Guo Group and its major institutions, these things cannot be converted into a mere tens of billions of dollars. It can be regarded as Guo Shouyun's assets above the name, but after all, it cannot be used at any time. That is to say, if Warner operates carelessly in the upcoming gamble, or the power of hot money The big surprise eventually led to Guo Shouyun's loss of his blood. Then, he, a wealthy man from the Far East, who was worth hundreds of millions, was equivalent to "returning to the pre-liberation period in World War I". To be honest, if something like this is put on others, there is a 90% chance that this gamble will not be possible. There are two reasons: First, Warner is an outsider. Giving him such a huge sum of money to operate under his full control is inherently risky. Second, in this big gamble, as Warner himself said, the odds of winning and losing are only three-to-seven. The probability of the group winning is only 30%.

Thirty percent! For this 30% chance of winning, a huge sum of 47 billion US dollars must be wagered. For such crazy gambling, it is estimated that few people in the world will come to the table. It can be said that Guo Shouyun is not an ordinary person after all. For a seemingly unrealistic ambition, he was able to gamble on his own Xiao Ming, just such a person, what else in the world he dared not touch the gambling table?

In this way, in the face of Warner's remarks that should be considered a joke, Guo Shouyun made the decision on the spot, and he would invest a huge sum of 47 billion US dollars in the form of venture capital. It will be handed over to Wanlong Fund to take care of it for a period of three months. The target of the venture capital investment is the Hong Kong Hang Seng stock market.

Not only Warner, but even Steve, who came from an American financial family, was taken aback by Guo Shouyun's determination. In his opinion, the sweetheart's brother in front of him was obviously insane. The gambling in his bones is too strong, you know, if you lose this sum of money. The Far East may face financial constraints for a long time to come. Faced with the Asian financial turmoil that may spread at any time, the Russian Federation will definitely be hit hard. Under such circumstances, as the decision of the Guo Group, Guo Shouyun threw such a large amount of worth into the bottomless Hong Kong index market, can it still be a really wise choice?

Yes, at this juncture, Guo Shouyun took out almost all of his savings to make this big gamble. Is it really worth it? If someone else can answer this question. There is obviously only one answer. That is not worth it. But then again, if Guo Shouyun is allowed to answer by himself. He will give an absolutely certain answer: value! Because if this gamble is won, their Guo brothers will occupy an absolutely advantageous position in the world. As a figure who turned the tide in the Hong Kong theater of the Asian financial turmoil, he, Guo Shouyun, will become a legendary figure in the history of international finance. No matter how the future situation of the Russian Federation develops, and how tough the president of the Federation is, he will never dare to show his sword and gun to deal with his Guo clique. After all, that is tantamount to challenging the entire international financial community. To make a very simple assumption, if Guo Shouyun wins this big gamble, how will the textbooks of international financial history and even contemporary history record such a history? There is no doubt that the history of the Asian financial turmoil will be described in detail in the historical records. At the same time, it will focus on the entire process of the "financial wizard" Guo Shouyun who thwarted international hot money in the Hong Kong Finger War, and objectively comment on the war. Positive meaning of winning. In this way, when commenting on the life of Guo Shouyun, a financial wizard, we must talk about his fate. Under this circumstance, if a certain president of the federation would attack the Guo Group in the future and lock the Guo brothers into a deep prison, then there is no doubt that there will be a "financial wizard who was killed by a certain president of the Russian Federation" in historical records. Convicted and imprisoned in a certain year and a certain month” and so on.

In the history of this world, political right and wrong are changeable. Today, a chaotic minister and thief may become a sage who serves the country and the people at some point in the future, but the difference is that the economic History does not distinguish right from wrong, positive is always positive, and negative is always negative. To give a very simple example, Cai Lunming's papermaking skills, his positive image is well known to the world, but he is a power traitor. How many people know about the eunuch's side? Because of this, those who have made great achievements in the economy will not easily touch them when they are in power. The reason is that no one wants to leave a nondescript stain on history.

Therefore, Guo Shouyun's big gamble is not only for the sake of gambling money and profit, but also to gamble that his status will last forever and that his Guo clan will not fall.

On the other hand, if he loses in this big gamble, Guo Shouyun doesn't care, because the payment of this amount of money is equivalent to buying a place for him, his younger brother, and his family to retire and settle down in the future. Place - Hong Kong. As a British colony in history and later a one country, two systems special economic zone, Hong Kong occupies a very special position in China and even in the world. Although this place belongs to mainland China, many of its policies are not followed by the Chinese government, and it enjoys great autonomy.

Now facing the increasingly stable political situation in the Russian Federation, especially the emergence of young and powerful politicians one by one, Guo Shouyun, as a local powerful figure who started his career by digging the corner of the country in the turbulent era, has gradually sensed that danger is approaching. As the so-called "people have no foresight, there must be near-term worries", with Guo Shouyun's temperament of taking ten steps, he is destined to prepare the best way to escape at this time in advance, and as an international financial center Hong Kong will be one of his best choices.

In the past, there were friendly exchanges between the Far East and many industrialists who really controlled Hong Kong. Later, there was the unreserved dedication of the Guo Group in the Hong Kong Finger War. Guo Shouyun can conclude that even if his Guo Group is suppressed by Moscow in the future, so much When he has to choose to flee, Hong Kong people will also leave a place for him to live.

For 47 billion to buy a retreat, this is where Guo Shouyun's abacus is the loudest.

Of course, some people may ask two questions at this time: First, Guo Shouyun has lost the Guo Group and his entire net worth. What kind of wonderful life does he have in Hong Kong? Don't worry about this at all, don't forget, the thin camel is bigger than the horse, and the Guo brothers who have been operating in the Far East for several years, even if they are the most destitute, they still have enough capital to live comfortably. even a life of luxury. Furthermore, Guo Shouyun can lose everything, but the technical data he kept secretly in the Swiss bank cannot be lost. As long as those things are taken out and sunburned, they will be enough for the Guo family to eat and drink for a few lifetimes. . In addition, according to a joke Guo Shouyun said when he was masturbating, even if there is nothing left in the future, he can still rely on writing books to make a living. With all the things in his mind, it is estimated that interested publishers can make up an editor.

The second question is, even if a person like Guo Shouyun goes to Hong Kong, can the Russian government let him go? There is no need to worry about this now. After all, the current Guo Group is different from the past, and its position in the Far East is deeply rooted. Under such circumstances, even if one day Moscow overturns the Guo Group's plate and kicks him Guo Shouyun off his horse, it is estimated that in the face of such a powerful existence, there will be several different opinions within the Federation on how to deal with him. Under such circumstances, in order to stabilize his position and at the same time ensure the internal unity of the power group, the powerful federal president has only one best option, that is to secretly arrange for the Guo brothers to leave the country, thus using their flight as an excuse, Avoid the embarrassing situation that may arise in the subsequent trial process - there are so many people at large in the world, why can't all countries be brought to justice? There are similar reasons for this.

All in all, Guo Shouyun is going to gamble now, that is, he wants to do everything possible to arrange the safest way out for himself. It is rare to fight back in life. Since you have the opportunity to go to this world again, it is necessary to give up all your capital to fight, but at the same time, you must ensure your own safety first. Guo Shouyun has traveled a long time and a long way in the Far East. During this time, his way of thinking, principles of action and even concept of life have undergone many changes, but the only thing that has not changed is his pursuit of his own safety.

The twists and turns of fate, the ups and downs on the road of life, all of this is full of variables, and it is a puzzle for anyone who is in it, not to the last moment of life. As the same person, Guo Shouyun has seen this point clearly in his two lifetimes. Therefore, when he is fighting for a wonderful life, he also fully does When you can afford it, let it can gamble, you can lose. .

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